[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng] Starting from the end of July, the Hong Kong police will replace the American Smith-Wesson M10 ".38" revolver with a domestically produced "92 modified" semi-automatic pistol, officially named CF98-A. The Sig Sauer P250 of the Criminal Poli

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[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng]

Starting from the end of July, the Hong Kong police will replace the American-made Smith & Wesson M10 ".38" revolver with the domestic "92 modified" semi-automatic pistol, officially named cf98- a. The Sig Sauer P250 of the Criminal Police Team will also be replaced with a domestic CS/LP5.

"Point 38" refers to a diameter of 0.38 inches, equivalent to 9.65 millimeters. In English, it is generally called "thirty-eight". It is customary to omit the "point". Similarly, the "thirty" caliber is 0.30 inches, equivalent to 7.62 millimeters; the "fifty" caliber is 0.5 inches, equivalent to 12.7 millimeters.

revolver was produced very early. Among the exhibits at the Tower of London is what is believed to be from the 15th century, the earliest known prototype of a revolver. In 1836, American Samuel Colt invented the modern revolver. The wheel can hold multiple bullets, making it easy to quickly load the next bullet into the chamber and fire it quickly. Because the wheel usually opens to the left for loading, it is called a revolver in China.

[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng] Starting from the end of July, the Hong Kong police will replace the American Smith-Wesson M10 '.38' revolver with a domestically produced '92 modified' semi-automatic pistol, officially named CF98-A. The Sig Sauer P250 of the Criminal Poli - Lujuba

In 1857, Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson began producing patented breech-loading revolvers, which greatly accelerated the loading of bullets into the runner. Previous Colt revolvers were still an old-fashioned design with front-loading gunpowder and projectiles. This was also the beginning of the competition between Smith & Wesson and Colt for the King of Revolvers.

Revolvers have a much higher firepower density than single-shot pistols. They were very popular among Western cowboys and later became military pistols, especially during World War I.

In 1883, Hiram Maxim invented the machine gun that used recoil to load automatically. This is the famous Maxim machine gun. Some people tried to invent a self-loading pistol using the same principle, but it was not until 1896 that the American John Browning invented a semi-automatic pistol in the modern sense in Belgium. Special batch manufacturing. Semi-automatic refers to automatic reloading, but only fires once when the trigger is pulled.

Browning's masterpiece is the Colt m1911, also known as ".45" because it uses 0.45-inch (11.43 mm) caliber bullets. The m1911 became the standard pistol of the US military from the First World War and was used until after the Vietnam War. The U.S. Special Forces still use the modernized version of the m1911, the m45a1.

Browning's biggest impact on the pistol world is hp, which is the abbreviation of "high power" and uses 9mm Parabellum bullets (referred to as Parbells, formerly known as Parabellum bullets). The Browning HP is not only self-loading, the magazine can hold 13 bullets, and the magazine can also hold one round. The benefits of such a high capacity for combat are self-evident, so the Browning HP quickly gained popularity among the military and police of various countries. This was the last masterpiece of the prolific John Browning. After being invented in 1922, the modernized and upgraded version of the Browning HP is still in production and is widely used by military and police forces in various countries.

It is worth mentioning that the famous "Made in Canada" or "Browning pistol" from the Anti-Japanese War to the Liberation War was the Browning HP.

[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng] Starting from the end of July, the Hong Kong police will replace the American Smith-Wesson M10 '.38' revolver with a domestically produced '92 modified' semi-automatic pistol, officially named CF98-A. The Sig Sauer P250 of the Criminal Poli - Lujuba

John Browning's masterpieces include more than just pistols. The Browning AR commonly used by the US military in World War II was a successful example of early light machine guns. The "Browning 30" was a successful 7.62 mm heavy machine gun. The Browning M2 is still the main 12.7 mm heavy machine gun of the US military. It is used on various tanks and ships. widely used.

html The 09mm parison bullet was invented by Austrian Georgi Luger in 1901. It achieves the optimal balance in size, range and power. More than 100 years later, it is still the most widely used pistol bullet in the world, and is also widely used in submachine guns. use. Luger also designed the famous Luger pistol, which evolved into the famous p08 and p38 during World War I and World War II. It was also self-loading, but in the end it did not have as big an impact as the Browning HP.

Since the Second World War, semi-automatic pistols have been the mainstream in the armies of various countries, and military revolvers are rarely used. European police also switched to semi-automatic pistols early. However, the US police have long stubbornly insisted on using revolvers, and the Hong Kong police have also been affected.

Both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols have the ability to fire multiple rounds continuously, but they are very different.The

revolver is not automatically reloaded. It is reloaded with the force of the finger that pulls the trigger. Without training, the trigger action is easily deformed and the shooting accuracy is difficult to guarantee. The seal between the runner and the gun bore is inherently leaky, wasting gunpowder energy, making huge noise, and reducing muzzle velocity. The caliber needs to be increased to compensate, and the recoil is quite violent. But it also makes it easier for the revolver to use high-power ammunition and improves the stopping ability of bullets in close combat. However, the short barrel and large caliber also increase projectile dispersion. The biggest advantage of

revolver is that it is not afraid of misfire. If one round misfires, you can fire the next round by pulling the trigger again. Loud noise is not without its benefits to the police. Stunning the target is part of the function of shooting. The biggest disadvantage of the

revolver is its small bullet capacity, usually only six rounds, and its slow loading. Large projectile dispersion is also a drawback, but less noticeable at close range.

The magazine capacity of semi-automatic pistols is much larger, and the large-caliber m1911 can also hold 7 rounds. Unless it is a small size for women or a pocket size, the 9mm can be fed in double rows, and the Browning hp can reach 13 rounds. Modern times generally reach 15-16 rounds, and the Glock 17 can reach as many as 17 rounds. Use extended ammunition. The bottom of the magazine can reach 19 rounds, and the extended magazine can even reach an abnormal 24 or even 33 rounds.

Modern pistols are highly reliable, and bullet misfires are kept to a minimum. If it happens, the bolt puller will retract the bullet very quickly, rarely affecting subsequent firing. But under normal operating conditions, semi-automatic pistols have much more sustained firepower. Unless you believe in the myth that every shot will hit and kill in one hit, the superiority of semi-automatic pistols is self-evident.

In a sense, the battle over the reliability of revolvers vs. semi-automatic pistols is like the battle between twin-shot fighter jets vs single-shot. When the engine reliability is high enough, the reliability advantage of dual engines no longer has practical significance. The same goes for the reliability of revolvers relative to semi-automatic pistols. The American police have long insisted on using revolvers not only out of tradition, but also out of the concept that "police need to kill the enemy first and not focus on continuous shooting." However, as more and more people own guns, gangsters are becoming more and more bold, and long-term shootings between police and gangsters have become normal.

In the United States, battles between police and criminals are a daily drama. It is rare to hear of police officers losing their fighter jets or causing casualties due to semi-automatic pistol malfunctions or bullet misfires. But even if there are more than a dozen bullets in the magazine, it is not uncommon for the bullets to run out and not have time to reload, resulting in the loss of a fighter or even casualties. The problem of a revolver with only 6 bullets can only be greater.

The stubborn New York police will also remove the last Smith & Wesson revolvers in 2021. Instead, "plastic pistols" like Glock have become the new favorites of American police everywhere. Police forces in many parts of the United States still allow officers to keep revolvers as backup pistols, especially those secretly strapped to the calf. Large-caliber revolvers are also effective against vicious dogs or ferocious wild animals that unexpectedly pounce. But as official sidearms, semi-automatic pistols were basically used 15-20 years ago.

Hong Kong police insist on changing their uniforms until now, and they are already far behind the police in other countries in the world. This is because the Hong Kong police are not under pressure to shoot each other for a long time between police and gangsters. It is more likely that the attachment to the old European and American systems is at work. Revolvers, m16/m4 assault rifles , and British goose steps are all caused by this attachment. Portrait.

The more realistic reason is that the Smith & Wesson m10 has been discontinued, parts supply and maintenance have become problems, and ammunition supply has also become a problem. Domestic hand-made substitutes are not impossible, but the output is low, the cost is high, and it is unnecessary , can only be changed. After in-depth research, the Hong Kong Police Force finally decided to gradually replace them with domestically produced pistols with superior performance and reliability.

The Hong Kong Police Force’s pistol re-equipment does not come from pressure from the central government. The plan has been brewing for many years. According to reports, the Hong Kong police began to consider switching to domestically produced pistols two years ago, but there was no conclusion at that time. During this period, the Hong Kong police inspected the quality and cost of different models of semi-automatic pistols from major manufacturers. After comprehensive consideration, including European and American export restrictions on Hong Kong police equipment after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, they finally selected the domestically produced "92 modification" as the sidearm of uniformed police officers. .The

[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng] Starting from the end of July, the Hong Kong police will replace the American Smith-Wesson M10 '.38' revolver with a domestically produced '92 modified' semi-automatic pistol, officially named CF98-A. The Sig Sauer P250 of the Criminal Poli - Lujuba

92 pistol was designed starting in 1994 and began to be equipped in large quantities in 1998. Its appearance, basic configuration and working principle are similar to the mainstream 9mm semi-automatic pistols in the West. It can be regarded as some kind of descendant of the Browning HP.

The original Type 92 was available in 5.8mm and 9mm calibers. 9mm is conventional and used by junior officers and police. However, the 5.8mm pistol bullet draws on the ideas of the Belgian 5.7mm, with high muzzle velocity, low and flat trajectory, strong armor penetration, and a magazine capacity increased to 20 rounds for use by senior officers and special forces.

However, it was later discovered in practice that the effect of the 5.8mm bullet deviated from expectations, and was later cancelled. Now there is only the 9mm version. The original design of

also uses a real double row and double feed like an assault rifle, instead of the more conventional double row and single feed, and finally shrinks the double row to single row before feeding. The improved "92 modification" was changed back to a more mature and reliable double row single entry conventional design. In the early days of

, there were quality problems and it was widely criticized, but this was the result of extreme cost reduction and low profit.

"92 modification" has an exposed hammer, single/double-action trigger, high-quality engineering plastic grip and slide seat, and adopts a modular design and Picatinny rail, which has a high degree of reliability and excellent operational convenience. The design is also more in line with the shape of Asian hands.

In terms of craftsmanship and production, the "92 modification" has also greatly improved the standards and reached the high quality of big European and American brands. This is not surprising. Among similar products made in China, the improvement in product quality from the 1990s to the present is visible to the naked eye. It can even be said that if the quality is not up to the level of big European and American brands, Chinese trams will not have such a big impact on the European and American markets.

Specific to Chinese military products, the quality has been significantly improved during the process of relatively abundant military spending. Comparing the standard military shoes of the 1990s with those of today, it is not difficult to imagine the difference between the original 92 and the "92 modified".

cs/lp5 is also developed from the Type 92 pistol and can be regarded as a pocket version of the "92 modification". The barrel is shortened, the magazine is reduced, the magazine capacity is reduced to 8 rounds, and the ammunition is fed in a single row to suit the needs of criminal policemen for concealed carrying of guns.

cf98-a is the product model of Norinco, cs/lp5 is the product model of Changfeng Machinery, and Type 92 is the military model. They are all from the same family.

With their backing to the motherland, the Hong Kong police no longer have to worry about firearms spare parts and maintenance. Embracing the motherland wholeheartedly is more in line with the spirit of one country, two systems. Security, loyalty, and mentality belong to one country, not two systems.

After switching to a new pistol, the Hong Kong police need to retrain to adapt to different usage characteristics. But it's like switching from the old 3-8 big cover to the 5-6 punch, it's still easy. According to reports, the Hong Kong police force will gradually switch to the "92 modification" starting from newly recruited police officers. Current police officers will also gradually change their uniforms. It is expected that the entire uniform change may take 10 years to complete.

The intensity of the firearms used by the Hong Kong police is not very high. From the perspective of wear and tear, there is no urgent pressure to replace them. The replaced equipment can be used as spare parts, extending the service life of the existing equipment, allowing a delay of 10 years before the replacement is completed.

On a larger level, this is also part of the de-Anglo-Americanization of the Hong Kong police. The British goose step has been changed to the Chinese goose step. Now the pistols are beginning to be replaced on a large scale. It is only a matter of time before the assault rifles are replaced by the 191 from the m16/m4. After all, the Hong Kong police are Chinese police, not a legacy of the British police in China. Sir's pistol change is a good start.

[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng] Starting from the end of July, the Hong Kong police will replace the American Smith-Wesson M10 '.38' revolver with a domestically produced '92 modified' semi-automatic pistol, officially named CF98-A. The Sig Sauer P250 of the Criminal Poli - Lujuba

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