China News Service, Yuxi, July 28 (Chen Jing) On the evening of the 27th, the Hong Kong star football team composed of Alan Tam, Luo Jiaying, Huang Rihua and others walked into Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, Nie Er’s hometown, and held a meeting with the Yukun Star Football Team. A

entertainment 2914℃

China News Service, Yuxi, July 28 (Chen Jing) On the evening of the 27th, the Hong Kong Star Football Team, composed of Alan Tam, Luo Jiaying, Huang Rihua, etc., walked into Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, Nie Er’s hometown, and held a meeting with the Yukun Star Football Team A friendly football match. At the competition site, Hong Kong stars sang classic Cantonese songs such as "I Can't End Loving You", "Iron-Blooded Heart" and "You Are Always Good in the World". Nearly 20,000 spectators sang in chorus, and the green field suddenly became a sea of ​​songs.

China News Service, Yuxi, July 28 (Chen Jing) On the evening of the 27th, the Hong Kong star football team composed of Alan Tam, Luo Jiaying, Huang Rihua and others walked into Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, Nie Er’s hometown, and held a meeting with the Yukun Star Football Team. A  - Lujuba

The picture shows Hong Kong actor Huang Rihua singing a song during a friendly match. Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Ranyang

The Hong Kong Star Football Team was founded in 1986. It was co-initiated by the well-known singer Alan Tam and former Hong Kong football team backbone Yin Zhiqiang, and gradually developed and expanded. Over the years, the team has traveled to various parts of the country to participate in friendly competitions, sports and cultural exchanges, and charity activities.

This time the Hong Kong star football team came to Yuxi, Nie Er’s hometown, and met Yukun of Yunnan for the first time. As a "new star" who has been in the team for three years, Yunnan Yukun has grown from the Chinese Championship and the Chinese Second Division to the current top spot in the Chinese First Division, and his performance is very impressive.

"I have liked Alan Tam very much since I was a child and love to watch his concerts. Today is the first time to see him in person, and I am very excited." Yunnan Yukun player Liu Yuhao said, "Friendship first, competition second, I hope they will win in the future." Have fun in Yunnan.”

China News Service, Yuxi, July 28 (Chen Jing) On the evening of the 27th, the Hong Kong star football team composed of Alan Tam, Luo Jiaying, Huang Rihua and others walked into Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, Nie Er’s hometown, and held a meeting with the Yukun Star Football Team. A  - Lujuba

The picture shows the friendly match between the Hong Kong Star Football Team and the Yukun Star Football Team. Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Ranyang

The friendly match that night was divided into three quarters. Hong Kong stars such as Alan Tam, Luo Jiaying, and Ho Ka-jin took the field one after another, sweating on the plateau green field. The Yukun Stars also performed well and scored many goals. During the two halftime breaks, the performance team from Yunnan and Hong Kong stars took turns to present wonderful programs, pushing the atmosphere to climax again and again. In the end, Yunnan Yukun won the friendly match with 3:2.

It is worth mentioning that members of the Hong Kong Star Football Team went to Yuxi Nie'er Square to participate in the flag-raising ceremony that morning, singing the national anthem with representatives from all walks of life in Yuxi City; and sang "Love Me China" with people in national costumes. In addition, various sporting goods such as signed jerseys and footballs were donated to Yuxi Nie Er Primary School. Visit the Nie Er Memorial Hall to learn about Nie Er's life and the creation process of the national anthem.

China News Service, Yuxi, July 28 (Chen Jing) On the evening of the 27th, the Hong Kong star football team composed of Alan Tam, Luo Jiaying, Huang Rihua and others walked into Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, Nie Er’s hometown, and held a meeting with the Yukun Star Football Team. A  - Lujuba

The picture shows representatives of the Hong Kong Star Football Team donating signed jerseys, footballs and other sporting goods to Yuxi Nie'er Primary School. Photographed by China News Service reporter Liu Ranyang

"It feels very different to be able to come to Nie Er's hometown in person. When the national anthem was played, everyone at the scene was very excited." Alan Tam said, as the theme of today's event said, "Singing the same song and being a family, no matter where we are, we are all Chinese."

Hong Kong actor Eric Ho shed tears during the flag-raising ceremony. "This time I participated in a very formal flag-raising ceremony in Yuxi. My mood is surging." He said that when he heard the national anthem played, he felt a cohesive and upward force in his heart, and his excitement would naturally show up. This experience made him very unforgettable. (End)

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