The update scope of the S36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied. Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified rep

entertainment 2215℃
The update scope of the

s36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied.

Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified reply to players’ questions about the new season, mentioning multiple heroes.

The first is the hero Yixing. In the new season, Yixing’s second skill has been adjusted. The original intention of the adjustment is to enhance Yixing and reduce the difficulty of operating his second skill.

However, in fact, contrary to the original intention of the plan, Yixing's strength not only did not increase in the new season, but actually declined. Many players have reported that Yixing's second skill cannot pull people in. Although the release is easier than before, the control is not as stable as before.

The update scope of the S36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied. Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified rep - Lujuba

And many Yixing players also complained about the new lens of the ultimate move, saying that the new lens makes people dizzy.

said that this plan will be optimized immediately. At present, adjustments to the game star have been launched on the experience server. The

experience server has increased the casting distance of Yi Xing's second skill from 775 yards to 825 yards, and optimized the lens usage experience to reduce the feeling of shaking and dizziness.

The second issue is the adjustment of the basic attributes of heroes. Some players said that the adjustment of the basic attributes of heroes has led to a larger gap in the strength of some heroes. For example, Pei Qinhu himself moves very fast, but he is positioned as an assassin and has been enhanced in the new season. The speed caused Pei Qinhu's strength to exceed the standard.

The update scope of the S36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied. Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified rep - Lujuba

The planner said that adjusting the basic attributes is to unify the weights and measures of various professions and solve some common problems. Regarding the mechanical attributes of heroes, the planner will make subtle adjustments to some heroes in the future. Pei Qinhu, mentioned by player

, has been weakened in the experience server this time. The proportion of movement speed increase after switching forms with the three skills is reduced in the early stage.

The update scope of the S36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied. Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified rep - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that there has been new news about Daji’s adjustments recently. In the past few months, the planners said that Daji would be redone. Recently, the planners said that the gameplay verification of the redo of Daji has passed. However, due to the large number of Resources have been changed, so some improvements are still being made.

This change of Daji involves the adjustment of the model, as shown in the picture above. The planner revealed that this is the design of Daji’s original skin fox form. There is no doubt that this means that the reworked Daji will have two forms, which can be switched between human form and fox form. Compared with the current version of Daji, the adjusted Daji will undoubtedly be more playable.

has also recently made adjustments to several heroes in the experience server. Liu Bang has been weakened, and the attack range of the enhanced basic attack has been reduced by 100 yards. The weakening of Liu Bang in the new version is expected. His strength is indeed a bit beyond the standard. The ultimate move combines the advantages of specialized equipment and non-specialized equipment, as well as the recovery effect, and the skill damage is also higher than before.

The update scope of the S36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied. Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified rep - Lujuba

The damage of Chang'e's three skills has been increased, but you cannot use basic attacks during the ultimate move. You can only use skills and strengthened basic attacks. Overall, the damage has become lower, but it is not so tiring to play.

The damage of Sun Shangxiang's second skill has been increased, and the early cooling time has been slightly reduced, which is a small enhancement.

The update scope of the S36 season is much larger than that of previous seasons. Because there are too many changes and too many heroes involved, it is inevitable that there will be some problems that make players dissatisfied. Recently, Honor of Kings planners gave a unified rep - Lujuba

In addition, there is a new hero, Mage, Son of Yuanliu, which strengthens the basic attack damage and increases the feel of the second skill. The target escape range of the third skill increases, and the feel is optimized. This is a major enhancement adjustment.

Judging from the current peak game data, the performance of the mage Son of Yuanliu is better than the performance of the tank Son of Yuanliu, but this time it is to enhance the mage instead of the tank, indicating that the real gameplay of the tank Son of Yuanliu may not have been confirmed yet. Dig it out.

Tags: entertainment