The sixth animated film of the classic animated IP "New Big Head Son" series that has accompanied many people's growth, "New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure" will be released in the summer season on July 5 and will be held in Shanghai on June 15. The director o

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The sixth animated film in the "New Big Head Son" series of classic animated IP "New Big Head Son" that has accompanied many people in their growth, " New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure " will be released in the summer season on July 5th and June 15th. Director Liu Kexin, who participated in the Shanghai Film Festival, and "Apron Mom" ​​voice actor Ju Ping were interviewed by Red Star News reporters and revealed interesting things behind the scenes of the film.

The sixth animated film of the classic animated IP 'New Big Head Son' series that has accompanied many people's growth, 'New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure' will be released in the summer season on July 5 and will be held in Shanghai on June 15. The director o - Lujuba

The movie tells the story of a father and son who were accidentally exited when they were trying out a new product called "Mini Paradise". After turning into a "mini state", they accidentally fell into the bushes of the community and were forced to start an adventure story in the real world. Director Liu Kexin said that if the previous " New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 5: My Alien Friend " was a grand aerospace theme, this time it is a "small but beautiful" story.

"Children have a world of their own. We adults rarely observe it. Maybe they think there is a world in the refrigerator, maybe there is a world under the bed, and there is a world in the garden. This time it is based on the microscopic world of Big Head Son, It tells a big story about a family in reverse. It has the spectacle of an external mini-adventure, but it is also a spiritual adventure," said Liu Kexin.

The sixth animated film of the classic animated IP 'New Big Head Son' series that has accompanied many people's growth, 'New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure' will be released in the summer season on July 5 and will be held in Shanghai on June 15. The director o - Lujuba

Director Liu Kexin

Ju Ping believes that the theme of the movie is very good, "Sometimes, we adults need to be able to squat down, lean over and look at the world with the children, and we will have many new feelings. I feel that movies are not used to educate children. , but to inspire parents how to face their children's growth. "

dubs "Apron Mother". Ju Ping said that whether it is in TV or movies, the positioning of the "Apron Mother" has not changed much, and she still supports children as always. The dream of Tou's father and his son, Dou Tou, tries every means to create conditions for the children to realize their dreams. She is still the good mother familiar to the audience.

The sixth animated film of the classic animated IP 'New Big Head Son' series that has accompanied many people's growth, 'New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure' will be released in the summer season on July 5 and will be held in Shanghai on June 15. The director o - Lujuba

Ju Ping

Ju Ping, who has voiced "Apron Mother" thousands of times including in TV animation and movie versions, said frankly that "Apron Mother" is another iconic role besides her host, "I'm going out now, Parents who are usually in their thirties or forties are very excited when they recognize me as sister Ju Ping, but the children next to me have no reaction. But as long as I am called "Apron Mom", the children's reaction is particularly strong. "

" I am deeply moved. I fell deeply in love with this animated character. In fact, 'Apron Mom' is more like me in real life," Ju Ping said.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao Shanghai report editor Jiang Qing

Tags: entertainment