If you think the scam of "paying a lot of money to have a baby" is silly, then you are wrong. In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible. A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl

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If you think the scam of "paying a lot of money to get a child" is silly, then you are wrong.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

In the cross talk circle, you can often see some comments that will make you feel incredible.

A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was lost, "Those who can get green cards are eagles, and those who don't have green cards are maggots." The audience in the live broadcast room applauded, but the problem is that these people don't have green cards either.

A crosstalk blogger stood outside the Jining Commercial Performance Theater and shouted, "Look, there are so many audiences. Those who say that the attendance rate of Xuzhou Commercial Performance is not good are just spreading rumors." He staged a modern version of "Carving a Boat to Seek a Sword."

An employee of a cross talk group said, "I asked the organizers of the commercial show and the ticket office, and they all said that there are no scalpers in this commercial show." This is another modern version of "seeking skin from a tiger."

A fan circle of a cross talk group showed off on the Internet: "We risk our lives to reward so-and-so, and we will make you and the platform angry." The problem is that the reward you spend is your money, not to mention that the platform takes half of it.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

If you follow a certain cross talk fan circle, you will find that they have too many words and deeds that are difficult for normal people to understand. The key is that these things that normal people think are unreasonable are very popular in the fan circle.

Some people may think that this is due to the inherent immature, extreme, one-sided and other characteristics of the fandom. This is certainly true. After all, it is extremely difficult for normal people with clear minds and rational thinking to become fandoms.

But we also need to think about another question, that is, how did these fan circle bloggers and fans get together?

This brings up the topic of "User Filtering" that this article will talk about.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

1. Common user screening

Spending a lot of money to find a child, this is probably the most common user screening case.

A TV station once interviewed a young man who was defrauded by a "heavy money for a child" advertisement. He told the reporter that he saw the advertisement on a telephone pole and the content was very tempting: a young Hong Kong woman urgently needed to have a child to inherit her husband's early death. Family property, after the deal is completed, I will give you hundreds of thousands in cash and a house in the mainland.

The young man called the phone, but the person who answered the phone was a woman who spoke a certain local dialect. Not long after the conversation, she asked him to pay a few hundred yuan to show her sincerity, and then... the young man lost money. A salary of several thousand dollars.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

I believe that 99% of ordinary people will sneer at scams like "paying a lot of money to get a child". How low does one have to have an IQ to be deceived?

In fact, this scam does not fool 99.9% of people, but if we have a large population base, even if only 0.1% of people believe it, this number will be very scary.

The reason why scammers design such a poor scam is that they are doing user screening to screen out the vast majority of normal people in advance, leaving only a few people who are easiest to deceive. Anyone who can read the advertisement on the telephone pole and call to inquire Basically, they are the most easily deceived people. This can greatly improve the fraud efficiency of scammers and save a lot of wasted effort.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

There are many similar examples. For example, there used to be a prize-winning program on TV with telephone questions. The questions were designed to be outrageously simple. For example: Which of the following historical figures is not Liu Bei's sworn brother? a. Zhang Fei, b. Guan Yu. , c Liu Chan.

Then you will find that every time the host answers the phone, the other party will answer the wrong answer, which makes the audience in front of the TV very anxious and can't help but call the other party to tell the correct answer. As a result, as soon as the call is connected, you will be queued to wait. It can take as little as two minutes or as long as five minutes, and your phone bill will be deducted from more than ten yuan or even dozens of yuan.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

You think the host of the show is stupid for asking such a simple question. You think the people answering the questions are stupid. They don’t even know Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei. In fact, this is the program doing user screening, and 99% of people don’t know. People will believe this kind of program, but as long as 1% of them believe it, they will actually call and wait for their phone bill to be deducted.

The so-called user filtering is roughly equivalent to another model of market segmentation, except that our common market segmentation is "attracting my users from the vast sea of ​​people", while user filtering is "attracting users who are not me" users are eliminated from the vast crowd."

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

2. Why does the cross talk industry also engage in user screening?

Some people may not understand why some people in the crosstalk community engage in user screening?

The first reason should be to match the level and style of certain cross talk actors.

For example, some crosstalk actors relied on relatively solid traditional crosstalk when they first became famous, and thus gained strong support from a large number of crosstalk enthusiasts.

However, after becoming famous, some crosstalk actors gradually exposed their shortcomings in creation and performance style. On the one hand, they make old jokes, broken jokes, and collections of jokes copied from the Internet; on the other hand, they make shit and ethics. Talking about dirty jokes, dirty jokes, and flattering your wife, this kind of vulgar and rubbish stuff will definitely be disliked by older viewers who have a higher level of appreciation.

At this time, it is necessary to eliminate the audience, that is, user screening, to screen out the audience with higher appreciation level, leaving the audience who do not understand cross talk, so that they are more likely to be fooled and brainwashed, and finally cultivated into their own fan circle.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

The second reason is to strengthen the rice circle economy

How can we bring greater benefits to ourselves after the rice circle is formed? Then it is necessary to further screen users, gradually expand the fan circle group, and finally form a fan circle economy.

At this time, the rice circles that have been screened out will in turn play a role in user screening, becoming a tool for user screening intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, in a small cross talk theater, some audience members wanted to listen to a few cross talk segments, but the fan circle girls were shouting and teasing at the scene. The actors were also busy interacting with the fan circle girls and ignored other audience members. The audience made suggestions and asked them to quickly start talking about cross talk. As a result, the cross talk actors directly asked the audience who wanted to listen to the cross talk to go out, and actually won the applause of the girls in the fan circle.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

This phenomenon directly leads to those viewers who want to listen to serious cross talk being screened out, and the fans gradually occupy the audience seats. Generally speaking, we can also call it "bad money drives out good money".

To put it bluntly, if the crosstalk actors' creations and performances are at a high level and can continue to produce high-quality works that are popular with people of all ages, then there is no need to engage in user screening. But if the crosstalk works are not good and the performance level and style are too high If it is low, you may lose most of your audience if you don’t do user screening.

If you think the scam of 'paying a lot of money to have a baby' is silly, then you are wrong.      In the cross talk circle, you can often see some remarks that will make you feel incredible.      A crosstalk actor said in the live broadcast room that his boss's green card was cl - Lujuba

3. User maintenance

User screening is not a one-time thing, but needs to be carried out over a long period of time. It also requires user maintenance. Some cross talk groups have created a large number of self-media for this purpose.

Faced with the fan circle whose appreciation level is relatively low and whose thinking is irrational and unclear, if we use high-level self-media bloggers to popularize the history and common sense of cross talk in the fan circle, lead them to appreciate high-level classic works, and guide them to improve their appreciation At a very high level, it is equivalent to destroying the early efforts of user screening and causing a large number of fans to lose fans in the fan circle.

In order to maintain this fan circle with low appreciation level and low thinking level, it is necessary to use self-media bloggers with the same level and low quality to maintain this fan circle, so we have seen a lot of similarities between these fan circles and bloggers. , Such anti-intellectual remarks as cutting the boat and seeking the sword.

Tags: entertainment