With a powerful siren sounding, China's first aircraft carrier "Liaoning" successfully launched its first sea trial on August 14, 2011. In order for China's aircraft carrier, an important weapon of a great power, to be successfully formed into an army, an unprecedented elite brig

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With a powerful siren sounding, China's first aircraft carrier 'Liaoning' successfully launched its first sea trial on August 14, 2011. In order for China's aircraft carrier, an important weapon of a great power, to be successfully formed into an army, an unprecedented elite brig - Lujuba

With a powerful whistle blowing, China's first aircraft carrier "Liaoning" successfully launched its first sea trial on August 14, 2011. In order for China's aircraft carrier, an important weapon of a great power, to be successfully formed into an army, an unprecedented elite brigade was assembled from the sea and air forces. They were once the king of the air and the eagle of the sea. For the first test flight of the carrier-based aircraft, they were willing to give up their past glory and start over again, even at the cost of their lives.

Recently, the military drama "Haitian Eagle ", which has been polished by director Liu Jiacheng and screenwriter Zhu Xiuhai for many years, starring Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, Li Youbin, Du Chun, Wang Luodan and others, was released on CCTV One, Youku Video and Broadcast on the three Tencent Video platforms, it tells the story of my country’s establishment of the first carrier-based aircraft test flight brigade.

What is the most difficult technology to master in flying technology in the world today? When carrier-based aircraft land and take off from an aircraft carrier, dangers are everywhere. "Eagle of the Sea and Sky" portrays the characters before the troops are assembled, making this iron-clad team real and vivid.

On the day when Vice Admiral Yi Zhengbang's transfer order arrived, Xie Zhenyu, who had the ambition of Kunpeng, had just defeated Yu Tao, known as the air force king; Qin Dadi, the first meritorious pilot of the Chinese Navy, was making final preparations for his change of career; he had been elected for seven consecutive years. Yu Tao of King of the Air is preparing for his wedding to his fiancée Chen Yahong; Xia Chu, a psychological counselor with excellent professional skills, is planning to get married... The military orders are like mountains. From the moment the transfer order arrives, they know what to do. They use their lives to take on the most dangerous tasks in the history of the aircraft carrier. Seizing the day and completing the mission is their only choice.

In order to restore the most authentic side of the test pilots, Director Liu Jiacheng boarded the Liaoning aircraft carrier several years in advance to conduct on-site interviews. It was only then that he understood the important role of carrier-based aircraft and blocking cables. Those endurance and blocking force data that were accurate to decimal points were finally tested by test pilots with flesh and blood.

During a interview, a young soldier left a deep impression on Director Liu Jiacheng. During the day, they were still chatting and laughing together, discussing the daily life of ordinary people in Beijing in "Under the Zhengyang Gate". However, after the test flight landed at night, the soldiers seemed to have changed their faces, and their determined eyes made the director feel strange. It wasn't until he saw him methodically removing guns, daggers, and first aid kits from his body that the director suddenly understood that every takeoff was regarded by the soldiers as the last time in their lives, and every moment after takeoff was followed by danger. At that moment, director Liu Jiacheng suddenly understood the true meaning of "lone hero".

As a result, many of the characteristics of those cute warriors were portrayed in the characters of "Eagle of the Sea and Sky". For example, Xie Zhenyu, who is affectionate and righteous, and Kang Yancheng, who flies up after playing the game, have arrogance and innocence in them, but whenever the take-off switch is activated, they instantly transform into soaring eagles and use their lives to complete aerial tests of various data.

Liu Jiacheng said: "If young people must chase stars, they should chase these soldiers who protect their homes and country and regard death as home."

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