The fifth film "Dear Child" Rating: 7.7 Plot review: True Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few

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Part 5 "Dear Child"

rating: 7.7

Plot review: Real Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi , captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few scenes. It truly shows what a pregnant woman is like, so realistic that it’s almost a horror movie. This drama does not convey ideas through the output of long lines, but through common and real life details, it presents the various injustices that women encounter during the childbirth process, and reveals the selfishness of some men who are not aware of it. To be exposed. Although some of the drama conflicts are too obvious, the whole story only shows the pain of parenting without depicting happiness. It is a pity that Fang Yinuo's early description was too sensitive and only strong. But the overall shortcomings are not hidden ~

The fifth film 'Dear Child' Rating: 7.7 Plot review: True Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few - Lujuba

The fourth part "I'm pretty good at my job"

Rating: 8.1

Plot review: It's been a long time since a domestic modern urban drama made me want to watch it without speeding up. With 12 episodes, watching one episode feels like a whole day. I originally thought it was " Little Times " in a different city, but this drama broke people's illusions about the exquisiteness in the neon lights of big cities. It turned off the filter and opened the original camera of real life. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Ren Suzhen's acting skills are very good since " Donkey Gets Water ". In this drama, she did not deliberately show off her skills, but presented this character to the audience very realistically. In short, this drama is a drama that will first make you depressed and then heal you. It will first show you the cruelty of life directly, and then tell you that there are actually more beautiful moments in life, as long as you observe carefully and use your heart. Feel.

The fifth film 'Dear Child' Rating: 7.7 Plot review: True Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few - Lujuba

The third part " Hometown, Stay Well "

Rating: 8.2

Plot Comments: To be honest, from the character point of view, everyone has been cured, very warm, and the acting is quite natural, Ren Suxi is really good at acting , the acting has a real sense of life, without any trace of deliberate performance, and the characters in the play are also well portrayed. Seeing the radiance of the charming women, I want to say that the outfits in it are really eye-catching. I am so I like Dong Jiaxi’s outfit. It’s lively, cute, and quirky. I can really learn from the layering in the drama. Of course, there are plot points that deduct points. Some of the reconciliations are too deliberate, especially in the last few episodes. In order to deceive viewers, your domestic dramas don’t forcefully insert the twists and turns of conflict and reconciliation at the end. Isn’t it impossible to film? Fortunately, it ends at the end. Not bad.

The fifth film 'Dear Child' Rating: 7.7 Plot review: True Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few - Lujuba

The second part " The Nameless One "

rating: 8.0

Plot review: The whole film is 108 minutes in total, the plot is compact and without any delay, the scenes are switched fluently, there is no viewing fatigue at all, and the editing is well controlled. It is a rare domestic masterpiece. There are many laughs and tears in the film. All the characters are small people at the bottom of society. The most essential difference between small people and the walking dead is that they live hard and live truthfully. Several scenes in the second half of the film really brought me to tears and I was very moved. Life is like a play, live with a smile. In addition, Ren Suxi really knows how to act. I cried the most in her scenes. In short, comedies like this are considered excellent. They can make the audience smile and make people think about movies and life. They are not like some movies that have low-grade laughs and are extremely boring.

The fifth film 'Dear Child' Rating: 7.7 Plot review: True Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few - Lujuba

The first "Donkey Gets Water"

rating: 8.3

Plot review: The movie shows the huge changes in the character's personality and destiny through absurd plots and profound social criticism. Especially in the second half of the film, the beauty of each character's humanity is torn apart and the ugliness is nakedly exposed, making this film not only a comedy, but also a deeply rooted tragedy. When talking about the film, the character that must be mentioned is the female teacher Zhang Yiman played by Ren Suxi. She not only provided many "interesting" laughs in the film, but also successfully created one of the most contradictory characters in the film. Behind Zhang Yiman's seemingly debauched appearance, there is an innocent heart, but it is this innocence that makes her the most tragic character in this tragedy that is whitewashed with comedy.

The fifth film 'Dear Child' Rating: 7.7 Plot review: True Chinese horror, the fear of marriage and childbirth is the most intuitive feeling after watching this drama. Fang Yinuo, played by Ren Suxi, captured a long-lost reality in domestic film and television dramas in just a few - Lujuba

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Tags: entertainment