"If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve the transparency and quality of services. Only in

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'If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve the transparency and quality of services. Only in - Lujuba

“If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve service transparency and quality. Only in this way can it win the trust of the audience.”

On the morning of June 20

Shanghai Minhang District People’s Court made a first-instance public verdict on the case of

consumers purchasing “pillar tickets” for a concert

and ordered the defendant to refund the tickets in a step-by-step ratio

based on the single ticket price of 420 yuan

650 Yuan, 910 yuan standard

Refund the plaintiff's ticket price

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"The first instance verdict on the "pillar ticket" case for Liang Jingru's concert"

was on the hot search

Purchased tickets at high prices but encountered "pillar tickets"

Consumers appealed for "a refund Compensate for three”

In April 2023

Plaintiff Ni and nine others purchased tickets for Liang Jingru’s Shanghai concert through a third-party platform

Ticket prices were 699 yuan, 999 yuan, 1,299 yuan, etc.

The organizer was a Shanghai performing arts company, the defendant

On May 20 and May 21, 2023,

After the plaintiff and others entered the venue,

found that 's line of sight was blocked to varying degrees by the stage load-bearing columns.

It seriously affected the viewing experience.

After the concert,

, the plaintiff and others did not accept the relevant mediation plan.

The court filed a lawsuit

. The plaintiff believed that

the defendant had committed fraud on consumers.

should not only return the ticket price to the plaintiff

but also pay punitive damages.

should bear the responsibility of "refund one and compensate three".

'If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve the transparency and quality of services. Only in - Lujuba

'If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve the transparency and quality of services. Only in - Lujuba

The defendant did not agree with all the plaintiff's claims.

The original stage design did not have load-bearing columns

Before the performance, the producer added audio-visual equipment to improve the performance

It was a conventional stage design

The plaintiff’s evidence could not prove that his line of sight was blocked

Even if it was blocked

the purpose of the contract could not be realized. To the extent

sold "pillar tickets" and failed to remedy them in a timely manner

consumers have the right to claim

Shanghai Minhang District People's Court held after trial that

the defendant's behavior of selling "pillar tickets" did not constitute fraud

From the objective situation,

the defendant did not in any way In the promotional materials,

made a promise to watch without obstruction.

did not intentionally inform false information.


service provided by the defendant during the performance of the contract was obviously defective, which constituted a breach of contract.

should bear the liability for breach of contract.

In view that the concert has ended,

the defendant cannot continue to perform or Taking remedial measures

The court based on the actual situation of the plaintiff in this case

ordered the defendant to refund the plaintiff at the standard of 420 yuan

650 yuan and 910 yuan for a single ticket

Netizens hotly discussed

Some netizens expressed

support! The court's penalty was relatively reasonable.

'If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve the transparency and quality of services. Only in - Lujuba

Some netizens believed that

should "refund one and compensate three"!

Other netizens feel that

the blocked seats should not be sold

The organizer is just trying to make money but cannot keep up with the service!

'If the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily, it must strengthen self-discipline and standardized management, clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing, and organizers, and continuously improve the transparency and quality of services. Only in - Lujuba

Only by strengthening self-discipline and standardized management

can we win the trust of the audience

People come to attend the concert

It is nothing more than wanting to get a better live experience

However, in exchange for the high price,

"only hear their voices but not see their people" "Pillar tickets" and "railing tickets"

inevitably make people feel disappointed and angry

This not only damages the rights of consumers

but also reflects the organizer

's negligence in venue planning and ticket sales

performances for some time The market continues to be hot

It has enriched people's social and cultural life

This is undoubtedly a good trend

However, if the entertainment industry wants to develop steadily

it must strengthen self-discipline and standardize management

Clarify the rights and responsibilities of the platform, ticketing and organizers

Continue to improve Service transparency and quality

create a good viewing environment for the audience

Only in this way can we win the trust of the audience

and achieve the sustainable prosperity of the industry

Source: CCTV Comprehensive

Tags: entertainment