Honor of Kings will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. These two new skins belong to

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King of Glory will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. The two new skins of

belong to the two heroes Zhen and Gongsunli respectively. They are two martial arts-style skins, and the images of the skins have also been exposed.

Honor of Kings will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. These two new skins belong to - Lujuba

As shown in the picture, Xie's skin is golden and her hair is tied into a ponytail, while Gongsunli's skin is white and her hair is decorated with red flowers. The quality of these two skins has not yet been determined, but it is worth mentioning that the skins will have additional discounts. As shown in the picture above, you can see that Xie’s skin appears in the third section of the Memory Gift Book. This section has been officially stated before and will be opened after the update on the 18th.

This section was launched on the trial server before. Its function is to give discounts to skins. Using memory certificates to refresh can bring the price of the skin to a relatively low discount, so the price of this skin will definitely not be too expensive.

Honor of Kings will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. These two new skins belong to - Lujuba

In addition to these two heroes, Xiahou Dun also has a skin of the same series. However, Xiahou Dun’s skin image was not exposed this time, and it may not be released at the same time as these two skins. Overall, these three skins are worth looking forward to. Judging from the images that have been exposed so far, the skins of Gongsun Li and Xie are still good.

Then there is Yao’s unparalleled limited skin, which is about to make a comeback recently. According to online rumors, Yao’s unparalleled limited skin will return in early August. When this skin returns, three limited skins will also return.

Honor of Kings will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. These two new skins belong to - Lujuba

As shown in the picture above, according to the news revealed by netizens, the three limited skins that have returned with Yao Wushuang’s limited skin are Han Xin’s Feiheng, Marco Polo’s Breath of the Deep Sea, and Zhao Yun’s Gentian.

Feiheng and Gentian are both of epic quality and can be selected by drawing 40 times, while Marco Polo's is of legendary quality and requires 80 draws. Of course, if you don't want Yao's Wushuang, but only Marco Polo's legendary limited skin, you can almost get this skin by drawing about 40 times.

In addition, the hero Daji also has a new skin in the process of being produced. According to the news revealed by netizens, Daji has a theme skin of Fuzhou Youshen. The quality of this skin is guaranteed to be epic.

Honor of Kings will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. These two new skins belong to - Lujuba

However, this skin will not be online for a short time. It will not be released until Daji’s redo is launched on the official server. The test server has made changes to Daji. After the change, Daji has two forms, human form and fox form. Therefore, all of Daji’s skins will also need to be optimized. When the skin optimization is completed, the changed Daji will be online on the experience server. During the experience After the server has passed the balance test, it can be officially launched online. The planner of

revealed that the gameplay of the new version of Daji will be very interesting, and the strength of Daji will also be improved. Daji players can look forward to this change.

Then there is the hero Jia Luo. There is also a new skin in the process of being produced. Jia Luo's new skin is in the style of Xia Xia. It is suspected to belong to the ancient Xia Xia Zhuan series. The quality of the skin seems to be limited to legends. It is expected to be released in September this year. online.

Honor of Kings will be updated every week, and the updates are often accompanied by new skins. The next update will be on the 18th. After this update, at least two new skins will be launched, and the heroes of the new skins have also been determined. These two new skins belong to - Lujuba

Before the new skin is launched, the legendary limited skin that Jia Luo released during the Spring Festival will also make a return. It is expected that this skin will return next month. The price is 1788 points. If you like this skin Players remember to prepare a budget in advance.

Tags: entertainment