Recently, rapper Zhang Yanzhuo (Capper) talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis, "I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I instantl

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Rapper Zhang Yanzhuo (capper)

talked about his comeback in a variety show

He said that he was sick and had respiratory alkalosis

"I did a lot of stage installations at the last music festival last year

At that time, I started smoking cigarettes When she came out of the machine, she suddenly suffered from respiratory alkalosis. "

Recently, rapper Zhang Yanzhuo (Capper) talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis, 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I instantl - Lujuba

After hearing this, Shang Wenjie said that she had also suffered from respiratory alkalosis.

She had been taking medication

and the medicine has not stopped yet.

Many artists have said that she had suffered from respiratory alkalosis. I had this symptom

According to previous reports

New actor Chen Shaoxi suffered from respiratory alkalosis due to heat stroke during the filming of a movie

New star He Lantou

revealed in a variety show

When he is emotionally excited

it is easy to induce respiratory alkalosis Alkalosis

He Landu said

that he suddenly developed respiratory alkalosis during his performance.

His hands were in the shape of chicken claws in the second half of the performance.

His whole body was numb and he could not move.

also encountered a similar situation when playing

What is respiratory alkalosis?

For example, the human body is like a balance scale, with acid and alkali organisms on the left and right. Once one party has too much weight, the balance will collapse due to acid-base imbalance. Overweight of "acid" is acidosis, and overweight of "alkali" is alkalosis, which in turn leads to a poisoning reaction in the human body.

Shen Ling, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, said that the causes of respiratory alkalosis include nervousness, excitement, anxiety, agitation, anger and other mental factors, as well as severe pain or drug-induced excitement of the respiratory center, thus It leads to accelerated breathing rate and excessive discharge of carbon dioxide from the lungs, causing an acid-base imbalance in the human body.

When the body is alkalotic, blood calcium and potassium will decrease, and cerebral blood vessels will constrict. The main manifestations of respiratory alkalosis are numbness and needle-like sensation in the hands, feet, face, especially around the mouth, chest tightness, chest pain, dizziness, fear, and even twitching of the limbs, including disturbance of consciousness (coma).

For normally healthy people, respiratory alkalosis may occur if they yell or sing for a long time. For children or infants, prolonged crying can also cause respiratory alkalosis. Other conditions such as psychogenic hyperventilation, hyperthyroidism, plateau hypoxia, central nervous system disease, salicylic acid poisoning, etc. may lead to respiratory alkalosis.

First aid methods for patients with respiratory alkalosis

Once such a situation occurs, how to provide first aid?

Previously, some TV dramas also demonstrated the use of "paper bag breathing" to relieve respiratory alkalosis. The method of is to cover your mouth and nose with a paper bag and breathe deeply into the paper bag. The principle of this is to allow the patient to increase the amount of carbon dioxide inhaled, or he can directly wear a mask. , but if used by people with asthma or basic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is likely to have side effects. Of course, it is also very important to calm the patient's emotions.

Doctors remind that although most respiratory alkalosis has a good prognosis, severe cases can also be life-threatening. Because alkalosis can cause the patient's blood potassium to drop, causing cardiac electrophysiological abnormalities, resulting in fatal arrhythmia. For acute illnesses that cannot be relieved, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment.

Today’s interaction

Do you know Can you solve respiratory alkalosis?

Source: Chao News · Qianjiang Evening News comprehensively compiled from Morning News, Sina Weibo, Nanfang Daily, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, netizen comments, etc.

Editor: Liu Xiaodan

Review: Ma Linhong

Final review: Yuan Zhihong

Tags: entertainment