The conference on Ukraine was held in Switzerland from the 15th to the 16th. Based on reports from Ukraine's "RBC.UA" news network, "Kyiv Post" and other media, Ukrainian President Zelensky proposed the conditions for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia at the press conferenc

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Ukraine Conference was held in Switzerland from the 15th to the 16th. Based on reports from Ukraine's "" news network, "Kyiv Post" and other media, Ukrainian President Zelensky proposed the conditions for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia at the press conference held after the meeting on the 16th: If Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine, he is willing to immediately negotiate with Russia.

According to the "Kiev Post" report, Zelensky accused Russia at a press conference that day of being "not ready" to discuss a just peace. Regarding the Russia-Ukraine negotiations, Zelensky said, "If Russia withdraws its troops from our legal territory, Russia can start negotiations with us tomorrow without waiting."

The conference on Ukraine was held in Switzerland from the 15th to the 16th. Based on reports from Ukraine's 'RBC.UA' news network, 'Kyiv Post' and other media, Ukrainian President Zelensky proposed the conditions for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia at the press conferenc - Lujuba

The Office of the President of Ukraine said on June 16 that this was a picture of Zelensky during a meeting on Ukraine in Switzerland.

reported that Zelensky also said that the current military assistance provided by the West to Ukraine is not enough to ensure that Ukraine can win in this conflict.

According to a Reuters report on June 16, local time, although the meeting was dubbed the "Peace Summit," Western powers and their allies still vigorously condemned Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine. However, these countries failed to persuade some major "non-aligned countries" to sign the post-meeting joint statement, including 14 participating BRICS countries. At the same time, no country has expressed its willingness to host subsequent such summits.

For this meeting, dignitaries from many countries, including US Vice President Harris, German Chancellor Scholz, French President Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, gathered in the suburbs of Lucerne, Switzerland. Despite Zelensky’s public invitation, US President Joe Biden did not attend. As the agenda of the second day's meeting turned to issues of food security and nuclear energy, some participating leaders even left early, including Harris, Scholz, Fumio Kishida and others.

previously reported

Russian President Putin recently proposed conditions for a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to reports from RIA Novosti, TASS and other media, Putin said in a speech at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 14th that when Ukraine withdrew its troops from the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions, and After announcing that it will not join NATO, Russia will announce a ceasefire and start negotiations as soon as possible.

According to reports from Agence France-Presse, Reuters and other media, regarding Putin's above proposal, Zelensky said in an interview with the media on the 14th that this was "no different from all ultimatum messages issued in the past." He also called Putin's proposals "not credible." According to a report by the TASS news agency on the 14th, Russian Presidential Press Secretary and Kremlin spokesman Peskov told reporters that Zelensky misinterpreted Putin’s words. "This is not a warning, nor an ultimatum." Peskov said, "This (Zelensky's remarks) is completely misinterpreted. President Putin has already said it, and he once again reiterated our goals. For us, It is important to achieve these goals (The Paper, according to Global Network)

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