The snow leopard "boy" took the initiative to approach the "girl" he liked, but was greeted by the "girl's" fierce face. The "boy" was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the "girl" finally changed his mind. The usually fierce "Snow Mountain Ghost" becomes a

entertainment 8279℃

The snow leopard "boy" took the initiative to approach the "girl" he liked, but was greeted by the "girl's" fierce face. The "boy" was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the "girl" finally changed his mind. The usually fierce "Snow Mountain Ghost" becomes as gentle as a kitten during the love period.

The snow leopard 'boy' took the initiative to approach the 'girl' he liked, but was greeted by the 'girl's' fierce face. The 'boy' was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the 'girl' finally changed his mind. The usually fierce 'Snow Mountain Ghost' becomes a - Lujuba

The snow leopard 'boy' took the initiative to approach the 'girl' he liked, but was greeted by the 'girl's' fierce face. The 'boy' was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the 'girl' finally changed his mind. The usually fierce 'Snow Mountain Ghost' becomes a - Lujuba

The snow leopard 'boy' took the initiative to approach the 'girl' he liked, but was greeted by the 'girl's' fierce face. The 'boy' was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the 'girl' finally changed his mind. The usually fierce 'Snow Mountain Ghost' becomes a - Lujuba

The little Chinese Mergansers that have just hatched out of their shells must jump out of their nests more than ten meters high in order to go to the water to find food as soon as possible. Mom first demonstrated and kept calling under the tree. In this way, each "little hair ball" flapped its wings and bravely completed the first jump in its life. However, the test of survival has just begun.

In the tropical rainforest of Hainan, Hainan gibbons, who have just grown up, gather and play with friends from other families through the "aerial ropeway" built by humans; wild giant pandas living in the Qinling Mountains successfully embarked on the "love journey" with the help of humans "Highway"...

These vivid and humorous animal stories all take place in China National Parks and China National Park Candidate Areas. In the 4K documentary "National Parks: A Land in which All Things Coexist", the "protagonists", "supporting actors" and "group performers" of the animals in the lens, as well as the connected glaciers, rivers, forests and grasslands, have all been approved by the national park system. shelter.

The snow leopard 'boy' took the initiative to approach the 'girl' he liked, but was greeted by the 'girl's' fierce face. The 'boy' was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the 'girl' finally changed his mind. The usually fierce 'Snow Mountain Ghost' becomes a - Lujuba

"National Parks: A Land Where All Things Coexist" takes the three major ladders of China's terrain as geographical clues, uses natural perspectives, oriental aesthetics, and international language to tell the story of snow leopards, Siberian tigers, giant pandas, crested ibises, and golden monkeys in the national park ecosystem. , Tibetan antelope and other national treasure star animals walk with humans to jointly recreate the story of balance and harmony, expounding the green development concept condensed in the Chinese modernization process where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

The documentary "National Parks: A Land Where All Things Coexist" has a total of 5 episodes, each episode is 50 minutes long. It is based on the "Far Home" column of the Cultural Special Topic Department of the Main Station Chinese Center as the core creator, and invites domestic and international first-class natural documentary teams to participate in the creation. The film crew spent five years shooting in the wild, traveling tens of thousands of kilometers. During this period, they overcame the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and went deep into the hinterland of the inaccessible national park, collecting a large amount of unprecedented precious material. In order to truly present the changes in the Qilian Mountains National Park candidate area after the mines were permanently closed, the film crew contacted relevant departments and used remote sensing satellites to photograph the current situation of the Qilian Mountains from an altitude of more than 600 kilometers. From devastated to lush green, the comparison of before and after pictures brought the audience to A more intuitive feeling; in order to show the innovative concept of "planting trees" on the seabed by underwater scientific researchers in the South China Sea, the film crew dived tens of meters deep and recorded using special underwater photography equipment that scientists used the self-replication ability of corals to achieve artificial planting, The process of recreating "the most beautiful scenery under the sea". Such true records bring to the surface previously unknown stories and present China’s unremitting efforts and great achievements in ecological environment construction in a small way.

The snow leopard 'boy' took the initiative to approach the 'girl' he liked, but was greeted by the 'girl's' fierce face. The 'boy' was unwilling to accept it and continued to move forward, and the 'girl' finally changed his mind. The usually fierce 'Snow Mountain Ghost' becomes a - Lujuba

Previously, the China Central Radio and Television Station's "National Parks" project has launched 3 episodes of the international version of "National Parks: Wildlife Kingdom". The 3-episode international version will premiere on BBC America in the United States in May 2021. It will be distributed and broadcast through Taiwan-owned China International Television Corporation and BBC Studios, covering 107 countries and regions, including mainstream media in many G7 and G20 countries. The British team of EOS Films and Oxford Scientific Films and the Chinese team innovated together, forming a relatively successful cooperation model and achieving an important breakthrough in international communication. Compared with the 3-episode international version, the 5-episode Chinese version of the documentary "National Parks: A Place Where All Things Coexist" captures more rare wild animals and plants that thrive in China's national parks. The content is richer and more typical, the pictures are more shocking and beautiful, and the stories are It is more lively and interesting, and the overall display of China's national parks is more systematic and comprehensive.The five episodes of the program are titled "Rebirth in the Wilderness", "Walking Together", "Symphony of Life", "The Road Back" and "All Things Live", fully demonstrating the wonders of animals and plants, natural beauty, scientific research work and results shared by the whole people in China's national parks. , clarified the important value of the national park system in the construction of China's ecological civilization, and demonstrated the significant contribution of China's ecological civilization construction to global environmental governance.

The 5-episode 4K documentary "National Parks: A Land Where All Things Coexist" will be broadcast on multiple channels of China Central Radio and Television, including cctv-1, which will be broadcast from August 7 to August 11 at 22:30 every night. The broadcast time of cctv-4 is 18:08 every day from August 8 to August 12, and the broadcast time of cctv-4k is 20:00 every day from August 9 to August 13.

(International Online)

Tags: entertainment