The original work written in this article is different from the TV series. In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo. At that time, Rose was only in her thirties. Many people think that Rose Married to

entertainment 1595℃

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.

In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Rod King and becoming Mrs. Luo.

At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.

Many people think that Rose's marriage to 59-year-old Luo Qing is a makeshift, and they think that Rose does not need to make do with it. After all, she is only in her thirties. Although she has been married once and has become a mother, she is rich and beautiful. Why? Want to marry an older man?

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Many people can't figure this out. I thought it was love before, but then I read the original work carefully and found that it was not love or accommodation, but a deep "helplessness".

It can even be said that Rose's marriage to 59-year-old Luo Qing was not a sudden impulse, but a weighing of interests. It can even be said that it was the best choice Rose had encountered at that time, and it was also her best ending.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

The rich and noble Luo Qing

Sir Luo Qing in the original work is rich and noble.

He has three children, two daughters and a son, all living abroad.

He remained unmarried after his wife died. It was not until he met Rose that he had the idea of ​​remarrying.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

When my son Luo Zhenzhong, who was far abroad, heard the news that his father had remarried, his first reaction was to feel happy for his father.

"That's good. After mom passed away, dad has been keeping quiet... Dad is a good man, and he should enjoy the blessings of his old age."

Because his eldest sister returned to China to attend his father's wedding and found that his father had become younger. And it's all thanks to the new Lady Rose.

Sir Rod King even built a new house for Rose in order to win the beauty's smile. It can be said that he spent a lot of money.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

"Dad is going to sell the old house!" said the eldest sister: "And he has built another bungalow in Shek O. He is young and fashionable, and he is not like his old father."

After Luo Qing married Rose, not only did he Not only is she mentally younger, but she is also more motivated in her career.

"I don't even know what to say. Originally, he was close to semi-retirement, and I wanted to leave some affairs in Hong Kong to your elder brother-in-law. But now he has made a comeback, and has reorganized several companies and made them prosperous. It's like a treasure trove." "

Faced with such a change in her father, although the daughter of the Luo family was worried about the family fortune, she also felt that it would be good for her father to have a woman by his side to enjoy his old age.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

The daughters of the Luo family were nervous at first when they heard that their father had remarried because they were afraid that the family property would be divided in the future. After all, their father had not married for so many years, but this woman could become Mrs. Luo. They once thought that this woman was a little vixen.

But when the eldest sister returned to China to attend the wedding, she changed her mind because the roses were so beautiful.

They hope that their only brother can return to China to help his father manage the family property and prevent it from falling into the hands of others.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

And Luo Zhenzhong, Luo Zhenzhong's youngest son, is a proper playboy and rich second generation.

He lived a happy life abroad and even felt that being a rich second generation meant he was fulfilling his filial piety to his father.

Later, under the advice of his sister, he returned to China and brought Zhuang Guodong with him. Luo Qing met Zhuang Guodong and admired his talent and hoped that he could help manage his business in London.

The Luo family's business has not only become a giant in Hong Kong, but has even reached London. It can be seen that the Luo family has a great business and Sir Luo Jiajia is not only rich but also noble.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Later, Luo Zhenzhong fell in love with Rose at first sight, but found out that Rose turned out to be his stepmother. He returned to London in despair, changing female companions all day long to relieve his loneliness.

Seeing his friend in such a state of despair, Zhuang Guodong asked Luo Zhenzhong to return to China to fight with his father. Of course, these were angry words, but he just wanted to cheer up his friend.

But Luo Zhenzhong said:

"Competing with Sir Luo Qing? He now wants to be famous, profitable and successful, and he wants people. How can I compare with him?

The reason why this woman followed me is just because I am Luo's Son, I'm still borrowing his hair, why should I fight with him?"

It can be seen from Luo Zhenzhong's words that the Luo family's wealth is famous even in Europe.

And Rose became the wife of such a rich and noble knight.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Rose’s Uselessness

Many people may say that even if Sir Rod King is rich and noble, there is no need for Rose to wrong herself.

After all, no matter how rich he is, he is already 59 years old, almost 60. No matter how young he looks, he can't hide the age spots on his face and the old smell on his body.

And Rose, who is in her thirties, is in her prime, why should she wrong herself?

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Regarding the charm of Rose after divorce, her brother Huang Zhenhua once said this in the original novel:

I also think that Rose is the kind of woman who has been divorced three times and still has people queuing up to pursue her when she is forty-nine and a half years old. Destiny is destined to be like this. The beauties who dominate the country often become beauty and disaster involuntarily. This is also fate.

Huang Zhenhua said that even if Rose was divorced three times, many men would still line up to pursue her when she was in her forties.

In fact, Huang Zhenhua was right. At that time, Rose lost Fu Jiaming, but there was no shortage of suitors around her.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

As for the economic conditions of Rose at that time, the original work writes:

There were many people pursuing her, and women's magazines were still proud to publish her interviews. Even if it were not for her beauty, the land of the Huang family's old house was enough to make her famous. She became one of the richest women in the city.

She has all the best conditions for a woman.

Obviously at that time, Rose inherited the old house left by her parents. The house was worth tens of millions. She was not short of money, and she became a celebrity that many magazines rushed to interview.

Even though she is in her thirties, she is still dazzling. As the book says, she has the best conditions for a woman.

Whether it’s appearance or money.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Since she has so many choices, why should she marry an old man?

In the original work, Rose once had this evaluation of herself:

I am a married woman with a nearly eight-year-old child. I am currently undergoing a divorce. My character is free and unsophisticated. I am uneducated and do nothing but dress up. I don't know how to do anything with money. I can't even support myself, so I have to rely on my family to live. I feel that I am a good-for-nothing person.

Rose's words actually sum up it very insightfully. She still has a very clear understanding of herself, which is why she married Luo Qing.

Because although Rose has money, the money will eventually be spent one day, and she will not be able to support herself.

What's more important is that even if she is thirty years old, she will still be happy with an exquisite skirt.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

The original work wrote:

"I'm going to take a shower and change clothes," she said: "I'm going to attend a banquet tonight, and I added a Yves Saint Laurent dress. The design is so beautiful-" She stretched , smiled, "I will never grow up. To this day, I am still excited for a dress and a party. How childish and boring."

Rose has liked beautiful dresses and lively dinners since she was a child, and at that time she was about to attend a dinner party. It was Sir Rod King's invitation.

She accepted the dinner and Sir Rodching's pursuit of her. There was no other reason because this man could give her such an exquisite dress and such a high-end dinner.

You must know that when Rose was seventeen years old, she spent thousands of yuan on clothes every month.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

The original work writes:

Rose, this kid, the bills sent to my office building from clothing stores are often tens of thousands of yuan.

A few pieces of white clothes were so expensive, I gave her a serious warning.

"You are still a middle school student!" I reminded her, "You are only sixteen years old."

"Seventeen," she said.

"Sixteen and a half years old."


"I won't argue with you. You should stop talking about him. In short, you are not allowed to spend more than three thousand yuan per season."

"Three thousand yuan!" "She almost fainted, "Three thousand yuan is not enough to buy a coat, brother."

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Rose was born when her father's career was booming. She was pampered and grew up, and she always had the best materially. .

Even when she was a teenager, she didn't feel bad about spending three thousand yuan for a coat, but the people who paid for her at that time were her parents and her brother.

But now in her thirties, she can only rely on herself.

In fact, Rose is a very smart woman. She has been top-notch in her homework since she was a child.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Even during those ten years in the United States, she became a vocational student. She obtained three diplomas, namely law, fine arts, and European literature.

So Rose is a very knowledgeable woman. As long as she wants to support herself, it is not difficult to find a decent job.

But she never thought about working, and she even disdained going to work.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

The original work wrote:

"Yes, I am hopeless." She admitted: "I don't want to sit in a boring office building for half my life, earn tens of thousands, and fight openly and secretly with others."

"Sister Su is an exception. She said: "I don't want to be as capable as her in the future. I don't plan to do anything."

She looked down on women who worked in office buildings, and she never planned to work.

And she only studies for face, to make herself look more knowledgeable, and to give herself more weight in choosing men in the future.

She has never thought of being independent, so she is a rose, a rose that can always depend on others.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Zhuang Guodong had nothing.

Regarding the fact that his mother Mei Mei remarried to Luo Qing, Mei Mei’s daughter Fang Taichu commented:

“——She married someone else.” Taichu sighed, “Who is Luo Qing? A rich old man, but For her to squander, and my father has no money. What qualifications does she have to be my mother?"

In Fang Taichu's eyes, Rose married the old man because the old man was rich and had capital for Rose to squander. Although he was mean, but But true.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

After Rose married Luo Deqing, during their honeymoon in Europe, Luo Qing returned home early because of company matters. At this time, Rose rekindled her old relationship with Zhuang Guodong in Europe.

They date every day, regardless of worldliness and face.

Even in order to pursue Rose again, Zhuang Guodong abandoned his girlfriend, quit his job, and gave up everything. Finally Rose began to date him.

Later, Luo Zhenzhong saw a bracelet on Mei Mei's hand, and he recognized that it was the bracelet he had accompanied Zhuang Guodong to the jade market to buy.

At that moment, Luo Zhenzhong felt sad for his father.

He said to Rose: "Selective love is not love. Rose, admit it, admit it, admit that you don't love Sir Rod King. You appreciate him, respect him and worship him, but you don't love him."

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Luo Zhenzhong Watch Chu Meihui doesn't have much love for her father, but more of admiration and adoration.

After hearing Luo Zhenzhong's words, Rose's reaction exposed the truth that she didn't love Luo Qing.

She sobbed: "If Jiaming was still here..."

What she loved at this time was neither Luo Qing nor Zhuang Guodong. She was only dating Zhuang Guodong because she had been abandoned in the past.

Later, Luo Qing faked his death and asked Rose to make a choice. In the end, Rose chose Luo Qing and abandoned Zhuang Guodong.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

After all, as Mrs. Luo, she can get a large inheritance. Even if Luo Qing is alive, Zhuang Guodong cannot give her the luxurious life she wants.

Afterwards, the Luo family all forgave and tolerated Rose because she was beautiful and because she chose Sir Luo at the last moment.

But Zhuang Guodong really lost the rose completely this time. He not only lost the rose, but also lost everything. His job, his reputation, and all his efforts over the years were all in vain.

Although Zhuang Guodong is decent and talented, all he can give Rose is to buy an inconspicuous bracelet in an unknown market.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Afterwards, Zhuang Guodong disappeared. Only Luo Zhenzhong was worried about him, while Mei Mei went to Bermuda to bask in the sun with Luo Qing as if nothing had happened.

Only Luo Luoqing's financial resources can be spent by Rose and allow her to maintain such a luxurious life.

After Zhuang Guodong abandoned his girlfriend, his girlfriend Xiaoman became Luo Zhenzhong's girlfriend.

Luo Zhenzhong took the initiative to pursue her, and the girl agreed to Luo Zhenzhong without even pursuing her.

There is no reason, but it is because marrying Luo Zhenzhong has a better future than marrying Zhuang Guodong.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Luo Zhenzhong picked her just because he couldn't get a rose and was emotionally hurt at that time, so he wanted to find a random woman, and Xiaoman appeared at that time. ·

He said to Xiaoman: "Marrying me is better than marrying Zhuang Guodong. He is a pauper. I am not saying that people should worship money, but we do live in a real world."

Yes, even if Zhuang Guodong was decent before, but Now he has nothing, so no real woman will choose him.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Finally, the original work writes:

The sisters and brother-in-law still returned to England to assist their father in his career. Dad and Rose were inseparable, and they were recognized by people in the city as the most beautiful couple.

And Xiaoman gradually rose to prominence and began to be in the limelight, appearing on magazine covers and wearing famous brand fashions, which complemented each other. The new generation of socialites had no time to date her because she was Sir Luo Qing's future wife.

I have maintained a long-term engagement with Xiaoman, because this kind of relationship is currently popular - what's the unpleasantness? Everything is perfect.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Rose and Luo Qing have become the most beautiful couple in the city. Rose is still the most dazzling woman in the upper class. She frequently appears at various dinner parties and still leads a lively and luxurious life.

And Xiaoman gradually emerged, she successfully entered the upper class society, just because she was Sir Luo Qing's future daughter-in-law, and she gradually became the next "Rose".

So Rose finally married the old man, which was not a compromise, but Rose's helplessness, because she was useless except for her beauty, and the only thing she could do at that time was to use this beautiful skin to buy the luxurious life she wanted. , and have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

In fact, her parents left enough for her to have enough food and clothing, but what she pursues has never been to have enough food and clothing. She has been spoiled since she was a child, and she has no way to live an ordinary life without worries about food and clothing.

It is easy for a person to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality, but for a woman like Rose, it is even more difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Therefore, Rose, who is in her thirties, marries a 59-year-old man. It is not a compromise, but her helplessness, because she can only live dependent on others in her life, and her desires are indeed endless.

The original work written in this article is different from the TV series.      In the original work, the ending ended with Rose marrying 59-year-old Sir Luo Qing and becoming Mrs. Luo.      At that time, Rose was only in her thirties.      Many people think that Rose Married to  - Lujuba

Perhaps she was lucky to meet Luo Qing, because he had enough money for her to squander, but at the same time, it was also her misfortune, because she could only be a "rose" dependent on others in her life.

The only good thing is that her daughter Fang Taichu did not grow into a dependent rose like her mother, but grew into an independent tree.

I hope that you and I are not dependent roses, but independent trees.

Tags: entertainment