Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng "Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry." "I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome...

entertainment 1449℃

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing

Editor | Nan Feng

"Whether it is work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it is not what I want, I start to get angry."

"I feel like this No, I have to start taking the initiative to meet my life. "

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Today's urban dramas with female protagonists are really getting more and more interesting.

Starting from CCTV's summer hit " Rose Story ", not only the growth line of the female protagonist has been filmed nine times, but even the male supporting characters have their own unique charms.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Looking at the list of dramas that have not yet been aired, Sun Li's "Thirty-Nine Twenty-Eight", Tang Yan's " Single Woman ", and even "Crazy Alien " and "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" The screenwriters have all joined the ranks of urban heroines, and " Thankless Courage " is also one of the top hits of Goose Factory.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

heroines have been popular for so many years, and things are finally getting better.

And the opening line of proactively welcoming life is from Hunan Satellite TV's hit drama "Secret Romance".

This drama does not have any big names or top stars to join, but its ratings are unparalleled, even directly breaking 2, allowing Mango Channel to continue to firmly occupy the throne of satellite TV.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

It seems that after "The Story of the Rose", there is another good urban drama to watch!

27-year-old life can also lead a new life

The era of infinitely stacking buffs for the heroine has passed. Tu Xiaoning ( Zhang Jianing ) in "Private Romance" is already 27 years old and is still an intern bank clerk.

The heroines of other dramas uniformly hate blind dates, but Tu Xiaoning does not reject it. She will even take the initiative to socialize and meet other people of the opposite sex.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

To be honest, I really see the shadow of a modern girl in Tu Xiaoning.

Coincidentally, it was also on this blind date that Tu Xiaoning met his old classmate Ji Yuheng (Wei Zheming). The other party had already become a decent person, but he was still working at the bottom.

What’s even more embarrassing is that the heroine’s electric car broke down. Of course the hero decided to send her back, but what the heroine was thinking about most was her little e-mule:

Would it be lost if I put it here?

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

So Ji Yuheng drove, pulled the heroine and her little e-mule, and went home all the way.

And the heroine in the car was already trying to find a crack in the ground to get into.

She quickly sent a message to her sisters, describing her social death scene in words, hoping to relieve her inner embarrassment.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

This is not over yet. Every time I drive to the speed bump, the small e-mule in the trunk collides and makes a popping sound.

The male protagonist also told a cold joke at this time, saying that the whistle was to make the police catch him, which was really embarrassing.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

What the heroine said to her best friend is even more hilarious -

"It was not the electric car that hit me, but my dignity. It was not the electric donkey that made the sharp explosion, but my heart."

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

In addition to the male and female protagonists The interactive process is realistic, and the drama's depiction of the workplace is also spot-on.

“Do you know why the recruitment department is called the ‘Human Resources Department’?”

“Because ‘people’ are also a resource."

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

When Tu Xiaoning felt wronged in the new department, the words of the female boss were even more enlightening:

"Fair? "

"Fairness is given by the court, but the workplace cannot give it to you. "

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Although this drama is positioned as an idol drama, it tears the fairy tale fantasy into pieces and puts the bloody reality into it.

The portrayal of the heroine Tu Xiaoning is not a little white rabbit waiting for rescue. She has She has her own thoughts and can bravely attack in the face of difficulties.

There is not even much aura of heroine in her. Such a realistic and romantic love drama may be the level that the current TV drama market should have.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

35 Zhang Jianing is in excellent condition at the age of 17, and Hu Ke and Liu Jun's CPs are a bit surprised.

They all say they refuse middle-aged idol dramas, but some actors are in good enough condition to play such fresh and natural sweet dramas.

Hunan Satellite TV's vision is really something, and there is something before. Liu Yifei and Li Xian, Tan Songyun and Xu Kai, this time Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming are coming together. No matter how you look at it, Zhang Jianing can go further and further in the idol drama track, and he is considered a leader in the entire domestic entertainment industry. Her vagina is clear.

Yes, this girl is already 35 years old, but her facial condition is really good.

She is still very popular when she plays a high school student in " Twinkle Twinkle Stars". It's the limit.

So playing a 27-year-old mature woman doesn't seem to be a big challenge for her.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

I have always felt that Zhang Jianing has the temperament of a Korean drama heroine, which is refreshing from the aesthetic of internet celebrities. She never wears heavy makeup, and she doesn’t have any big eyes or long eyelashes. She doesn’t even show much makeup in the face shots.

But it’s like this, which can better bring out Zhang Jianing’s freshness and refinement, and she plays a character in her 20s in such a state. Not inconsistent at all.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

In my opinion, the current domestic entertainment industry needs a face that is highly recognizable and has good acting skills.

Zhang Jianing is just right for the role. In fact, it sounds like Wei Zheming doesn’t have much of a cp relationship with her, but Zhang Jianing is magically versatile and can create sparks with various types of male protagonists.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

And Wei Zheming is really handsome.

Originally, I thought this pair was a brother and sister with a certain age gap, but I didn’t expect that this brother is already 34 years old.

This pair of peach blossom eyes, paired with a clean face, is hard to forget.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

I think Wei Zheming and Xu Kai have similar temperaments. They can both perfectly play the role of a domineering president without appearing greasy.

And Wei Zheming is better able to express a calm sense of experience, and his nobility is fully displayed in his movements.

The scenes opposite Zhang Jianing are also very natural, both of them have a softer style.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

What’s even more surprising is the pairing of Liu Jun and Hu Ke.

These two are actually regulars in urban dramas. Liu Juncai met the audience in "The Story of a Rose", while Hu Ke has already started to play mothers in many idol dramas on Hunan TV.

This time the two played together as a husband and wife for the first time, and they really created a different spark. Otherwise, Mango Channel’s CP can always surprise the audience in different ways.

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Editor Yi Xing | Nan Feng 'Whether it's work or love, when I encounter a problem, I choose to wait and see. When the result comes out and it's not what I want, I start to get angry.' 'I don't think this is okay. I want to Start taking the initiative to welcome... - Lujuba


In my opinion, "Secret Romance" is just right for the current summer season.

The audience of Hunan Satellite TV is generally younger, and idol dramas are their specialty. The previous " You are more beautiful than the starlight " has repeatedly achieved high ratings. This time "Secret Romance" is a brand new story, which just saves people who are trapped in A desperate audience.

It is not difficult to find that Hunan TV, which has always been ahead of the major TV stations, has long started to adopt a fresh style. The characters of these idol dramas are also more down-to-earth, and the selection of actors is not picky but has excellent audience popularity.

Zhang Jianing’s reputation is not very high, but her coming to act in urban romance dramas will definitely be a dimensionality-reducing blow to popular stars. However, except for "Twinkle Twinkle Shining Star", this sister does not seem to have any hit masterpieces.

As for whether "Secret Romance" can bring Mango Channel's ratings to a new high, we will wait and see!


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