The first "Paris" rating: 8.1 Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel Film review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change, and it is also a film that A historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is l

entertainment 4316℃

The first "Paris"

Rating: 8.1

Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel

Movie review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change. , is also a historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is loyal to historical facts. So if I were asked to choose a movie with the most French flavor, this one would definitely be my first choice. As a literary film, its pictures are beautiful and its artistic effect is extremely outstanding. As for polyamorous relationships, I think what is presented in this movie is not postmodern, but rather a very medieval family relationship that lacks education and moral intervention. Postmodernism should identify ethics, deconstruct ethics and then reconstruct ethics, and then transcend ethics. Rather than pretending that ethics never existed. In short, this is a fan movie, and fans who can recognize all the easter eggs in movies will be born in this life.

The first 'Paris' rating: 8.1 Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel Film review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change, and it is also a film that A historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is l - Lujuba

The second part "Bitter Moon"

Rating: 8.4

Starring: Peter Coyote/Emmanuelle Sagnier/Hugh Grant

Movie review: I can only say that I was shocked after watching it. The film showed Extreme love, even to the point of deformity. The narrator in the film tries to control lust, but little does he know that there is only destruction at the end of this road. In the end, he suffers a cruel backlash. Who would have guessed that the beginning of the story is like that? So beautiful. As for the protagonist who is an observer throughout the whole process, this role is even more intriguing. After all, this story is too extreme, and a plain image like the protagonist has a more real-life atmosphere, and he, like most people, will keep watch. It is entangled between preface and transgression, and it is unknown whether they will re-examine love after this story. There is no clear direction until the end of the film, and the protagonist is still confused.

The first 'Paris' rating: 8.1 Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel Film review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change, and it is also a film that A historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is l - Lujuba

The third part " Parasite "

Rating: 8.8

Starring: Song Kanghao/Lee ​​Sunkyun/Cao Ruzhen

Movie review: Director Bong Joon-ho uses black humor and thriller elements to profoundly expose the cruel reality of the solidification of social classes and the gap between rich and poor. . Through the subtle interaction between the two families, the film shows the greed, jealousy and parasitic mentality in human nature. It also reveals deep sympathy for the living plight of the people at the bottom. What impressed me the most was the camera shot of a family looking downwards during a heavy rainstorm. After the rainstorm, even if they were dressed neatly, they could not hide the smell on their bodies. What does it taste like? Probably poor taste! In short, "Parasite" is a film that profoundly reveals the contradictions and psychological changes of social classes. By comparing the living conditions of the poor and the rich, it shows the complexity of human nature and the real problems of society.

The first 'Paris' rating: 8.1 Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel Film review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change, and it is also a film that A historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is l - Lujuba

The fourth part "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily"

rating: 8.9

Starring: Monica Bellucci/Giuseppe Sulfaro/luciano federico

Movie review: The whole movie faintly reveals fascist militarism The ideological poisoning of the people. When a person is far beyond ordinary people in some aspect, he will inevitably suffer criticism. Marina's beauty is far beyond ordinary people, women are jealous and men covet her. Men maintain their so-called dignity and lust after Marina, while women are jealous of Marina's perfection and must find Marina's shortcomings to win in comparison and cover up the areas where they are indeed inferior to Marina. This is the sin of human nature. So Marina's crime is: too beautiful. Being ostracized by everyone. Even if Marina is indeed flawless, people still have to imagine Marina's life to meet their own expectations. All in all, it is a thought-provoking film art.

The first 'Paris' rating: 8.1 Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel Film review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change, and it is also a film that A historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is l - Lujuba

The fifth part "The Crucible"

Rating: 9.3

Starring: Kong Liu/Jung Youmi/Kim Hyun-soo

Movie review: The film is rated 19+, which is a rare rating for Korean movies. It is the highest restrictive level of the five-level rating system for Korean movies. Although There are no large-scale scenes in this film, but the scenes are very heart-wrenching to watch. And I have to admire the wide range of materials and the bold themes of Korean films. Considering only the expression of the film itself, only Hollywood can rival South Korea for films of this quality in the world.In addition, there is an element of this film that deserves special mention. There are twins playing two roles in the film. The special effects are done perfectly. The two characters often appear in the same time and space. There are no flaws and they are natural. All in all, this is an extremely depressing movie that is enough to arouse everyone's conscience.

The first 'Paris' rating: 8.1 Starring: Michael Pitt/Eva Green/Louis Garrel Film review: This is a film with strong ideological color, radical and sharp appeal for change, and it is also a film that A historical film that clearly reflects the characteristics of the times and is l - Lujuba

Which of the five restricted-rated movies have been banned in China? Which ones have you seen? Coding is not easy. Welcome to follow, like, and leave a message for discussion.

Tags: entertainment