Nandu News Reporter Li Chunhua The two cities of Sui and Macao drink from the same river. As two important cities in the Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou and Macao have close geographical, cultural and cultural connections and have maintained close ties and cooperation for a long time

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Nandu News Reporter Li Chunhua The two cities of Suizhou and Macau share the same river water. As two important cities in the Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou and Macao have close geographical, cultural and cultural connections and have maintained close ties and cooperation for a long time.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland. The Guangzhou Arts Season 2024 “Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Macao’s Return” performance unit focuses on a number of concerts. This summer, feel the artistic style from Haojiang, let us talk about the Bay Area and draw "concentric circles" together.


Use music to depict the "Eight Scenes of Macau"

The Macau Cello Orchestra will perform the large-scale musical work "Image of Macau" under the baton of conductor Jane Bacon. This work was jointly commissioned by the Macau Alumni Association of the Central Conservatory of Music and is a large-scale musical work describing the "Eight Scenes of Macau" created by the famous young composer Mr. Fang Dengqing. This work displays Macao's long history and sense of humanity through eight cleverly conceived movements with different styles. In order to better create this work, composer Fang Dengqing went to Macau many times to collect music and collected rich musical materials.

For this work, Fang Dengqing chose to create it mainly in the form of cello orchestra performance, supplemented by national instruments and characteristic Chinese and Western instruments. Through the seven movements of "The Rainbow in the Mirror Sea", "The Sacred Relics of Sanba", "The Purple Smoke of A-Ma", "Exploring the Luyuan", "Xunyou in Puji", "Dragon Ring Portuguese Rhythm" and "Lighthouse Pines", with full creative passion, rich The multi-ethnic customs of Macao eulogize and depict a splendid chapter that comprehensively displays the local customs, history and humanity of Macao.


Use singing to tell the growth and transformation of Macau women

Water Singers was established in 2014. They use water as an image to explore and develop various possibilities of combining female a cappella singing with performing arts. Through the combination of music and theater aesthetics, they develop a new artistic performance model and bring refreshing audio-visual enjoyment to the audience.

Nandu News Reporter Li Chunhua The two cities of Sui and Macao drink from the same river. As two important cities in the Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou and Macao have close geographical, cultural and cultural connections and have maintained close ties and cooperation for a long time - Lujuba

In 2014, four girls who love singing and are about to enter the society from school are looking forward to meeting the many possibilities of the world. Using the image of endless water and the surrounding interweaving harmonies, they decided to go to a music festival together. The game of sound in "water". In the past ten years, their creations have been wild and unconstrained, but they have not separated themselves from themselves or the way of thinking imprinted on them after each specific story they encountered; from leaving home to study abroad, working alone in the city, meeting love, getting married and having children, and leaving again Second hometown, returning again, they use their vitality in the present to compose a musical story about female growth.


Use classics ost to share the love of the Bay Area

China Hong Kong TVB dramas have always been loved by Chinese audiences, and the soundtrack is a classic among classics. The "Hong Kong Drama·Hong Kong Philharmonic" cross-border concert will present TVB drama music in the form of classical music. The classic OST created by the famous Hong Kong composer Zhang Jiacheng will be collaborated by musicians from Hong Kong and Macao to once again integrate and innovate. The performance brings an audio-visual feast to the audience.

The performers at this concert include Qiao Feng, Zhang Yueru, Lu Hanzhang and Chen Haiqi. Qiao Feng is the first percussion and marimba performer in Macau, China, and is the artistic director of this concert. Erhu player Zhang Yueru is the concertmaster of the Macau Chinese Orchestra. Lu Hanzhang is a saxophonist from Macau, China. He holds a bachelor's and master's degree from the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague, Netherlands, and is a member of the Reunion Saxophone Quartet. Chen Haiqi is a young pianist from Macau, China. She holds a master's degree in piano performance from Boston University and a master's degree in contemporary music improvisation from the New England Conservatory of Music. They will use their respective playing skills to bring an unforgettable musical journey to the audience.

Performance Schedule

Macau Water Voice Ensemble A Cappella Music Theater "Who Sings with the Water"

html June 21 (Friday) 19:30

"Image of Macau" Cello Works Concert

html July 14 (Sunday) 19 :30

"Hong Kong Drama·Hong Kong Philharmonic" Crossover Concert

html August 9 (Friday) 19:30

Picture: Provided by the organizer

Tags: entertainment