Andy Lau's Guangzhou concert has a minimum ticket price of 680 yuan and a maximum ticket price of 2,580 yuan. It is still hard to get a ticket. According to the ticket tiers, some of the highest ticket prices of 2,580 yuan are grandstand tickets, which has surpassed Jacky Cheung'

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Andy Lau’s Guangzhou concert has a lowest ticket price of 680 yuan and a highest ticket price of 2,580 yuan. It is still hard to get a ticket. According to the ticket stalls, the highest ticket price of 2,580 yuan is partly for grandstand tickets. It has surpassed Jacky Cheung’s lowest ticket price in Guangzhou last year, which was 480 yuan. yuan, the highest ticket price is 2,280 yuan. The grandstand ticket price of 2,580 yuan may be the most expensive grandstand ticket in the history of Guangzhou concerts. However, under the current strong real-name system, a certain "second-hand transaction" ticketing platform is still out of stock.

Senior performer Mr. Shang Tao said in an exclusive interview with Nandu Entertainment last year, "The concert blowout is a temporary phenomenon. Some people say it is a 'lipstick effect'. It will definitely return to normal. Even the most difficult to grab performances, after several rounds, There will always be a decline, because to a certain extent, concerts are business, and if there is demand, there will be supply, and there is no reason not to perform if artists can perform."

A year has passed, and after new regulations such as the "strong real-name system", the false fire has been controlled, but the reality is still that hard-to-grab things are still hard to grab, and it seems to be getting harder to grab; and some performances that are not so hard to grab are beginning to fail to sell. After moving, Mr. Tao said somewhat generally: "Many senior singers and popular singers saw the hot performance market and were ready to enter the industry. However, this year, the number of unsold singers has begun to increase, and the ones that cannot be sold simply cannot be sold."

Recently, Nandu Entertainment reporters interviewed many senior practitioners in the performance industry to talk about the current popularity and embarrassment of the performance market, and explore how the normal performance market can make a positive cycle.


What kind of concert ticket prices continue to rise?

The ticket prices for Jacky Cheung's "60+" concert in Guangzhou are divided into five levels: 2280, 1980, 1580, 980, and 480. The ticket prices for Andy Lau's " the day" concert in Guangzhou are divided into five levels: 2580, 1980, 1380, 980, There are five tiers of 680, and the ticket prices for Jay Chou's "Carnival" concert in Shenzhen are divided into seven tiers of 2000, 1800, 1600, 1280, 980, 780, and 580. Among them, the highest ticket prices for Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau all have some bleacher seats, which are not "friendly to the people". "The fare setting is still in short supply.

Andy Lau's Guangzhou concert has a minimum ticket price of 680 yuan and a maximum ticket price of 2,580 yuan. It is still hard to get a ticket. According to the ticket tiers, some of the highest ticket prices of 2,580 yuan are grandstand tickets, which has surpassed Jacky Cheung' - Lujuba

Concert pricing is mostly determined through research

Mr. Tao told Nandu Entertainment that concert ticket prices are the result of comprehensive negotiations between performers, artist teams, and organizers. Because costs are gradually rising, ticket prices are bound to rise as well, "Artists Fees, venue rental, stage construction, and on-site security are all rising, and these all need to be covered by performance tickets. In the past, if the ticket price was set high, it would affect the number of tickets sold, but this phenomenon is more for the student group, such as more than 500 Yuan will make some students give up, but for singers such as Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, and even Jay Chou, the fan base is more adults with spending power, and many of the concert pricing is determined through research." .

In the past few years, there were still concert ticket prices of 199 and 299, but now they have basically disappeared in large venues. Taking Guangzhou as an example, the lowest ticket price for Wang Yunzhi is 380 yuan, the lowest ticket price for Guangliang is 399 yuan, and the lowest ticket price for Jam Hsiao The price is 480 yuan, and Zhou Huajian’s lowest ticket price is 499 yuan. The lowest price for large-scale concerts is already around 400 yuan, and the lowest price for medium-sized venues such as Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is around 300 yuan. Mr. Tao, a performance manager, revealed that concert tickets are market behavior. “Around 2015, Good Sister held a concert at the Beijing Workers’ Stadium, and the unified ticket price was 99 yuan, because their fans and students were the main body; this year, Good Sister held a concert at the National Stadium, with the lowest price. The ticket price is 380 yuan, and the maximum ticket price is 680 yuan, which is already relatively low. There was an example of Hong Kong singers holding concerts in stadiums at low prices a long time ago in Guangzhou, but it seems unlikely now.”

The demand for "top" singers in concerts is still strong

Ms. Li, a practitioner in the performance industry, told Nandu Entertainment that due to some practical reasons, Guangzhou's sports venues need to be overhauled and upgraded, and large-scale performances cannot be held for a period of time, resulting in some that can be held Venue rents are rising. “In addition to charging rent, venues will also take away part of the ticket sales. These are all costs; there are also some venues that cannot host due to fire certificates and other reasons, and some cannot open seats on the third floor. These must be accounted for. Inside".Ms. Li said that once concert ticket prices rise, it will be difficult to keep them down, unless the artist has special reasons. For "top" concert singers, rising ticket prices are inevitable due to strong demand.


Idol-type singers without representative works are beginning to be unable to sell?

Ms. Li recalled that before the epidemic, some Hong Kong and Taiwan singers were not easy to sell. “Everyone said before that there were only a few singers who could sell. After several years of accumulation, some kings and queens have accumulated word-of-mouth and golden songs. On the contrary, It’s good and sold a lot.”

"Golden Songs" are still the killer.

Ms. Li gave an example of how it was difficult to sell after a certain day. Although it had a certain "national character", the fan stickiness was not very strong and they often had to "discount". "A few years ago, it was not When it's easy to sell, sometimes it's discounted directly, sometimes it's printed with discount coupons, but because of a few popular songs, the fan base has increased, and the fans in the early years have also grown, and it's been very easy to sell in the past two years." Ms. Li said that in the final analysis, singers still need to have "big hits". "Why does Lao Tianwang sell so well? Because there are so many hits. Why can't Wu Bai get it? Because everyone wants to sing live."

Idol artists must have a clear understanding of their appeal.

For idol singers without masterpieces, there may not be enough fans to pay for a concert. Ms. Li said that there was a "traffic" last year who was supposed to be in the stadium in Guangzhou. There were two openings, but the box office was so bad that it had to be adjusted to one, but neither was sold out. The attendance rate was less than 50%, so the scene was not pretty. “Idol singers still need to have a clear understanding of their own appeal. Especially for idol artists who cannot attract passerby fans and do not have hits, no matter how gorgeous the performance is, they will not be able to attract people to the scene." Ms. Li also said that she does not like the term "sold out in seconds" because everyone in the industry knows that the so-called "sold out" is related to the number of tickets issued, and the amplified "sold out" will cause comparisons between artists, and even Some idol singers require organizers to "sell out the tickets." Mr. Lu, the owner of

livehouse, revealed that the most intuitive feeling recently is that hip-hop singers have begun to be unable to sell. In the past few years, when hip-hop was booming, it could basically sell well, and fans would even queue up at the venue very early. , just to stand in the front row. Since last year, except for some powerful hip-hop singers, some performances have been very bleak. "There was a hip-hop group that did a platter show, and there were not 100 people at the scene. This was not done before." maybe appear". Mr. Lu said that frequent variety show appearances may not necessarily bring offline box office. Some singers are very popular on social platforms and short video platforms, and the team may be confused. Acting on site is the criterion for testing their strength.

If it is consumed too much, it will lose its freshness.

Mr. Lu also said that there is a band that he did not expect. It has strength, golden songs, and reputation, but it may have appeared too many times, and the live house ticket sales did not exceed 500. "Many bands I grew up in a live house. When I get popular on variety shows, I want to go to big venues. But going on variety shows can be a double-edged sword. If I am consumed too much, I lose the sense of freshness." Mr. Lu lamented that whether it is a large-scale performance or a small or medium-sized venue such as a live house, ticket sales are very knowledgeable and even "metaphysical". Some carefully produced products do not sell well, and trends such as hip-hop are not easy to sell when they are surging. It is very easy to sell, but it is difficult to sell it when the trend is about to pass or has passed. Especially for idol artists who have no representative works, there may be an unexpected lack of popularity.


Theater performances can also be embarrassing.

Generally speaking, large-scale concerts and theater-type serious music performances have different logics. Mr. Tao, the performance manager, analyzed that concerts are more of a "fan economy" and they are basically sung to Fans provide a place for everyone to party or socialize together; theater performances are usually operas, musicals, dramas or serious music, which have their own specific groups. "Musicals also have a 'fan economy', that is, some people who perform in musicals Actors have traffic, and some musicals themselves have large IP traffic.For dramas or symphonies, they also face the problem of 'breaking the circle'. If they cannot break the circle, even high-quality large groups may be left out."

High quality is often not equal to high box office

Mr. Tao said that there has been a recent phenomenon There are some phenomena that are not easy to understand, that is, although it is a big group and a master, the box office response is far less than expected. "It may be related to the schedule, such as non-weekends, or it may be because I have been here not long ago, and it is even difficult to explain. "Performances recognized by industry insiders as good are difficult to sell tickets, and even those with good reputations cannot match them." Mr. Feng, a drama critic, was once responsible for the promotion of a drama with high reputation. He said that the team spent a lot of effort on creating and maintaining reputation. But there are only a few applicants, and those who come to watch the show are still some old people; and for some serious performances involving celebrities, the stars' ability to attract tickets has also declined. "It may be because of excessive consumption, or it may be because the stars have become outdated. Analyzing the reasons You can talk a lot, but how to sell tickets is a problem."

Market feedback will affect the enthusiasm of creators

In the new media era, theater performances are not as easy to "get out of the circle" as concerts. Mr. Feng said that some producers , the producer is also very helpless, the publicity cost is limited, and it is difficult to conduct precise marketing. "Some singers or bands are popular on social platforms or short video platforms, and they can perform according to a certain proportion of fans. Of course, for non-leading singers, There are risks; but dramas and stage plays have their own attributes, and the audience for symphonies is also very limited. Most of them can only rely on their own fermentation. Some cutting-edge orchestras and theater groups are also doing fan operations, and even becoming Internet celebrities, but high-end If the quality is not equal to the high box office, market feedback will still affect the enthusiasm of the creators."

Mr. Tao, Ms. Li, and Mr. Feng all agreed that we should not just focus on the few "guaranteed" singers and artists. After all, the market is in the minority. It is natural to do well in "guaranteed profit" singer concerts. It is only when you do risky performances that you do not lose money or even make money. However, the concert market and the performance market are usually short-term activities. There are countless stories in the past where a company was destroyed by one performance.

Let the "guaranteed" performances continue to make steady profits. High-quality performances at least do not lose money or lose very little. The team in the growth stage can make continuous progress, and the performance software and hardware can be fresh. The gameplay and creativity are the positive cycle of the normal performance market.

Written by: Nandu reporter Ding Huifeng

Tags: entertainment