Today is the first day of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival. At 10 a.m., "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru" will be officially screened publicly for the first time as the First Film (first screening) of this film festival. This documentary film tells the true story of t

entertainment 6121℃

Today is the first day of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival. At 10 a.m., " The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru " will be officially screened publicly for the first time as the first film (first screening) of this film festival. This documentary film tells the true story of the joys and sorrows of the families of 10 Allied prisoners of war, and for the first time gets closer to the truth about the wreckage of the Lisbon Maru, the "death ship" of World War II, 30 meters below the sea near Dongji Island in Zhoushan, China. Film director Fang Li, historical consultant Tony, and the descendants of the four people in the film also stood in front of the Shanghai audience for the first time. Denise Elizabeth Wynne, Kenneth Andrew Salmon, Philip Graham Bambridge, Lindsey Sarah Archer, their names are still unfamiliar, but the stories of their parents who were killed or survived have been forever fixed in light and shadow. 82 years of changes, history will never sink.

Caption: The Shanghai International Film Festival kicks off today. Photographed by a reporter from Xinmin Evening News (the same below)

Wang Kai

Regarding this film festival, there are many "firsts". For example, the premiere rate has increased year after year and hit new highs. The world premiere and international premiere increased by 25.5% compared with last year. Too many films use the Shanghai International Film Festival as their premiere venue. For example, the "Belt and Road" Film Week will bring a new presentation this year to the Bicester Shopping Village in Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone - a "Latin American style" carnival that integrates audio-visual and taste bud experiences. From the 15th to the 18th, the parade will sing and dance to showcase Latin American culture and folk customs, allowing movie fans to experience the joy of traveling around Latin America without leaving Shanghai. For example, not only has the "French Film Week" been newly created, but the power of light and shadow is used to promote mutual learning among civilizations, expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and promote people-to-people bonds. The "Cannes Zero Day" unit, which has been deeply loved by movie fans in recent years, also made a strong return this year, bringing movie fans There are a total of 15 films freshly released from the Cannes Film Festival, an unprecedented number. For example, in order to satisfy the audience's preferences and habits, this year's film festival has boldly innovated in the film scheduling strategy. For the first time, a series of films and films with the same elements will be screened together. Movie fans can "camp" in one theater and watch all of them. Favorite works of a certain type, and in order to welcome nearly 30% of the "guests" who come to Shanghai to watch the movie, the screening theater has opened a luggage storage service on a large scale for the first time...

Today is the first day of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival. At 10 a.m., 'The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru' will be officially screened publicly for the first time as the First Film (first screening) of this film festival. This documentary film tells the true story of t - Lujuba

Caption: "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru" meeting

In fact, As the birthplace of Chinese cinema and the root of Chinese-language cinema, Shanghai has many “firsts”. Since the establishment of China's first competitive non-specialized international film festival in 1993, the Shanghai International Film Festival has gone through more than 30 years of inheritance, innovation and development, and has many "firsts". Behind these "firsts" are talented people's artists and film entrepreneurs who dare to pioneer, Shanghai's open, innovative and inclusive urban character, the forefront of China's reform and opening up and an international metropolis with deep links to the world. It is a people's city with an unswerving pursuit of a better life.

Standing in front of these "behinds", it no longer matters whether you are "first" or not. Because I believe that in the next 10 days, we can encounter better times with movies and a more beautiful life in the city. (Sun Jiayin)‍‍

Tags: entertainment