Caption: The final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai. Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below) On July 19, the final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a s

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Caption: The final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai. Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below) On July 19, the final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a s - Lujuba

Caption: The final election of the 4th light·Technology Charity Creation Camp came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai. Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below)

On July 19, the final election of the 4th light·Technology Charity Creation Camp came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai. . After nearly 5 months of professional selection and review, 20 teams stood out from 1,079 projects and carried out a wonderful road show. The Intelligent Media Design Laboratory Team and the Manzhong Team of the School of Animation and Digital Art of Communication University of China won the most prizes. The attention-grabbing “Public Welfare Innovation Project”.

This year's light is co-organized by the China Soong Ching Ling Youth Science and Technology Cultural Exchange Center and Tencent Charity Foundation, and co-organized by Tencent Technology Charity, Tencent Cloud Intelligence, and Tencent Youtu Lab. It focuses on the three major areas of "children's literacy education, community charity, and ecological environmental protection" The topic calls on scientific research and technical volunteers, social organizations and enterprises, and public-spirited people to jointly create technological public welfare solutions so that technology can truly be applied to solve actual social problems and better serve society.

Caption: The final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai. Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below) On July 19, the final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a s - Lujuba

20 teams competed on the same field

In the digital economy era, technology has become an important force in promoting the transformation of public welfare. The deep integration of technology and public welfare is constantly generating new chemical reactions, opening up more possibilities and imagination in the public welfare and charity industry. Therefore, how to make better use of technology to more efficiently solve social problems and public welfare pain points, and provide new ways of thinking and action for public welfare activities, has gradually become a key issue that the public welfare industry needs to continue to explore. The

light Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp is a technology public welfare IP activity launched by Tencent. It is open to industry developers, public welfare enthusiasts and other groups and provides free access to the AI ​​technology capabilities accumulated over many years on Tencent Cloud. Since its launch in 2020, it has attracted nearly 5,000 teams and more than 20,000 developers to participate, becoming one of the most influential technology charity platforms in China, injecting new vitality for sustainable development into technology charity. The fourth light of

has undergone multi-dimensional upgrades compared with previous years. On the one hand, the technical toolbox has been further improved. Tencent Cloud has provided participants with more comprehensive cloud technology support, covering AI, security, audio and video, intelligent customer service, digital people, In cutting-edge areas such as intelligent translation, the easy-to-use cloud toolbox has significantly lowered the threshold for public welfare innovation, allowing everyone to participate in public welfare services; on the other hand, this year's light also introduced new community public welfare topics to encourage developers With the community as the center, we design practical and forward-looking technical solutions for multi-dimensional issues such as helping the elderly, caring for children, disaster relief, mental health and community services.

At the final road show, 20 shortlisted teams in three major fields provided innovative solutions to various social problems. After on-site review by professional judges, the final list of winners of the 4th Light·Technology Charity Creation Camp was released: the Intelligent Media Design Laboratory Team and the Manzhong Team of the School of Animation and Digital Art of Communication University of China successfully won the most anticipated "Public Welfare Innovation Project".

Among them, the Intelligent Media Design Laboratory of the School of Animation and Digital Art of Communication University of China has developed the "emoland Emotional Kingdom" online education product based on Tencent Cloud AI. This product is aimed at autistic children aged 3-9 and can calculate emotions through artificial intelligence. , interactive animation and game-based learning to help children with autism further understand and express emotions. This product has been trialled in many places and received favorable reviews, which has strongly promoted the development of related academic fields.

In the field of ecological and environmental protection, the Mangzhong team's "Mangzhong-Disruptive Desert Control Corps" project has relied on the technical power of Tencent Cloud to self-developed small agricultural machinery and automatic planting vehicles to address the problem of sand planting. Both products have been completed in the field. Testing and preparing for mass production can solve the problems of lack of suitable machinery, high labor intensity for farmers, and high planting costs in the desert planting industry, alleviate population loss in border villages, further improve the efficiency of desert management, and reduce management costs. At the same time, the team also built a small program platform called Eungzhong to provide sapling planting data and dynamic information. The platform has so far won many honors, including the China Youth Daily's annual minimally invasive star.The

light platform not only promotes the birth of a large number of outstanding public welfare projects, but also allows technology and public welfare to collide with greater social value, contributing positively to the sustainable development of society. Wang Yuzhuo, deputy director of the Experience Center of the China Soong Ching Ling Youth Science and Technology Cultural Exchange Center, said that this cooperation with Tencent is a two-way journey, which can make full use of Tencent's technological advantages in the fields of digitalization and intelligence to promote innovative development in the field of "technology + education". It is hoped that this year's light can develop more personalized and diversified solutions from technical public welfare, and truly apply them in practice to become a solver of social problems. At the same time, the center will also work with Tencent to continue to expand the depth and breadth of public welfare and help form a low-threshold, multi-scenario public welfare ecosystem.

Technology and public welfare resonate at the same frequency

Tencent adheres to the mission of "technology for good" and continues to open advanced technologies, products, solutions, etc. to developers, public welfare enthusiasts, etc., so that more public welfare projects can be simple and convenient Use these capabilities effectively to effectively solve social pain points and create more value for society.

Caption: The final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a successful conclusion in Shanghai. Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below) On July 19, the final election of the 4th Light·Technology Public Welfare Creation Camp came to a s - Lujuba

Currently, Tencent Cloud has opened more than 300 AI atomic capabilities to public welfare individuals and platforms. These atomic capabilities have achieved mature, stable, safe, and compliant technical implementation in many scenarios such as industry, finance, and media. As an important platform for Tencent to connect technology and public welfare, the light·Technology Charity Creation Camp has also given birth to a number of practical and A useful technical public welfare project that has been truly implemented.

For example, the first light's "Wow! White Dolphin" assisted wildlife protection projects, using Tencent Cloud's AI technology to identify Chinese white dolphins, and helped researchers and the public quickly obtain data through WeChat mini programs, allowing more people to Participated in the conservation research of white dolphins; in the second "Mongolian-Xinbeaver Technology Empowerment" project of Light, the Altai Mountain Nature Conservation Team used Tencent Cloud's AI capabilities to reduce the confirmation time of beavers from two to three months or even Half a year was shortened to 2 days, and the overall recognition accuracy reached more than 90%. In four years, the number of beavers in Altay increased from 500 to 610, an increase of 20%.

"The light platform is like an introduction to search for projects in the industry that can use technology to make public welfare better. It is also a tipping point, opening up more possibilities for cooperation with Tencent." Tencent Foundation Technology Charity Zhang Yijing, the person in charge, said that in the field of species protection, for example, public welfare projects such as protecting golden monkeys and green peacocks have become benchmarks and set a good example in the industry.

Wu Yunsheng, vice president of Tencent Cloud, head of Tencent Cloud Intelligence, and head of Tencent Youtu Laboratory, said that in the past four years, through the light·Technology Charity Creation Camp, Tencent is joining hands with many ecological partners and social forces to jointly build a constantly innovative The sustainable public welfare model deeply implements the concept of science and technology for good, strives to realize the beneficial interaction between technology and public welfare, and brings more possibilities for the sustainable development of public welfare.

In the future, Tencent will continue to polish its products and technologies, continue to deliver "ammunition" to developers, release the core value of technological public welfare, and attract the attention and participation of all sectors of society in public welfare undertakings to jointly solve more social and public issues, thereby Promote the sustainable and healthy development of society.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Yang Yuhong

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