Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the "Youth Dance Festival") came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third

entertainment 7610℃

Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the 'Youth Dance Festival') came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third  - Lujuba

Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the "Green Dance Festival") came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third prizes in different dance categories, in addition to 22 individual awards and several outstanding instructor and outstanding organization awards. Wang Yan, Chairman of the Shanghai International Dance Center Development Foundation, said: “We hope that through the platform of the Youth Dance Festival, more children with dance dreams can be exposed to dance in the most first-class environment, and more people who are yearning for art can Children experience the joy of dance, continue to communicate and grow on the stage, and plant a seed of love for dance and feel the beauty of art in their young hearts. Under the infiltration of art, they can improve their healthy personality and build greater cultural confidence. ”

Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the 'Youth Dance Festival') came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third  - Lujuba

This year’s Youth Dance Festival is hosted by the Shanghai International Dance Center Development Foundation and organized by the Dance School Affiliated to the Shanghai Theater Academy and Shanghai International Dance Center Theater Management Co., Ltd. It has held dance competitions, lectures by famous teachers, dance master classes, and training. Camp, closing performance and a series of colorful activities.

Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the 'Youth Dance Festival') came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third  - Lujuba

Registration for this Youth Dance Festival started in February this year. It has received nearly 400 program registrations from 8 provinces and cities including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Henan, Chongqing, Shandong, Fujian, Jilin, and Liaoning, with nearly a thousand registered contestants. After layers of screening, a total of 166 groups of contestants entered the final stage on July 25th and 26th. The activity not only provides a stage for self-expression for children who love dance, but also specially invites domestic and foreign dance masters such as Xin Lili, Wang Yabin, Wu Husheng, Lei Ming, Fang Guang, Li Qinsheng, Li Adan, Wang Mingxuan, etc., and has held 6 dance masters of different dance types. classes, 2 lectures by famous teachers, and a special dance training camp.

Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the 'Youth Dance Festival') came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third  - Lujuba

14-year-old Guo Yingquan has participated in the Youth Dance Festival competition five times in a row. In this competition, she won the first prize in Chinese dance. The Qingwu Festival witnessed her growth, and she benefited a lot from the master's close guidance. She said: "After every performance, the judges and experts will comment on the spot to let me know where I can improve. Their professional guidance gives me a direction to work hard." Liu Yong came all the way from Fujian with his students. This time, they have three groups of programs shortlisted for the finals, a huge team of 50 people. During the week, the students participated in various master classes and training camps of the Qingwu Festival in addition to competitions. Liu Yong said: "Thank you to the National Dance Center for providing such a good platform and opportunity for young people to broaden their horizons and gain growth."

Last night, the 5th Shanghai International Dance Center Youth Dance Festival and Dance Competition (hereinafter referred to as the 'Youth Dance Festival') came to an end. After selection by the final jury, a total of 53 outstanding works were selected for first, second and third  - Lujuba

The Youth Dance Festival is not only a platform to release the passion for dance, but also a cradle for incubating dance talents. Many award-winning contestants finally embarked on a professional path with the recognition and encouragement of the Qingwu Festival. Liu Yanzi, the first prize winner of the first Youth Dance Festival, was later admitted to the dance major of Minzu University of China. For more young dancers who have not embarked on a professional dance path, the Youth Dance Festival has ignited their passion for dance, and this love will last a lifetime. Liu Jiayu from Suzhou is about to take the college entrance examination, and dance has become an important part of her future life plan: "I am a pure science major, and I hope to have the opportunity to combine my major with dance in the future. I also took the Beijing Dance exam. I also hope that I will have the opportunity to teach others to dance in the future.” As dance artist Huang Doudou, the founder of the Qing Dance Festival, said: “Children who participate in the Qing Dance Festival may not become professional dancers in the future, but they will become professional dancers in the future. The ability to appreciate beauty, experience beauty, and create beauty gained from dancing will accompany them throughout their lives.”

(Xinmin Evening News reporter Zhu Yuan)

Tags: entertainment