The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series "My Altay", with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the "nature deficiency syndrome" suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series

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The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee

The TV series "My Altay" is a hit. The quiet and beautiful scenery has cured the "nature deficiency disorder" that people suffer from in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series was broadcast, the local native species "Mengxin Beaver" attracted many young people to protect it - most of them participated through the Internet "cloud".

Beavers are the "architects" of the animal kingdom. The dams they build can gather fish and provide habitats for waterbirds, which in turn attract mammals and insects, creating small ecosystems.

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

"Architect" beavers lie on the dams they built. Picture provided by interviewee

According to Chu Wenwen, a local in Altay, the popularity of Mengxin Beaver and Altay’s emergence from the industry are not accidental. They fill people’s yearning for freedom.

Chu Wenwen was born in 1994 and studied at Beijing University. In 2018, she returned to her hometown and initiated the establishment of the Altay Nature Conservation Association to protect the Mongolian beaver and other wild animals living in the Altay region. "The Altay region is a place where people and nature coexist in high harmony. It has raised many children like me who have grown up in nature with wild animals since childhood," she said.

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

Chu Wenwen (left) participated in rescuing injured animals. Photo provided by interviewee

“Youth” is the characteristic of the Altay Prefecture Nature Conservation Association. The “Beaver Canteen” public welfare project launched by the association has attracted more than one million netizens to participate, most of whom are born in the 1990s and 2000s. back". Young people have formed a "beaver army" in their own way, turning beavers into "idols" and producing emoticons and peripheral products. The rescued rabbit was named "狲五空", and the injured vulture was named "Grandpa Three Eagles" based on the plot of "Wulin Gaiden"...

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

Due to the lack of cages, the injured vulture "Grandpa Three Eagles" was temporarily accommodated. Chu Wenwen's bathroom, receiving treatment. Photo provided by interviewee

According to the latest monitoring data, the number of beavers in Mengxin has grown from 500 individuals and 162 families in 2018 to 750 individuals and 227 families in 2024, a 50% increase in number. Wildlife protection must consider the balance of the ecosystem and not blindly pursue the increase in the number of a single species. According to the association's judgment, the number of beavers in Mengxin has reached a stable state.

On June 5, 2024, at the national home event of the June 5th Environment Day, Chu Wenwen received the appointment letter as a special observer for Ecology and Environment in 2024 from Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. After the meeting, Southern Weekend reporters interviewed Chu Wenwen.

Southern Weekend: Your association is very good at mobilizing public participation. How did this feature come about?

Chu Wenwen: This is related to my experience. I used to be a wildlife photographer. Since 2012, I have been sharing wildlife photos and the stories behind them through new media platforms such as Weibo. I have always believed that photographing wild animals can help more people understand wild animals and transform cognition into action.

But then people will ask, we can’t leave our jobs and run into the wild, what can ordinary people do? I can't think of a better answer. Therefore, we established this organization in 2018 to let ordinary people participate in protection.

Southern Weekend: In China, the Mongolian beaver is only distributed in the Altay region. Most donors have never even seen them. How can we get everyone involved in conservation?

Chu Wenwen: Our emoticons and cultural and creative products all come from the "Beaver Propaganda Office", which is a group spontaneously formed by the netizens of the "Beaver Legion" and was not designed by the staff of our association. The creator of the beaver emoticon was a student of art design, but due to poor health, he found a job as an accountant. By designing emoticons, she feels that she has achieved value, which is more meaningful than earning a salary.

It is difficult for most netizens to see beavers, and wild animals cannot speak. There are many cute species that have not been known to everyone before. We just used new media platforms to show the true appearance of beavers, and people already liked it.Every species has its own interesting skills that have been mastered through thousands of years of genetic evolution. As long as we help animals tell their stories, some people will naturally like them. Not only beavers, we will also help more species tell stories in the future.

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

Association plants shrub willows to restore habitat for beavers. Photo provided by interviewee

Southern Weekend: What methods do you have for telling stories about wild animals?

Chu Wenwen: The "rigid" and restrained state of human beings does not exist in nature. Humans have too many things to compromise on, while wild animals only care about food, reproduction and habitat. For example, herbivores will always look for grass, while carnivores must fight for their lives - directly, without any twists and turns. So when we tell animal stories, we also use a very natural way, and even have a lot of "irregular" and unrestrained expressions (Editor's note: For example, Chu Wenwen told netizens, "As long as 'Grandpa Three Eagles' survives, Stay single for two years”) and give them life.

Southern Weekend: How to keep the public "user stickiness" instead of just paying attention once?

Chu Wenwen: We do not regard operating the community as a tool, we just want to tell everyone where the money they donated is spent. This money was saved by many donors by not buying milk tea snacks, game skins, and even New Year's money for a few years old children. When you carry such trust, you want to tell everyone about everything you experience in your daily life through videos, live broadcasts, articles, etc. Their frugal kindness is not in vain.

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

The hometown of beavers, the Ulungu River in Altay. Photo provided by interviewee

Southern Weekend: Support is two-way. What energy do you get from the community?

Chu Wenwen: I have a huge fear about the death of life, but life often passes away in the wild. This is my darkest moment - I often lock myself in the house for a long time. At this time, open Douyin and Weibo and read everyone's warm messages and private messages. The self-denial caused by the loss of life will be reduced.

Southern Weekend: With your promotion, Mengxin Beaver has become a popular target among young people. Are you worried that the public has a wrong tendency to "petize" and "fandom" wild animals?

Chu Wenwen: The purpose of the Association is to let wild animals become wild animals and keep nature as it is. We also practice our own actions. For example, we once rescued a pair of little foxes named "Maomao" and "Xiaoxiao", but after they opened their eyes, they could no longer recognize us. The staff wore headgear every time they fed us. , and even sprayed a solution of various animal feces on the body. We share these details with everyone instead of simply preaching. Everyone will naturally think about it and keep an appropriate distance from wild animals.

The cute beaver attracts the attention of young people. Photo provided by interviewee The popular TV series 'My Altay', with its tranquil and beautiful scenery, has cured people of the 'nature deficiency syndrome' suffered from living in reinforced concrete. Before the TV series  - Lujuba

When rescuing the little red fox, the staff wore hoods every time they fed it. Video screenshot

Southern Weekend: The number of beavers in Mengxin has reached a stable state. With the suspension of public welfare projects such as "Beaver Canteen" and "Beaver Guardian", what are the plans for the future?

Chu Wenwen: We will put these two public welfare projects to a good conclusion, and we will continue to find more interesting ways of protection in the future. The established wildlife rescue center will continue to operate and is preparing to do more exploration in nature education. We also plan to go beyond Altay, compile the experience and lessons learned in conservation over the past five years, and share them with conservation organizations in need to protect more species.

Southern Weekend reporter Lin Fangzhou

editor-in-chief Wang Tao

Tags: entertainment