[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to "follow dramas"! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the "Water Phoenix" water pheasant produced four "golden eggs", and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang

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[Source: Hangzhou Release]

A few days ago, many Hangzhou people followed Hang Xiaowei to "follow dramas"! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the "Water Phoenix" water pheasant produced four "golden eggs", and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang Xiaowei brings the latest news: All four small water pheasants have successfully broken out of their shells, and all F4s are in place!

Yesterday (27th) morning

all four small water pheasants hatched

At 7:50 on the morning of the 27th, Yang Jingguo, the 71-year-old leader of the "Feiyu" volunteer team of Xixi Wetland, was particularly excited in the group of the "Feiyu" volunteer team. I sent out a photo that made everyone excited.

[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to 'follow dramas'! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the 'Water Phoenix' water pheasant produced four 'golden eggs', and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang  - Lujuba

Photographed by Yang Jingguo

The photo shows a family of water pheasants, the "water phoenixes" that have attracted much attention in recent days. All four "golden eggs" hatched. The father of the water pheasants opened them with four baby water pheasants at the Lotus Beach of Xixi Wetland. "bird life".

According to observation records, on July 2, the "young couple" successfully laid four "golden eggs", and the "daddy" was responsible for holding the nest and hatching the eggs.

[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to 'follow dramas'! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the 'Water Phoenix' water pheasant produced four 'golden eggs', and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang  - Lujuba

Photo/Yang Jingguo

On July 26, two baby water pheasants hatched out of their shells. Until the morning of July 27, the furry head of the fourth baby jellyfish carefully poked out of the golden egg shell and successfully broke out of the egg.

[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to 'follow dramas'! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the 'Water Phoenix' water pheasant produced four 'golden eggs', and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang  - Lujuba

On July 26, the fourth "golden egg" had not yet completed hatching. Photo/Xu Gensheng

[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to 'follow dramas'! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the 'Water Phoenix' water pheasant produced four 'golden eggs', and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang  - Lujuba

The moment the fourth bird hatched/Shi Xinxin

As summer migratory birds in Xixi, they originally only stayed for a week

But because of "love", these two water pheasants "settled"

This is also from Xixi National Wetland Park Since its establishment, for the first time, the successful natural reproduction of water pheasants has been completely observed and recorded.

According to Chen Lin, director of the Ecological Culture Research Center of Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, water pheasants are national second-level key protected wild animals. They mostly live in freshwater lakes, ponds, swamps, wetlands and other areas where emergent plants and floating leaf plants are abundant. , mainly feed on insects, shrimp and other small invertebrates and aquatic plants. Because of its long and slender claws, it can walk lightly on water lilies, lotus, water chestnut, gorgon fruit and other floating leaf plants, and has a graceful body, so it is known as the "Lingbo Fairy".

[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to 'follow dramas'! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the 'Water Phoenix' water pheasant produced four 'golden eggs', and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang  - Lujuba

Photo/Xu Gensheng

As a typical Xixi summer migratory bird, the water pheasant usually only "stays" at Lotus Beach for about a week in previous summers.

These two water pheasants lingered on the lotus beach of Xixi Wetland. They often foraged, played, and froliced ​​in the water lily, gorgon fruit and other aquatic plant areas. In the end, they simply met each other, and they fell in love, got married, and had babies here.

The latest reminder from Xixi Wetland Management Bureau:

Please watch birds in a civilized manner!

In order to allow these two water pheasants to successfully breed the next generation, Xixi Wetland Park promptly suspended the surrounding salvage operations and only carried out fishing operations outside the breeding area to avoid affecting the activities of the water pheasants and their nest eggs, and to create a safe environment for them. comfortable environment.

[Source: Hangzhou release] A few days ago, many people in Hangzhou followed Hang Xiaowei to 'follow dramas'! What drama are you following? In Xixi Wetland, the 'Water Phoenix' water pheasant produced four 'golden eggs', and everyone was curious about what would happen next. Hang  - Lujuba

Photo/Shi Xinxin

After the water pheasant family became a top-notch family, many bird watching enthusiasts were also attracted. The Xixi National Wetland Park Management Bureau also reminds everyone: "Watch birds in a civilized manner, keep watching from a distance, and jointly protect our 'new cute owners' so that they can continue to grow up healthily and happily in this quiet and safe environment."

Information/Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park Management Bureau

Text/Wang Ling

Video/Shi Qingqing

Editor/Li Shengnan, Wang Ling

Editor/Zhang Xiangyu

Tags: entertainment