The good news is that on June 21st, "Jay Chou" will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan "0621 Double Lun

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Good news, on June 21st, "Jay Chou" will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise.

Bad news, Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this.

A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan "0621 Double Lun is coming". On the pre-heating poster, two buddies who look exactly like Jay Chou stood side by side. Netizens were dazzled: This is not "Heilun" and "Porridge Cake Lun" ?

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Shuanglun" promotional poster. Picture source: This bar chain company WeChat

One sings and the other sells cakes. They are both Internet celebrities with millions of fans who became popular by imitating Jay Chou! The organizer of

is also very creative: "Eat the cake in the opposite direction and listen to "The Clock in the Opposite Direction" - Jay Chou fan: I think you want to receive the lawyer's letter from the opposite direction.

At this time, the onlookers were not calm: How come the tickets for "Jay Chou copycat" are more expensive than their own?

"Jay Chou copycat", the ticket price is more expensive than myself?

"It's not that Jay Chou can't afford the tickets, but the 8 yuan cake filling is more cost-effective." In 2020, a merchant selling egg-filled cakes in a county in Hebei accidentally became popular after he bumped into Jay Chou.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

Social media screenshot of "Porridge Cake Lun"

After he became popular, he became active on the Internet under the name of "Porridge Cake Lun" and still insisted on running a stall. Not only did the price of the cakes he sold not increase, but it was also rumored that he cooperated with netizens and reduced the price by one yuan. ——Because "Love is in Seven Yuan" (Jay Chou's song "Love in BC").

This year, "Porridge Cake Lun" launched a "national cake tour", and Taiyuan, Shanxi was just one of the stops. Compared with the soy sauce-based "Porridge Cake Lun", the situation of "Heilun" is slightly different. With a striking resemblance to Jay Chou in appearance, and a perfectly imitated voice and movements, "Heilun" has been nicknamed "the innate Jay Chou body" by netizens. This "copycat version of Jay Chou" has millions of fans on a certain social platform. He calls himself the singer "Heilun" and has published many short personal "concert" videos.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heron" introduces himself. Screenshot of the tour promotional video

A reporter's investigation found that since June 2024, "Heilun", under the name of "Mainland's No. 1 Jaylen", has launched in-depth cooperation with a chain of bars and toured stores in multiple places, including Foshan and Suzhou. , Hangzhou and other cities, and the attendance rate is amazing. The songs he performed, such as "All the Way North", "Stranded", and "Zhou Daxia", are all works by Jay Chou.

Before starting the tour, "Heilun" recorded a short video in the image of Jay Chou for promotion, and also used Jay Chou's famous saying "Ouch, not bad." What is even more ridiculous is that during a certain performance, "Fang Wenshan" suddenly appeared on the big screen - an internet celebrity who made his name by imitating "Fang Wenshan". It seems that Jay Chou not only feeds his surroundings, but also feeds his surroundings.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heilun" and "Yuanwenshan". "Yuanwenshan" social media screenshot

html On June 21st and 22nd, "Heilun" will arrive in Taiyuan, Shanxi and Xi'an, Shaanxi for performances. Staff at the Taiyuan store of the chain bar told reporters that two special guests would come to the store that day, "Heilun" to sing on stage, and "Porridge Cake Lun" to sell cakes in the lobby. "The minimum consumption on the day is 880, and the maximum is 3,500."

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heilun" tour Hangzhou stop has a "sky-high price ticket" of 6,000 yuan. Source: Staff of the Hangzhou store of this chain bar

At the same time, the staff of the Xi'an store showed reporters the price list in the store on June 22, with consumption levels ranging from 300-2580, and said, "This price is basically the limit in Xi'an. ". Previously, some netizens exposed the quotations of the "Heilun" tour. The prices at the Foshan station ranged from 600-3,000, and the prices at the Suzhou station ranged from 588-3,888. The Hangzhou station was the most exaggerated, selling for a sky-high price of 6,000.

According to the ticket sales website, the maximum ticket price for Jay Chou's 2024 Carnival Tour Concert in Nanjing is only 2,000 yuan. The controversy over "Jay Chou copycats" selling tickets more expensively than themselves quickly became a rage.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

Jay Chou 2024 Carnival Tour Nanjing Station Ticket Price. screenshot

This price is not that price?

"This is a rumor, and this ticket price is not that ticket price."

Several netizens who have participated in the "Heilun" tour said that the so-called "fare" is a low discount for bar reservations, and is not the same thing as concert tickets. , and there is no ticket sales form in the store.

"Find some imitators to attract customers. This is actually the marketing model of bars and nightclubs. It has been around for more than ten years. 3888 is a low-cost booth. You can order one or two sets of foreign wine, beer or fruit plate, and watch while drinking. ."

Previously, fans were puzzled by the pricing method of "the closer to the stage, the cheaper" the "Heilun" concert, and even joked that "the farther away you are, the more you look like Jay Chou." Nowadays, it seems that the bar table types are different, and the VIP area far away from the stage is naturally more expensive.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heron" tour scene. "Heilun" social media screenshot

The staff of the Foshan store confirmed this statement to reporters. He also added that the amount of wine consumed per table is sufficient, including wine, fruit plate, hot dishes, snacks, and barbecue is not included. Customers can order and mix and match freely. If you can’t finish the drinks you ordered on the day, you can still store them in the store for 30 days.

"This is the location map and minimum consumption in the store. Now there are only 680 and 1580 left. You only need to order enough for a table to correspond to the price. 680 can seat four people and 1580 can seat eight people." The staff of the Xi'an store repeated Emphasizing to reporters that the event is "cost-effective": "Aa costs less than 300. Although it seems more expensive than the main owner, it is much cheaper after careful calculation. After all, they also provide wine."

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

html June 22 "Heilun" Xi'an Shop low consumption table. Picture source:

Staff member of a chain bar in Xi'an compared with June 21 (Friday). The reporter found that the Xi'an store of the chain bar had a premium on the day of low consumption on June 22 (Saturday). The price at the same location was the highest. Increased by 800 yuan. The store clerk said bluntly: Usually the prices are the same on Fridays and Saturdays, but this Friday is indeed much cheaper because there is no "Jay Chou". Inviting special and exclusive guests is naturally more expensive.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

The same seat in the Xi'an store has a premium of 600 yuan due to the "Heilun" tour.

Not only that, all the bars and branches currently participating in the tour of "Heilun" have generated premiums on the day. Taking the Hangzhou store as an example, compared with the daily quotations, on June 15th, all in-store table-top low-priced items in the "Heilun" market increased significantly. For example, the "green v-zone" increased from 3,000 to 3,980 yuan, and the "purple v-zone" Then it rose from 5,000 to 6,000 yuan.

According to the minimum consumption statistics of each table and calculated based on 90% occupancy rate, on June 15th alone, the bar’s Hangzhou store’s turnover was conservatively estimated to be 300,000 yuan, of which the premium was as high as 100,000 yuan. With the "Jay Chou copycat" gimmick, you can actually make a lot of money - and "Heilun" is far from the only speculator with this "business acumen". If

does not sell tickets, is it not considered infringement? Lawyer: No.

Some time ago, "Ice Black Tea Asked Jay Chou to Endorse" attracted public attention. Netizens concluded that this “copycat” drink “has a spokesperson who is like Jay Chou, a bottle that is like Master Kong, and a company that is like Dali Garden.” Some lawyers said that such an obvious "copycat behavior" not only infringed on Jay Chou's portrait rights and name rights, but also infringed on Dali Garden's trademark rights.

Most netizens have no objection to the infringement of "Zhoukou Jielun", but they have different opinions on whether "Heilun" should be counted as infringement. Some people raised questions: The imitators and stores did not promote the word "Jay Chou". He only sang in the bar and did not sell concert tickets. How could there be any claim of infringement?

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heilun", promoted with the slogan "Mainland's No. 1 Jaylen", has sold a lot of peripherals. Picture source: The chain bar company WeChat

Regarding this, the reporter interviewed Su Yanxin, a lawyer at Beijing Xingquan (Haikou) Law Firm. He said: "Even if the words 'Jay Chou' are not used directly, if the imitator uses the appearance, voice Others clearly make people think it is Jay Chou himself, which may still constitute an infringement of Jay Chou's portrait rights and voice rights. "

Before starting the tour, "Heilun" recorded a short video in Jay Chou's image for promotion and used "Ouch, not bad. " and other golden lines, Su Yanxin believes that this kind of behavior can easily make the general public mistakenly believe that Jay Chou himself is conducting publicity. In essence, it is using Jay Chou's unique appearance, reputation, voice and other characteristics for commercial promotion. Without authorization, it may be deemed to constitute infringement or unfair competition.

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heilun" uses Jay Chou's famous quotes to promote. Picture source tour promotional video

It is worth noting that the songs "Heilun" performed at the "concert" such as "All the Way North", "Stranded", and "Chow Hero" are all works by Jay Chou. Therefore, regarding the view that "if tickets are not sold, it is not considered an infringement", Su Yanxin bluntly said, "This statement does not make sense." He proposed that when singing in a commercial bar, regardless of whether the singer charges a fee, copyright permission is required to sing other people's works. In addition, the bar attracts customers and generates consumption through singing, which also constitutes commercial interests, so it still needs to obtain copyright permission.

"As a performance venue, if the corresponding copyright license is not obtained, the bar is also the subject of liability for infringement. Both the singer and the bar need to obtain authorization from the copyright holder of the work, otherwise they will bear legal liability."

At the same time, for store premiums Su Yanxin said that imitators and stores are taking advantage of the public's love for Jay Chou or taking advantage of the novelty mentality to increase consumption. This kind of behavior has the characteristics of "commercial confusion" and has also attracted traffic attention, which may constitute unfair competition. .

The good news is that on June 21st, 'Jay Chou' will appear in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province and start singing in surprise. The bad news is that Jay Chou himself doesn’t know about this. A few days ago, a performance venue in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province put out the slogan '0621 Double Lun - Lujuba

"Heilun" covers Jay Chou's song "Stranded". "Heilun" social media screenshot

However, Zhou Tianwang has always laughed off the imitators. After all, when the "Porridge Cake Relationship" became popular, Jay Chou himself responded: The multiverse relationships in every place are real, and they are all relationships that are working hard to live. Give positive energy to this world and this society that needs a sense of humor.

"Even if Jay Chou himself does not pursue the case for the time being, the imitators' actions may still constitute infringement. The protection of copyright and portrait rights is a right granted by the law, and the rights holder has the right to request a cessation of infringement and claim compensation at any time." Su Yanxin said bluntly, Copycats should exercise caution to avoid infringement. In addition, the profit-making behavior of such imitators may also undermine the normal order of market competition. Blindly imitating others is not conducive to innovation and will also lead to a large number of imitation chaos.

Source: China News Network

Tags: entertainment