"The Time Is Just Right" is an urban life healing drama directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, and Tian Yu, and starring Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, and Jia Xiaohan, with Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, and Zhang Tao as special guests. The old man of t

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"The Time Is Right" is directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu , Bao Jianfeng , Zuo Xiaoqing , Tian Yu , Pan Zhilin , Sun Hao, Du Yuan, Jia Xiaohan, Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, Zhang An urban life healing drama specially guest starred by Tao.

'The Time Is Just Right' is an urban life healing drama directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, and Tian Yu, and starring Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, and Jia Xiaohan, with Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, and Zhang Tao as special guests.      The old man of t - Lujuba

Mr. Xu's health gradually improved after suffering a stroke, and Xu Meng'an's career was also compromised with Mr. Zhang under Rachel's control. Xu Meng'an began his journey to preserve his pregnancy, but there was another member of the Xu family who couldn't live in peace. She is Xu Mengxin, a woman with a considerate husband, a supportive sister, and a lovely son.

It can be said that Xu Mengxin lives in a honeypot, but Xu Mengxin has become the most capable character in the audience's opinion. Before I gave birth to my second child, I was in trouble all day long because of progesterone problems.

'The Time Is Just Right' is an urban life healing drama directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, and Tian Yu, and starring Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, and Jia Xiaohan, with Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, and Zhang Tao as special guests.      The old man of t - Lujuba

My husband started a career and became suspicious, so he got divorced. After finally giving birth to the second child, she suffered from postpartum depression. She disliked her sister and her husband and signed for a caesarean section. In real society, caesarean section has become a common topic for modern women to choose between giving birth, but Xu Mengxin's performance in the play is really exaggerated.

The characters are exaggerated, and part of the reason is the screenwriter's fault. In the drama "The Time Is Right", all the cast members are positive and positive, and the audience is full of positive energy. Only Xu Mengxin, one of the protagonists, has become the most annoying character in the whole drama.

'The Time Is Just Right' is an urban life healing drama directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, and Tian Yu, and starring Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, and Jia Xiaohan, with Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, and Zhang Tao as special guests.      The old man of t - Lujuba

Many viewers thought that Xu Mengxin was born in a blessing and did not know the blessings. The screenwriter was too cruel and concentrated all the contradictions of female production on Xu Mengxin, so that the character naturally seemed a bit divided.

Of course, this may be the effect the screenwriter and director want. In fact, the most annoying characters are the most pitiable. There are so many female characters in the play, but Xu Mengxin is the worst. Others are under external pressure, but Xu Mengxin's problems come from herself. Whether Xu Mengan is pregnant with a second child or not depends on her life pressure and career choices. Chen Wanzhen’s twins have no pressure to have a second child. Rachel is not married yet, so there is no question of a second child.

'The Time Is Just Right' is an urban life healing drama directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, and Tian Yu, and starring Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, and Jia Xiaohan, with Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, and Zhang Tao as special guests.      The old man of t - Lujuba

Xu Mengxin gave up her career after having a second child because Jia Haowen wanted to have many children and grandchildren. When she was pregnant, progesterone always caused trouble, and she suffered from postpartum depression after giving birth. She didn't want to become someone that everyone disliked, but due to her own endocrine imbalance, her emotional disorder kept spilling over into trouble.

Internal pressure squeezed Xu Mengxin's nerves every day, and finally broke out at the moment when she chose between caesarean section and vaginal delivery. My sister no longer cares about her, and her husband also complains. In short, I hate everything I can hate.

'The Time Is Just Right' is an urban life healing drama directed by Han Xiaojun, starring Qin Hailu, Bao Jianfeng, Zuo Xiaoqing, and Tian Yu, and starring Pan Zhilin, Sun Hao, Du Yuan, and Jia Xiaohan, with Tan Kai, Mu Liyan, and Zhang Tao as special guests.      The old man of t - Lujuba

Obviously her sister, husband, and parents all think about herself, so why does Xu Mengxin still hate her?

She may not hate her sister, husband, and parents. She may just blame herself for having a second child, and she doesn't know why she wants to give up her career. In short, it is an explosion of accumulated problems.

Of course, the plot is always just the plot. The screenwriter is more represented by Xu Mengxin, who focuses on the contradictions. In reality, everyone should not worry too much about postpartum depression. If you have emotional instability or other problems, it is better to seek medical treatment in time.

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