Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the "2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works" of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe

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Jimu News reporter Xiao Yang

Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao

Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui

On June 14, the "2024 Excellent Film and Television Works Premiere" of Wuhan Institute of Design and Engineering Jackie Chan School of Film and Television Media was successfully held at Wuhan Dreamtime Moore Cinema Held at the event, teachers and students’ original visual effects short film "The Legend of Immortality" and story short film "Leviathan" were officially released to the audience and received wide acclaim.

Zhang Haiwang, member of the Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Party Group and Secretary-General, delivered a speech at the premiere. He emphasized that this screening is a useful example of practical teaching and school-enterprise cooperation. It not only allows students to experience the great sense of accomplishment of having their works on the big screen, but also expands the scope of their works through the physical theater, a highly professional and social platform. Its influence has strengthened academic exchanges between colleges and universities, and intensified horizontal exchanges between colleges and the industry.

Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the '2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works' of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe - Lujuba Zhang Haiwang, member of the party group and secretary-general of the Hubei Federation of Literary and Art Circles, delivered an opening speech

He said that the Hubei Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Hubei Filmmakers Association are very willing to become a bridge and link between professional film schools and the industry. He hopes that this screening can become a "hubei province university." The launch of the "Film and Television Graduation Works Screening Season" will lead outstanding graduation works of film and television majors in colleges and universities out of campus and to the forefront of the industry, provide strong support for building a stable talent pipeline, and work together to build Hubei a strong film province and create a film and television highland in Central China.

“Colleges and universities cannot work behind closed doors when it comes to film and television practical teaching, but must constantly interact with similar colleges and universities and the industry to exchange experiences and promote teaching updates.” Yang Heng, executive dean of Jackie Chan Film and Television School of Media, said in his speech that Jackie Chan Film and Television School of Media has always Since then, it has been committed to building an "application-oriented, practice-oriented film and television school based on film and television industry standards." This time, the college has joined forces with the industry to present the latest results of the school's practical teaching to the audience in Wuhan's landmark business district, hoping to attract the attention of the industry and peers. We also hope to build a platform for communication and interaction, so that students who intend to engage in the film and television industry in the future can have in-depth dialogue with the market, and at the same time reversely optimize the school teaching system through this event.

Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the '2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works' of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe - Lujuba Yang Heng, Executive Dean of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media at Wuhan University of Design and Engineering, delivered a speech

The short story "Leviathan" was created by teachers and students of the 2020 film and television photography and production major at the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media, focusing on soft science fiction themes and taking a doomsday situation as the background. Discuss the theme of coexistence between posthumanism and human nature. Instructor Tan Mingwei said that the film received high support from the academy during the creative proposal stage. Teachers and students from the Department of Theater, Film and Television Fine Arts provided strong support for the on-site art design and prop production in the early stage of the film. It was "a film jointly produced by the entire academy". Typical Case. Since the film's subject matter needs to present a sense of ruins in the apocalyptic era, the entire film uses original sound effects design, and all sound effects are produced in-house at the academy's "Dolby Atmos Music Studio."

Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the '2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works' of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe - Lujuba The creative team of the soft science fiction apocalyptic short film "Leviathan"

"We are serious about making movies, and we are professional in visual effects." According to the visual effects director of the short film "The Legend of Immortality" Zhang Wei and the film instructor Chen Dan, The film was created by teachers and students majoring in digital media art in the 2020 class of the college. During the production process, standardized production processes and processing technologies in the domestic industry were introduced, and bold attempts were made in AI technology, martial arts guidance, post-production special effects, etc., especially for this film The exquisite post-production has reached the industry standards of theatrical movies, showing the audience the strong strength of the digital media arts major of Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and the unique charm of special effects technology. It also cultivates professional special effects talents for the development of the film and television industry.

Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the '2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works' of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe - LujubaThe creative team of the ancient costume martial arts and fantasy short film "The Legend of Immortality"

It is understood that in the 2024 graduation season, Jackie Chan Film and Television School of Media has created more than ten film and television works, all of which are produced in strict accordance with industry standard processes on the premise of ensuring the originality of the works. Completed, the finished films have all reached the screening standards of commercial films. This is an important manifestation of the college's perennial insistence on being in line with the industry, firmly moving towards the goal of cultivating "young filmmakers", and demonstrating the practical creative abilities of teachers and students.

Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the '2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works' of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe - Lujuba After the film ended, the audience lit up their mobile phone flashlights and left precious group photos.

Jimu News Reporter Xiao Yang Correspondent Li Tianhao Jiang Miao Intern Wang Qingyang Xu Hui On June 14, the '2024 Premiere of Outstanding Film and Television Works' of the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television and Media of Wuhan University of Design and Engineering was succe - Lujuba "Leviathan" director and teacher Tan Mingwei of Jackie Chan School of Film and Television spoke highly of the film works presented on the screen.

Hubei Provincial Filmmakers Association Hu Ying, Secretary General, Qu Xiaohua, President of Hubei Provincial Stage Arts Society, Wei Yanhong, Secretary General and Vice Chairman of Wuhan Film and Television Artists Association, Qiu Shi, Vice Chairman of Wuhan Film and Television Artists Association, Dong Songyan, Vice President of Hubei Network Audiovisual Association Other off-campus guests, including Wuhan Institute of Design and Engineering Chairman Cheng Fan, Party Secretary Ran Chuntao, President Gong Shaoping, and Director Wei Bin attended the premiere. Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Provincial Filmmakers Association, Municipal Film and Television Art Workers Association, guests from major universities in the province and heads of functional departments of the schools attended the movie.

(Picture taken by correspondent Liu Heng)

(Source: Jimu News)

Tags: entertainment