Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong and correspondent Huang Ying "It's so amazing. The fusion of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness." "Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!" On the evening of June 14, the dance drama "Wing Chun" Landing at the H

entertainment 6359℃

Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong

Correspondent Huang Ying

"It's so amazing, the combination of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness." "Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!" On the evening of June 14, the dance drama " "Wing Chun" landed at the Hubei Theater. The audience couldn't help but burst into applause at the scene, with the wonderful martial arts moves, the confrontation between top masters, and the passionate and joyful arena.

Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong and correspondent Huang Ying 'It's so amazing. The fusion of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness.' 'Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!' On the evening of June 14, the dance drama 'Wing Chun' Landing at the H - Lujuba

The dance drama "Wing Chun" is a drama jointly funded by the National Arts Fund and the Shenzhen Publicity and Culture Fund in 2022. The drama innovatively integrates national intangible cultural heritage and Lingnan folk culture, with the themes of "Wing Chun" and "Xiang Yunsha" and presentation form, using a dual clue and dual scene model to bring about the same frequency resonance of the two eras - in the play, the dual intangible cultural heritage projects "Wing Chun" and "Xiang Yunsha" are appropriately integrated into the theme and presentation form respectively. In the stage performance; the stories of the "Wing Chun" crew in Shenzhen "off-screen" and the story of Ip Man who went to Hong Kong to work hard in the play are shown in parallel and seamlessly switched in the play. The two scenes rotate and alternate on the stage... while pursuing the ideal , pursuing the light in the heart has become the gene and core of the same frequency resonance between the two eras.

Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong and correspondent Huang Ying 'It's so amazing. The fusion of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness.' 'Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!' On the evening of June 14, the dance drama 'Wing Chun' Landing at the H - Lujuba

On the night of the performance, the dance drama "Wing Chun" started with the movie "Wing Chun" shot by a Shenzhen crew as the starting point. In the movie, "Master Yip" went to a foreign country, holding the "Wing Chun Hall" plaque in his arms and stepping into the Wuguan Street filled with heroes, just to open a door to Wing Chun; on the stage and on the set, the crew also rushed to the mountains and seas with their dreams in mind. , just to pursue the beam of light in my heart...

Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong and correspondent Huang Ying 'It's so amazing. The fusion of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness.' 'Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!' On the evening of June 14, the dance drama 'Wing Chun' Landing at the H - Lujuba

In the aura, Master Ye steadily performed the first form of Wing Chun's "Little Thoughts". The sonorous ancestral motto behind him, "Support the weak and the weak with force to assist the benevolent", converged into the long-standing Chinese martial arts The spirit of learning; when the camera zooms out and the panorama zooms in, people outside the halo are using their silent surges to hold the light for others, giving life-long expectations to the pushing and panning camera, and guarding the warmth of dreams frame by frame.

Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong and correspondent Huang Ying 'It's so amazing. The fusion of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness.' 'Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!' On the evening of June 14, the dance drama 'Wing Chun' Landing at the H - Lujuba

Heroes, like "Master Yip" in the movie, from the listing of "Wing Chun Hall" to the delisting, break the sectarian opinions and spread their lifelong martial arts knowledge to the world without reservation; Ordinary, like the "filmmakers" outside the movie represent Every ordinary person who strives for ideals is singing spring with his life.

Jimu News reporter Zhang Cong and correspondent Huang Ying 'It's so amazing. The fusion of martial arts and dance combines strength and softness.' 'Dancing with martial arts, martial arts with dance, praise!' On the evening of June 14, the dance drama 'Wing Chun' Landing at the H - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the kung fu duel in "Wing Chun" is quite exciting. In the dance drama, the five major kung fu schools Wing Chun, Southern Mantis Boxing, Bagua Zhang, Bajiquan, and Tai Chi all appear on stage, and these high-intensity fighting scenes are all dance performances from prestigious competitions such as the Lotus Award, Tao Li Cup, and Wenhua Awards. The actor gave - using dance to present the connotation of martial arts and express it accurately. In previous interviews with the media, "Wing Chun" choreographers Han Zhen and Zhou Liya mentioned that during the creation process of dance dramas, "one hand must be facing forward and one hand facing back." The hand facing forward is to constantly explore. , try more new creative techniques with higher requirements. The hand facing backward can hold the audience's hand backward with every step of creation, allowing them to enter the theater and feel the charm of art and works with the actors. . The enthusiasm of the "Wing Chun" scene also just shows that they have achieved both of these "hands".

It is reported that "Wing Chun" will continue to be performed at the Hubei Theater on the 15th and 16th.

(Picture provided by Hubei Theater Official)

(Source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment