Starting today, the original popular dance drama "Wing Chun", which has toured for more than 180 performances, will be performed at the Shenzhen Poly Theater for 7 consecutive performances. At 19:30 on July 2, the 193rd "Nanshan Poly - Talking about Artistic Life" Lecture and Dan

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Starting today, the original popular dance drama "Wing Chun", which has toured for more than 180 performances, will be performed at the Shenzhen Poly Theater for 7 consecutive performances. At 19:30 on July 2, the 193rd "Nanshan Poly - Talking about Artistic Life" Lecture and Dance Drama "Wing Chun" meeting with the main creators and starring actors was held in the multi-functional hall of Shenzhen Poly Theater. At the meeting, the creative team enthusiastically shared the creative concept of the dance drama. They not only reviewed the hardships and joys during the performance, but also deeply discussed the fusion art of martial arts and dance, and the profound Chinese culture behind this fusion. Traditional Culture. Their stories and insights brought the audience a deeper understanding and appreciation of the dance drama "Wing Chun". Not only that, they also revealed the plans for the overseas tour of "Wing Chun" in advance.

Starting today, the original popular dance drama 'Wing Chun', which has toured for more than 180 performances, will be performed at the Shenzhen Poly Theater for 7 consecutive performances. At 19:30 on July 2, the 193rd 'Nanshan Poly - Talking about Artistic Life' Lecture and Dan - Lujuba

has been tempered for more than a hundred times, making it more mature and refined.

At the meeting, the multi-functional hall on the 3rd floor of Shenzhen Poly Theater was packed with seats. "Wing Chun" director Lu Chengliang and actors Chang Hongji, Feng Haoran, Xu Tianhui, Wang Yuanlin, Li Jianting, Lui Shaojun, Zhou Ying and Yang Jiulong attended. At the meeting, the creative team shared their journey in creating and performing "Wing Chun" with sincere emotions and profound insights. They deeply analyzed the inner world of the characters and told how to vividly present the characters' emotions and stories on the stage through continuous research and understanding. Every actor demonstrated their love for "Wing Chun" and their deep understanding of the role with full enthusiasm and professionalism.

Starting today, the original popular dance drama 'Wing Chun', which has toured for more than 180 performances, will be performed at the Shenzhen Poly Theater for 7 consecutive performances. At 19:30 on July 2, the 193rd 'Nanshan Poly - Talking about Artistic Life' Lecture and Dan - Lujuba

The dance drama "Wing Chun" intervenes with a unique perspective, showing the "Wing Chun" crew who share their dreams of mountains and seas outside the play in parallel with the story of Ip Man going to Hong Kong to work hard in the play. The two lines are intertwined, and at the same time it presents a national intangible cultural heritage "Wing Chun" and "Xiang Yunsha" integrate the national intangible cultural heritage and Lingnan folk culture innovation in the play, bringing about the resonance of the two eras at the same frequency. The actors in the play said that in order to create a good role, they must not only refine the performance based on the character's characteristics and the story expression of the dance drama, but also observe and learn the emotional changes of that age group, and then use body and dance methods to narrate the story and express emotions.

uses "dance" to perform "martial arts". The integration of dance and martial arts is a highlight of the dance drama "Wing Chun". It is also a major difficulty faced by the actors and one of the topics of greatest concern to the audience. Chang Hongji, a young dancer who plays Ip Man in the play, said that in order to better present the martial arts duel scenes in the play, all the actors have undergone martial arts training a year in advance and integrated the characteristics of martial arts into dance. "The performance on the stage must not only be recognized by martial arts experts, but also show the beauty of the confrontation of martial arts itself. During the performance, it is all about real fighting, and every time you have to mobilize your whole body's strength to express each move of martial arts."

Starting today, the original popular dance drama 'Wing Chun', which has toured for more than 180 performances, will be performed at the Shenzhen Poly Theater for 7 consecutive performances. At 19:30 on July 2, the 193rd 'Nanshan Poly - Talking about Artistic Life' Lecture and Dan - Lujuba

"Pork Wing", a unique character among the seventy-two tenants, stands out with his unique charm. Actor Li Jianting has a deeper understanding and appreciation of this role after hundreds of performances. He said that what people have seen of "Pork Rong" in the past is mostly his honest side. However, what really makes this character lifelike and three-dimensional is his delicate emotions and soft heart hidden under his honest appearance.

Returning to Shenzhen again, the actors lamented the warmth of "going home"

"Wing Chun", a dance drama, has quickly won the hearts of the people with its unique artistic charm and profound cultural connotation since its debut nationwide in December 2022. received wide acclaim from the audience. In September 2023, it crossed national borders and held its overseas premiere in Singapore, marking the further expansion of its artistic influence to the international stage.

In less than a year, this dance drama has been like a bright star, chasing the light, and has traveled to 38 cities at home and abroad, with a total of 183 performances. Whether in the embrace of the motherland or in a foreign country, it has won unanimous praise from the audience and received countless flowers and applause with its superb performances, profound themes and touching stories.

"Produced in Shenzhen", these four words are like a shining medal, engraved on the path of glory of "Wing Chun". This performance in Shenzhen is the dance drama "Wing Chun"'s "homecoming" again after half a year.Lu Chengliang, executive choreographer of Shenzhen Opera and Dance Theater, said: "In Shenzhen, there is a feeling of performing at home, which is very friendly."

Standing at the starting point of "Wing Chun", Chang Hongji said, "I feel both happy and excited. In the future During the 7 performances, I look forward to meeting every audience member in the theater, and unleashing our passion, love and artistic vitality in this place where dreams begin.”

Feng Haoran, the actor of “Dachun”, shared about himself. Growth and insights: "My biggest feeling is 'relaxation'. I still remember the immaturity when I first set foot on the stage. Now, with the accumulation of stage experience, we are able to express our emotions more freely and bring richer content to the audience." "

Lu Chengliang said in response to the media interview that this meeting was like returning to a warm home, "going home to chat with my family, and at the same time, before we are about to step onto the international stage, we also I want to give a message to my family and set off with expectations and blessings. "

Chasing dreams and chasing light, domestic and international tours are highly anticipated.

Chasing dreams and chasing light, the "Shenzhen story" of "Wing Chun" will continue to be told. It was revealed at the meeting that in August, October, and November this year, the dance drama "Wing Chun" will also perform in the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, and launch the "Shenzhen Story" urban civilization global exchange plan. The overseas performances in the UK will be held at Sadler’s Wells Theater in London, England from August 30 to September 7, 2024, with a total of 12 performances.

"I have a sense of belief and I am more confident." Regarding this overseas tour, Lu Chengliang told reporters that the script and performance framework of "Wing Chun" have been fixed, but each performance is unique. When actors interact with different audiences, they will inject new vitality and emotional color into the characters according to the atmosphere of the scene and the audience's reaction. "This kind of improvisational creativity and deep understanding of the characters make each performance have its own unique magnetic field and charm."

"Everyone feels honored and empowered when they know they are going to tour abroad." Chang Hongji said, "As a large-scale dance drama with Chinese stories as its core and produced in Shenzhen, "Wing Chun" going overseas is our first step in spreading China's excellent traditional culture to the outside world. Even if we don't understand the language, we can convey it through body expression. The connotation of Chinese culture and the spirit of Chinese martial arts. We are proud to be from a young city like Shenzhen and are a group of young actors. We look forward to creating a youth storm overseas in the future and showing the power of our youth on the world stage.”

dance drama. "Wing Chun" tells a story about Chinese Kung Fu, as well as a story about Chinese cultural heritage, innovation, peace and tolerance. This story comes from "heroes", unfolds from "light chasers", and finally settles on ideals. It is in line with Shenzhen's urban spirit of being open and inclusive, daring to think and fight, and bravely standing at the forefront. The secret behind the popularity of "Wing Chun" is not only its unique "double intangible cultural heritage" theme with Lingnan characteristics, but also the Shenzhen spirit behind it, which embodies the sense of innovation and quality. The intense performance of "Wing Chun" shocked everyone. The gentle values ​​conveyed in it, the national spirit of promoting righteousness and supporting the weak, and the spirit of the times of reform and innovation also infected every audience.

Looking back at every stage performance in the past, the experience of more than a hundred performances has made the performance of "Wing Chun" more delicate and the expression more profound. For this dance drama, one hundred performances is a new starting point, going overseas in Singapore is a new starting point, and now, this going overseas will be a new starting point. This overseas trip is not only an important appearance of Chinese dance drama on the international stage, but also an important step in the spread of Shenzhen's urban culture to the outside world. The actors of "Wing Chun" said that through this tour, they will convey the connotation of Chinese culture and the spirit of Chinese martial arts, and show the youthful power and spirit of the times in Shenzhen.

Written by: Nandu reporter Huang Lu

Photographed by: Nandu reporter Xu Songlong Some pictures are provided by the organizer.

Tags: entertainment