On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of "Chengfeng 2024" was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din

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6 on June 27, the annual seat finals of "Chengfeng 2024" were recorded in Changsha, Hunan.

This international women's cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Dingding, Joyce Jonathan, Chen Lijun, etc. , they come from all over the world and have stage dreams. After more than two months and five performances, the annual seats for "Chengfeng 2024" have been finalized.

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Before the finals, Shang Wenjie, who has attracted much attention since the show was launched, was interviewed by the Yangcheng Evening News and other media. She used many words such as "very happy", "very loving" and "breakthrough" to describe this journey. .

It is reported that the annual seat finals of "Chengfeng 2024" will be broadcast on July 5 and the final results will be announced.

The right place, right time and right people helped me "open myself up"

Yangcheng Evening News: As you are the vocal in the show, netizens commented that "Sisters who are in a group with you are taking a master class". Have you seen this statement? ?

Shang Wenjie: Thank you, thank you. The sisters are all very talented and charming. Thank you all for your love, I think you all appreciate it.

Yangcheng Evening News: You are a "vocalist" and "a person with difficulty in body language", but you have challenged singing and dancing several times in the show. Will you continue to challenge yourself in the dance field in the future?

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie: The reason why I dare to challenge is because of the encouragement of my sisters. Sister Zhao Yihuan has expressed to me many times that "we are all on the same page and we need to work together", and she doesn't mind that I am not good at dancing. Miaomiao sister will lend a helping hand and teach me when I encounter problems.

Many sisters have opened a window for me in the field of dance. I feel that this journey cannot be wasted. I should continue to explore physically in the future, strive to be an electronic singer and dancer, and keep doing this.

Yangcheng Evening News: In the program, you communicated with French sister Joyce Jonathan without any barriers and demonstrated your French skills. The language learning methods you shared are also very popular online. Have you figured out how to learn dance now?

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie: Haha, foreign language is my main field. Basically, students in the foreign language department will have their own special skills and private methods for learning languages, so it is easy to share.

As for dancing, I just read a netizen’s comment on my dancing two days ago, saying that I “demonstrated what it means to dance with a large body.” This comment made me feel quite funny and very joyful. So, instead of giving out dance tutorials, I will teach you how to do large-body radio gymnastics when I get the chance. I should be very good at this now (laughs).

Yangcheng Evening News: It feels like you are much more "e-person" now than before. Do you feel this change? what is the reason?

Shang Wenjie: I do feel that I have a lot of "e"s, haha. Not only do I have a lot of fun getting along with my sisters, but sometimes I get very excited when I look at the faces and eyes of the audience. Maybe at some moments, I am indeed more "e" than the former Shang Wenjie.

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

The reason may be that I am relaxed. I like you sisters very much and I am in a good mood. After coming to the show, I often sigh, "Oh, I'm late. I should have opened myself up a long time ago and communicated and got along with everyone more." All in all, I feel happy more often and am more able to respond to everyone's emotions.

Yangcheng Evening News: Do you think it is more difficult to learn to dance or to open yourself up?

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie: I originally thought that learning to dance was the most difficult, but now it seems that breaking through our own personality and opening ourselves up is even more difficult for us "i people". Because as long as you work hard enough and practice enough to learn dance, you can always make progress. But to really open yourself up, I think you need the right time, place, and people. My journey of riding the wind is the right time, place and people, which allowed me as an "i person" to make so many good friends here, which is the most valuable thing.

sang "Love" again after 18 years, "I think more of luck"

Yangcheng Evening News: Recently, netizens have "archaeologically reviewed" a lot of your past variety shows and stages. What do you think?

Shang Wenjie: Every time I see some of the fragments that everyone has "archaeologically discovered", I feel a little ashamed and think to myself, "Oh my, how could I be like this at that time?" It makes me so embarrassed, I feel that I can't watch it, I have no face to watch it, I'm very ashamed. ,Hahaha.

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Yangcheng Evening News: At the "Annual Chengfeng Seat Live Broadcast Night", you sang the song "Love" that you sang on the "Super Girl" stage 18 years ago and won the first place. This song means a lot to you. What's the special significance?

Shang Wenjie: My experience in "Chengfeng 2024" had a great impact on me. Although it is not a pure music competition stage, it has opened up my heart to a certain extent. We can support each other in the show, and we can also be good partners who can continue to play together outside the show.

I thought about it a lot and decided to use "Love", a song that is very meaningful to my singing career, to express my feelings about the entire season of "Riding the Wind 2024" and my emotions towards my sisters. It can be said that in this program, I really feel very happy, very warm, and very loving, and many experiences have become precious memories.

Yangcheng Evening News: What is your definition of "love"? In addition to electronic music, will you sing or compose more love songs in the future?

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie: When I perform the song "Love" again after 18 years, my understanding of the song has changed somewhat. When I was in my 20s, I sang "Love" very personally. At that time, I was in a relatively closed state. 18 years later, when I sang this song again, I had a lot more things in my mind. I met good friends, good partners, and fellow travelers. With everyone’s company, my personality gradually became more “open”. So when I sing "Love" now, I think more about my luck, and there will be a hint of joy in my singing.

Yangcheng Evening News: What is the biggest difference between you 18 years ago and you now?

Shang Wenjie: 18 years ago, Shang Wenjie didn’t know how to respond to the love and support of others. I can’t say that I understand it very well now, but I definitely know how to accept, accept and respond to this love better than I did 18 years ago.

"No matter what the result is, it is the best result"

Yangcheng Evening News: How is "Chengfeng 2024" different from the competitive stages you have participated in before?

Shang Wenjie: It’s very different, because in most music competition programs, all you can see are the results, but "Chengfeng 2024" is different. It shows the process, and many of the charm, charm, and friendship of the sisters are It is demonstrated and cultivated in the process. This is the most different point between "Chengfeng 2024" and other programs. We are always taught to "look at the process, not the results." In this program, I really felt that the process brought me much greater gains than the results.

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Yangcheng Evening News: It has been many years since your debut, and your fans have accompanied you along the way. Is there anything you want to say to your fans and friends?

Shang Wenjie: When I competed in the Guangzhou Division and the Changsha Finals 18 years ago, the scenes on and off the stage have always stayed in my mind, and I guess I won’t be able to get them out of my mind. I feel very emotional. When I entered the music industry by mistake, I never thought that I would be able to sing for so many years and to be able to sing now.

I feel that I am very lucky, and I also feel that I should continue to work harder, because I cannot waste or let down the support that everyone has given me. The fans' expectations, to me, are encouragement, encouragement and a spur.

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Yangcheng Evening News: How do you evaluate your singing career? What is the biggest gain and impact it has given you?

Shang Wenjie: I am very lucky to be able to sing and be a singer. I feel that being able to sing is a gift given to me by my parents. Through singing, I can express many things that I cannot express easily. I want to be grateful and cherish this ability, and use this ability to sing more good songs and bring some emotional value to more people.

Yangcheng Evening News: "Chengfeng 2024" finals "Chengfeng Night" will be broadcast on July 5. What do you think of the final result?

Shang Wenjie: Of course I am looking forward to good results. However, the entire process of participating in "Chengfeng 2024" has been very rewarding for me. I made good friends here, learned to dance, and trained my body that was a bit uncoordinated, allowing everyone to see another side of me that might not be seen in other programs... So, on the final group night, I On the one hand, I will try my best, and on the other hand, no matter what the result is, I think it is the best result.

On June 27, the recording of the annual seat finals of 'Chengfeng 2024' was completed in Changsha, Hunan. This international female cultural exchange and music competition variety show is participated by 36 women of all ages, including Shang Wenjie, Chen Haoyu, Yuan Yawei, Sa Din - Lujuba

Text | Reporter Ai Xiuyu

Picture | "Chengfeng 2024"

Tags: entertainment