Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage. Just after the broadcast of "Flowers" at the beginning of the year, the period drama "South and North" was ushered in. Then the spy drama "Storm Chaser" s

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Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Text | Edited by Mu Ran

| Sanyuan

This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.

html Just after the broadcast of " Blossoms " in the early 2000s, the period drama "South to North" ushered in. Then the spy drama "Storm Chaser" set off a wave of drama-watching craze, and the romantic drama "springs sent lovers " was launched soon after.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Entering May, the long-awaited " Celebrating More Than Years 2" that the audience has been waiting for was officially broadcast. The finale came at the end of May. CCTV immediately launched the follow-up drama " The Story of a Rose ".

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

These domestic dramas are like roundworms in the stomachs of the audience, accurately targeting everyone's preferences.

What the audience wants to watch and loves to watch is all in these dramas.

Especially the popular "Rose Story", which is currently on the air, has finally filled the gap in the domestic drama market for independent and sober heroine dramas.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

The heroine is not a silly white lotus, nor does she need to be saved by a man. She has a correct and clear understanding of relationships, family and career, and her thoughts are far ahead.

Of course, the casting of this drama is also very precise. The beloved Huang Yimei is played by Liu Yifei . She is not only convincing, but also brings a visual feast to the audience.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

I believe that many viewers come here for Liu Yifei, but as the plot develops, I believe it is not difficult for everyone to see that the more outstanding part of "The Story of a Rose" is the supporting role.

's character design may not be so eye-catching, but his acting skills are top-notch. In "The Story of a Rose", the protagonist was upstaged. I really don't blame Liu Yifei for her poor acting skills, but only blame the supporting cast for being too strong.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

No. 1, Tong Dawei

From the first scene of his appearance, Tong Dawei , who output various incisive lines, immediately brought the audience back to " strives for ".

But this seemingly poor-mouthed character was played with a different quality by Tong Dawei.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Huang Zhenhua, who he plays in the play, is an out-and-out girl control. The other party stayed up late and worked overtime, so he had to call the company the next day. My younger sister has someone she likes, and she makes various suggestions. But when my younger sister actually falls in love, she sees that there is nothing she doesn't like about her new brother-in-law.

It can be said that this character is the epitome of countless brothers in real life.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Huang Yimei is the star of the show, while Huang Zhenhua is ordinary. He has not been married for several decades, but he finally finds someone he likes, but the other person still doesn't like him. It's both tragic and funny.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

And Huang Zhenhua, who is very talkative, overturned because he stood up for his sister. Just a second ago, he was raising his neck to yell at his sister's leader.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

The next second, he was unable to say a word because of the other party's retort. Looking at Huang Zhenhua, who looked surprised and a little unbelievable, he was amused again.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Tong Dawei played this role with a sense of humor and became the most outstanding actor in this drama with a female protagonist.

Second place, Wan Qian

The most indispensable thing in urban dramas is women in the workplace, but I have seen so many such roles, only Su Gengsheng, played by Wan Qian, feels more authentic. In the scene where

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

and Huang Zhenhua confronted each other in the company, Wan Qian showed everyone in an all-round way what aura is.

At first, she saw Huang Yimei's brother angrily coming to the company and didn't understand the situation, but she remained calm.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

But Huang Yimei did not say hello, and her emotional problems affected her work, and even when she was accused by strangers for no reason, her expression became a little more angry.

Then she turned Huang Zhenhua's provocation into her own home court. After outputting them together, she pointed at the opponent's tie with a bit of ridicule, threw a fatal blow, and directly KO'd Huang Zhenhua. It was so cool. !

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Wan Qian’s image and temperament are very suitable for portraying this kind of strong woman image, and she did play the role well, but there is also a scene in the play where she breaks down and cries after answering the phone, and Huang Yimei appears to hold an umbrella for her .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Wan Qian, who had a sad and painful expression one second, immediately became alert the next second, feeling both frightened by the other party and worried that the other party would know that she was unprepared.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Although Wan Qian plays a supporting role in the play, she is indeed as eye-catching as the heroine.

ranked third, Chen Yao

In "Hurry", Lonnie stunned everyone with her high-end style. This time it is Chen Yao's turn.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Chen Yao's aura is not that sharp in appearance, but at first glance, he has the calmness and confidence of an intellectual. That arrogant feeling is like something inherent in Chen Yao's temperament. It makes people look at it. I feel it is extremely appropriate.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

I originally thought that Chen Yao could not portray such a role. After all, she has a sweet face and she has played cute and interesting characters before. A character with a cold undertone like a female doctor is not suitable for Chen Yao. Yao.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

But Chen Yao's appearance meets expectations, and her acting skills are even better. She performed an emotional rivalry scene with Tong Dawei, and she accurately grasped that kind of distant and polite state.

Just by looking at Chen Yao's eyes, he knew that Huang Zhenhua was not her type at all, and there was no possibility of development.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

was stunning in her short appearance, and she is talking about supporting roles like Chen Yao.

ranked fourth, Lan Yingying

The most distressing one is Guan Zhizhi played by Lan Yingying .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

In Huang Yimei’s words, if you are beautiful and have a good job, why do you have to be with a man like Zhou Shihui?

On the surface, Guan Zhizhi, played by Lan Yingying, is also glamorous, but due to various reasons such as age and family, she has an inferiority complex.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

will be 30 years old soon. If he doesn’t get married and has no way to explain himself, he will become an alien in the eyes of others, so he will regard an ugly and scumbag man like Zhou Shihui as a treasure.

Although the character was not so sober at first and made people dislike her, Lan Yingying still played the character's state appropriately.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

When she received the marriage certificate, she looked at her fiancé with eyes full of love. When she handed the agreement written by the two to the staff, her smile was extremely bright. She could feel how happy it was for her to receive the marriage certificate soon. Happy.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

But when her boyfriend of seven years told her that he had changed his mind, Lan Yingying's eyes showed confusion, unwillingness, and suppressed anger, accurately interpreting complex emotions.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

When she went to Huang Yimei's home to cry to her parents, she not only wanted to keep her dignity and told her story as calmly as possible, but because she couldn't control it, she spoke in a choked voice with tears in her eyes. The tears made people feel even more distressed when they saw them.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

When confronting Huang Yimei, Lan Yingying's eyes were also full of drama. There was strength that was ready to quarrel with the other party, there was also embarrassment when the pain point was poked, and there was also helplessness in passively accepting it all.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

Lan Yingying once again amazed the audience with her acting skills.


In contrast, Liu Yifei's performance can only be said to be quite satisfactory. Although she seems to be acting in her true colors, her beauty is more attractive than her acting skills, and she lacks a sense of surprise.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This year's domestic dramas did not leave the audience with any chance of drama shortage.      Just after the broadcast of 'Flowers' at the beginning of the year, the period drama 'South and North' was ushered in. Then the spy drama 'Storm Chaser' s - Lujuba

The strength and acting skills of these supporting characters have a more surprising effect, and they are more capable of taking action.

Who do you think has the best acting skills in "The Story of a Rose"?

Tags: entertainment