On August 10, the movie "The Negative Gains the Positive", produced by Ning Hao, directed and written by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong, Qiu Tian, ​​Jiang Qiming, and Zhu Zhu, will be released. The "Phoenix Cinema Manager Index" gathered many front-line cinema chain workers acro

entertainment 4801℃

On August 10, the movie 'The Negative Gains the Positive', produced by Ning Hao, directed and written by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong, Qiu Tian, ​​Jiang Qiming, and Zhu Zhu, will be released. The 'Phoenix Cinema Manager Index' gathered many front-line cinema chain workers acro - Lujuba

html On August 10th, the movie " negative negative is positive ", produced by Ning Hao, directed and written by Wen Shipei, starring Zhu Yilong, Qiu Tian, ​​ Jiang Qiming, Zhu Zhu, will be released. The "Phoenix Cinema Manager Index" gathered many front-line cinema chain workers across the country to make box office predictions for the film. The theater manager commented on the film: New actor Zhu Yilong has a unique taste in selecting films, but the subject matter is niche and the box office limit is low. The final box office of the film is predicted to be 100 million, the film scheduling ratio is expected to be 20.5%, and the overall score is 7.1 points.

As of 16:20 on August 6, the film's total box office from screenings and pre-sales was 9.343 million.

invited many theater managers to make predictions about the film. Theater managers were generally not optimistic about the film's market prospects and believed that Zhu Yilong could only support the box office. Manager Xu,

theater manager: The film has not been screened and has not been able to develop word-of-mouth. The story and introduction are also very typical of literary films. The market prospects are worrying. However, Zhu Yilong won the Baihua Best Actor yesterday, which may help the film to some extent.

Theater Manager Jason Watches the Movie: The film currently has very little publicity, and the title is relatively niche. The audience doesn’t know what story it will tell, and they are not very optimistic about the film’s market prospects.

Theater Manager Yueying observed: There is basically no publicity for this film so far, and it all relies on Zhu Yilong to support the box office.

theater manager Manager Zhu: Director Wen Shipei’s last movie "" had a box office of more than 60 million. This time with Zhu Yilong's blessing, there should be an increase, but there should be an upper limit considering the subject matter and tonality.

The Phoenix Cinema Manager Index brings together many front-line cinema chain workers across the country to evaluate and predict the film market trend from five dimensions, including: cast strength, director strength, production sophistication, publicity and distribution effects, and comprehensive ratings. From the perspective of cinema professionals, combined with intuitive multi-dimensional diagrams, it provides the industry with real, fresh and valuable reference data, striving to become a bellwether for the trend of cinema chains, and also provide reference for audiences to choose to watch movies offline.

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