"Little Couple" is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong. Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws

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" Little Couple " is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhan, directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao, Guo Jingfei , and Qixi , Zhang Yunlong .

'Little Couple' is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong.      Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws  - Lujuba

People are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws determine that people should integrate into the group, they must not make the decision to isolate others. After all, after a person subjectively believes that he is in a desperate situation, it only takes a thought to do something that goes against his original intention.

From the background, Li Ziliu is a simple girl, because after coming from a small town to a big city, she saw the colorful prosperity and became vain, and she did not go through Che Li and Meng Fei With consent, secretly take the samples sent by customers home for personal use.

'Little Couple' is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong.      Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws  - Lujuba

Generally speaking, normal companies have absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. Expulsion, using wages as collateral to steal the value of items are all normal acts. Of course, there are also warm-hearted bosses who know how to persuade in a persuasive way. As long as they are not evil at heart, they will be persuaded to return to the right path and correct their values.

But no matter which method is used, the company's behavior must be unified. Everyone cannot participate in management and express opinions on one person. This is not management, this is judgment. The studio opened by Che Li and Meng Fei chose the third method between the two methods.

'Little Couple' is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong.      Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws  - Lujuba

This is a common mistake that start-ups make. They care about feelings but want to use systems to manage people. In the end, the two ends do not get along well. There is no rule without rules. Meng Fei is a resolute person, so she thinks there is no problem in expelling Li Ziliu. Che Li was talking about her feelings. She thought Li Ziliu could be persuaded to come back.

But neither of them thought of using the system to manage people. Whether it is the boss or the employee, as long as they violate the red line, they must accept punishment. Therefore, what their studio is about to face is being taught a lesson in the unsystematic human relations management model.

'Little Couple' is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong.      Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws  - Lujuba

Li Ziliu, who originally learned that Che Li knew about his petty theft, had already persuaded him to go on the right path, but Meng Fei still refused to stop talking. Especially when Li Ziliu made another mistake, which affected the operation of the public account, Meng Fei's opinion of Li Ziliu became more and more serious, and he was no longer merciless.

Perhaps, when she made a mistake, Meng Fei immediately got rid of Li Ziliu and eliminated future troubles. However, she did not exercise corporate power, but instead used her personal emotions to betray Li Ziliu. Little did she know that Li Ziliu could still be persuaded, but because of Meng Fei's This kind of long-tongued operation has harmed everyone in the company.

'Little Couple' is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong.      Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws  - Lujuba

At this moment, the seeds of Li Ziliu’s revenge have been planted.

is a small studio company with only three people in total. The only employee is Li Ziliu. She does almost all the chores. It is too easy to make Che Li make mistakes. Li Ziliu, who was originally grateful to Che Li, changed her will precisely because of Meng Fei's complaints, and decided to take revenge.

'Little Couple' is a family emotional drama written by Yuan Danzhu and directed by Lu Ying, starring Yin Tao and Guo Jingfei, with special starring roles of Qi Xi and Zhang Yunlong.      Humans are group animals, and a company is an organizational group. So since biological laws  - Lujuba

The boss of the company decides the future of the company. As the co-founder of the company, Meng Fei did not seriously reflect on herself when she made mistakes in her work and was paid hundreds of thousands in compensation. And after the fledgling newcomer made a mistake, he kept chattering.

itself is not a promiscuous behavior. Some viewers may think this is a straightforward performance, but in fact it is an irresponsible attitude towards the enterprise. After all, you don’t know where this employee can lay a trap for you.

A glimpse of the past, Meng Fei's work attitude doomed the company's future to be worrying. Even if it did not close down, it would only exist in the form of a small workshop.

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