In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the "Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations." The five principles of crisis public relations are:

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In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the "Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations."

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

The five principles of crisis public relations are: taking responsibility, sincere communication, speed first, system operation, and authoritative confirmation.

Deyun Club actor Zheng Hao, who is also a small Internet celebrity in the live broadcast industry, has been unknown in Deyun Club for more than ten years and has never been famous. Apparently, no one has learned or taught him how to deal with crisis public relations, which has led to him constantly experiencing problems. .

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

1. Canned peach rain?

On June 3, 2024, Zheng Hao made two inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room. On June 4, Zheng Hao’s fans posted the screen recording of the live broadcast room to the Internet. On June 6, the author published an article "Deyun Club Actors Blatantly Distort History , tampering with "self-defense counterattack" as "border friction". On June 7, Deyun Newspaper Zheng Hao's live broadcast permission was temporarily blocked by the platform for thirty days. The reason why the

platform punished Zheng Hao shows that Zheng Hao's remarks were indeed inappropriate, but they had different understandings of the severity, so the platform only imposed a thirty-day ban on live broadcasting.

Faced with the platform’s punishment, Zheng Hao’s first choice was to appeal. This is human nature and his right. But after the appeal failed, Zheng Hao, as an Internet celebrity, will start crisis public relations.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

What is shocking is that even though there are so many successful and failed cases of crisis public relations, Zheng Hao's crisis public relations methods are still far-fetched.

html On June 9, Zheng Hao released a video. Not only did he not reflect on his wrong remarks and apologize, but he chose to challenge the platform and the public, saying wildly, "On the day I re-broadcast, there will be an overwhelming rain of canned peaches." I’m so mad at you!”

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Due to Zheng Hao’s influence, his fans also said in many video comment areas: When Zheng Hao resumes broadcasting, the screen will be filled with canned peaches for two hours, which will make them mad.

This logic is quite magical. Canned peaches are a kind of gift in the live broadcast room, and its price is about 10 yuan. This means that Zheng Hao’s fans have to spend their own money to buy gifts for Zheng Hao, and then piss others off to death. This also includes banning Zheng Hao’s platform.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Here comes the problem. Even if Zheng Hao’s fans buy more canned peaches, no one else has to spend money, and the platform will also make money. Who will be angry in the end?

Perhaps seeing how enthusiastic Zheng Hao’s fans were, the platform removed the low-value canned peach gifts from the shelves and directly launched a canned cooling truck. The price is roughly 15 times that of canned peaches.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Didn’t Zheng Hao’s fans say that the platform is also riding on Zheng Hao’s popularity? Come on, let’s just wait until the end. Come on, Zheng Hao’s family, stop playing with the canned peach rain, let’s have more canned car rain, and see who can be pissed off in the end.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

2. Continuous defeats

html On June 10, the Dragon Boat Festival, Zheng Hao and the administrator of the live broadcast room worked overtime to start his crisis public relations, and made three consecutive moves.

The first trick: scolding

Zheng Hao posted a short essay, cursing "coders", and the reason was the article written by the author.

No matter what Zheng Hao cursed, the question is, can this kind of baseless abuse make Zheng Hao's wrong remarks disappear? Of course

can't, so this kind of nonsense will only expose his guilty conscience.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Second move: Report

On the afternoon of June 10, the author received the reporting information forwarded by the platform in accordance with the law. The reporting account was "The Queen is doomed" (the administrator of Zheng Hao's live broadcast room). The content of the reporting was still the same article exposing Zheng Hao's mistakes. Speech articles. The report description of

is as follows: I, the actor Zheng Hao of Deyun Club mentioned in the picture and text, report with my real name that the author of this account used the surrender with my own image without authorization, spreading (typos, should be spreading) online rumors, and against I and my organization Deyunshe have been attacking for a long time, causing a negative social impact (I don’t understand what “king” means), and I request your platform to remove relevant articles and impose severe penalties. I and my organization will also pursue legal action against this attack, defamation and other infringements.The

platform’s response to this report was “unprocessed”, which means that the platform believes that it does not constitute infringement.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Zheng Hao's report was not worth the gain. It not only exposed his low cultural level, but also once again threatened to "sue you." He also made such an incident in 2023, and finally let it go.

As a litigant, the author expressed his position and waited for Zheng Hao to sue. At that time, we can go to the court to argue and see whether Zheng Hao's two remarks were right or wrong.

In addition to Zheng Hao, some fans of Zheng Hao on the Internet are also in private contact, preparing to jointly submit a letter to the relevant departments to defend Zheng Hao, saying that he has been wrongly accused.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

It’s good for fans of Zheng Hao to do this. After things get serious, they can also take this opportunity to popularize the white paper "China’s National Defense in the New Era" to all netizens to see who is right and who is wrong in the white paper of the Ministry of National Defense of Zheng Hao. At the same time, you can We should conduct a national education to tell everyone that "self-defense and counterattack" cannot be tampered with as "border friction". This is a matter of principle.

These tricks of Zheng Hao and Zheng Hao's fans also exposed another problem of theirs, they are impatient.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

The third trick: block

On the afternoon of June 10, the account of Zheng Hao of Deyun Club suddenly followed the author's account, and then suddenly blocked the author for some unknown reason.

Zheng Hao’s method of blocking my account is puzzling. Does he think that as long as he blocks me, I will no longer be able to see his live recordings or his videos? In fact, the video of Zheng Hao's inappropriate remarks was recorded by Zheng Hao's fans and posted online.

Zheng Hao's childish behavior confirmed his state of panic.

is guilty, impatient, and flustered. If the problem cannot be solved, he will solve the problem of the person who raised the problem. He is not willing to face his own mistakes at all. He can only say that Zheng Hao's crisis public relations failed too much.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

3. Learn from Zhang Yunlei

Some netizens may ask, what should Zheng Hao do to successfully resolve this public relations crisis?

First, he can learn from his colleague Zhang Yunlei.

On November 23, 2019, Zhang Yunlei and Yang Jiulang were exposed for vulgarly insulting Peking Opera seniors Zhang Huoding and Li Shiji in a cross talk. The matter quickly escalated, and major media outlets also criticized Zhang Yunlei.

Zhang Yunlei chose to remain silent at first, and his fans were very active. However, the more silent Zhang Yunlei became, the louder the doubts from the outside world became, which already affected Zhang Yunlei’s subsequent commercial performances. Only then did Zhang Yunlei and Yang Jiulang go public on December 3 Officially apologize to Mei Baojiu, Li Shiji, Zhang Huoding and the public.

Although Zhang Yunlei's apology came belatedly, after he sincerely apologized, the matter was over.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Second, Zheng Hao can learn the five principles of crisis public relations.

Take responsibility: Zheng Hao is the first party involved.

Communicate sincerely: Apologize sincerely to the public.

Speed ​​first: Don’t wait until official media criticism or greater punishment comes before apologizing.

System operation: Involve administrators, fans and units. A joint apology is the best choice.

Authoritative confirmation: Sincerely do charity and public welfare, and gain public forgiveness and recognition.

Teach Zheng the crisis public relations method step by step. It depends on whether he learns it.

In the Internet age, once a controversial event occurs for an actor or artist, it will spread very quickly. This requires both celebrities and Internet celebrities to learn the 'Five Principles of Crisis Public Relations.'      The five principles of crisis public relations are:  - Lujuba

Finally, this article ends with the comments of a netizen "Hanhai Lansha" on this matter:

The anchor is essentially an opinion leader. The greater the influence, the greater the responsibility. Public figures should have higher requirements for themselves and assume certain responsibilities. social responsibility. A person who has no feelings for family and country, no national righteousness, and is only thinking about collecting canned peaches is not suitable to be an anchor.

Tags: entertainment