Biden's handwritten letter of recommendation is translated as follows: Joseph R. Biden Hello Americans who support me: Our country has made tremendous achievements over the past three and a half years. Today, the United States is the most powerful economy in the world. us...

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Biden's handwritten letter of recommendation, translated as follows:

Joseph R. Biden

Hello Americans who support me:

Over the past three and a half years, our country has made tremendous achievements.

Today, the United States is the most powerful economy in the world. We've made historic investments to rebuild our country: new-low prescription drug taxes for seniors and unprecedented health care spending to protect our people. We've given millions of veterans who have been exposed to dangerous substances material protections; passed the first gun safety law in three decades; appointed the first African American female justice; passed historic climate regulations; The United States' leadership in the world today is unprecedented.

I know these achievements would not be possible without the efforts of you, the American people. We worked together to defeat the once-in-a-century COVID-19 crisis and the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression in 1929. We defended and upheld our democracy, and we reinvigorated and strengthened alliances around the world.

I feel the greatest honor to be your president. Although I am heartily committed to seeking re-election, after careful consideration, it is in the best interest of this country and my Democratic Party that I fulfill my responsibilities for the remainder of my term and withdraw from the general election.

Later this week, I will tell the nation more about the reasons for my decision and more details.

Now, let me express my most sincere gratitude to all of my colleagues who have worked so hard with me, and I want to especially thank Vice President Kamala Harris, who has done an extraordinary job during our time together. Next, please allow me to express my most sincere gratitude to the American people for trusting me and trusting me to be with you at this moment.

I believe today is the time we will always have in the future: when we come together, we can do anything, as long as we remember that we are one, the United States of America. (Complete handwritten letter, signed by: Joe Biden)

Biden's handwritten letter of recommendation is translated as follows: Joseph R. Biden Hello Americans who support me: Our country has made tremendous achievements over the past three and a half years.      Today, the United States is the most powerful economy in the world. us... - Lujuba The incident was quite sudden. For more detailed reasons for withdrawing from the election, Biden himself will explain it later this week. But I estimate that Biden’s age is indeed There is a lot of trouble in the Democratic Party. Health considerations and certain contracts reached within the Democratic Party are probably the main reasons. Biden himself will explain later. It seems that Trump has another chance to win, but everything is subject to change.

Biden's handwritten letter of recommendation is translated as follows: Joseph R. Biden Hello Americans who support me: Our country has made tremendous achievements over the past three and a half years.      Today, the United States is the most powerful economy in the world. us... - Lujuba

The support of the guild group for the Democratic Party and Biden cannot be ignored. This handwritten letter also revealed a very key piece of information: Biden and the Democrats are likely to choose Harris to compete with Trump. Harris has a natural advantage in winning votes from women and ethnic minorities. After Biden withdraws from the election, he will retreat behind the scenes and use his influence to attract votes from labor unions to support Harris. Compared with Trump’s return as king, there is another possibility of witnessing history: the first woman in American history. president. Hillary's unfulfilled presidential dream may be realized by Harris.

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