[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video "Why Angelica" shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a

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[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui]

Recently, the hot search #Taiwan high school students ask what is the history of China # has appeared on mainland social media platforms, in a video of "Why Angelica" shot by a food blogger , when a Taiwanese student was asked about the "Kubazai Incident", she looked confused because she took Japanese history as an elective, but had never studied this period of Chinese history of resisting Japan.

The confusion of this Taiwanese student also deeply hurt me.

Taiwanese high school students don’t know the history of China

For the Taiwan authorities, the role of 12-year compulsory education is to provide votes and soldiers. Of course, there is also the role of top-notch investment in high-tech fields. However, the overall purpose of the so-called "sacred mountain that protects the country" is nothing more than "rejecting reunification and independence."

This political purpose is subordinate to the US strategy towards China - to consume, block and contain the power and process of China's rejuvenation. The current goal is to Ukrainianize Taiwan and try to induce mainland China to use force in order to reorganize the strategic situation in East Asia and thereby replace the US's strategic disadvantages in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

html On June 1, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a speech at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Singapore that despite the historic conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, the Asia-Pacific is still "our priority theater of operations." "Only when Asia is safe can the United States be safe, which is why the United States has maintained a long-term presence in this region."

The Taiwan authorities support Israel, Ukraine, and the United States, and they must obey and implement this strategic intention.

The threshold for implementing the US strategic intentions towards China lies in the success of Taiwan's Ukrainianization, so compulsory education is the top priority of the Taiwan authorities' work to support the US. Because votes guarantee governance, governance guarantees the supply of soldiers; supply of soldiers, in turn, guarantees governance, and only governance guarantees education and votes. The way to ensure that educated audiences gather votes and troops is to mobilize hatred, such as mobilizing "blue birds" and "black bears" to fight against China.

However, it is difficult for educational work to bear fruit in the short term, but the outcome of the game between China and the United States may be decided in the next three to five years. Lai Qingde is fortunate that the "de-Sinicization" education, which is difficult to achieve for a while, has gone through 30 years; the so-called "Taiwanese high school students do not know the history of China" has long ago stopped.

Before the 1980s, the two Chiang Kai-shek governments in Taiwan used "anti-communist martial law" to carry out "social transformation" and "cleansing of people's hearts." In the past 40 years, "local" has been "China", especially modern and ancient China. The Chiang government used "advocating the ancients" to "anti-communism", and both Confucius and Yue Fei became "anti-communist" props.

During this period, Taiwan’s educational audience was familiar with ancient times and history, but had little knowledge, misunderstanding, or confusion about modern Chinese history, contemporary Chinese history, and contemporary Chinese people. They know the "nine northeastern provinces" but not the "three eastern provinces". The "anti-communist" order in their nerve center directs them and the next generation, but they recognize that Taiwan is part of China.

[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video 'Why Angelica' shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a - Lujuba

The Memorial Park of the 卍巴哖incident, the picture is from the travel notes written by Taiwanese cycling youth

Taiwan implemented educational reforms after the 1990s. At this time, the mainland has been reforming and opening up for more than ten years, and Taiwan has also lifted its "anti-communist martial law." The United States was worried that the sudden approach to cross-strait exchanges would undermine its containment strategy against China, so it supported another group of agents on the island to implement dual containment. Taiwan's frequent educational reforms since Lee Teng-hui actually serve the politics of "independence". Since then, "native" and "China" have become opposing concepts, ancient Chinese history and ancient texts have been gradually deleted, Japan has been drawn closer to Japan, China has increasingly become the "other" for Taiwanese audiences, and Taiwanese have gradually lost their Chinese subjectivity.

In 2007, Dai Baocun, who claimed to "gover history and build the nation of Taiwan," was ordered to lead 13 graduate students to correct more than 5,000 "inappropriate words" in more than 390 textbooks, and the task was completed. It involves political figures ("Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the Founding Father" → "Sun Yat-sen"), historical events ("Recovery of Taiwan" → "After the War"), place names ("Guizhou Province" → "China Guizhou Province"), culture ("Chinese Painting" → "Chinese painting"), national cognition ("nationwide", "our country", "domestic", "mainland" → "China") and other levels of reference, and have become the only standard for the terminology in successive textbooks since then.

[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video 'Why Angelica' shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a - Lujuba

[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video 'Why Angelica' shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a - Lujuba

[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video 'Why Angelica' shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a - Lujuba

Table of Contents of Three Volumes of Compulsory History in Taiwan High Schools

"Social Transformation" and "Cleaning of People's Hearts" of Personality Alienation

At the same time as "de-Sinicization", the educational reform era of Li, Chen, Ma and Tsai has been more than 30 years, and all have inherited the old " "anti-communist" law, and lost no opportunity to add it to the educational logic of "democracy = anti-communist" in order to control the votes and military resources in the post-Chiang era. Under the guidance of this awareness, Taiwanese audiences gradually accepted the transformation of "China" into the "other" and even the "enemy country".

This transformation into othering and enemy-oriented not only comes from the deletion of historical education content, but also from the popularization of all aspects of citizenship, geography, Chinese, national defense and other courses, as well as the all-round and blind "inappropriate use" of various daily media. The word "cover." Whether they are students or not, Taiwanese people are re-immersed in the life network of information martial law in the "anti-communist" tradition of "social transformation" and "cleansing of people's hearts."

Why do Taiwanese artists who identify with Chinese identity and support national reunification are bullied by cyberattacks? Why do the children of mainland Chinese wives have to draw a clear line with the mainland in school and at the same time cool down their mothers? Why do Taiwanese parents who care about their motherland sigh helplessly at night after struggling to "make up lessons" for their children? Why did a retired professor from the Chinese Department say, "Before I die, let me become Chinese again"? The answer lies in the result of 75 years of "social transformation" and "cleansing of people's hearts" - no Chinese are allowed on the island.

Taiwan's "anti-communist" alienation into "anti-China" is actually the multiplicative evolution from "Chiang's three no's" to "Ma's three no's". The objective condition is that "the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have fallen into a special state of long-term political confrontation."

No matter how the mainland favors Taiwan, how it designs the vision of "one country, two systems", or how it promotes the prospect of peaceful reunification and national rejuvenation, "saying no to the CCP" has become the safest shadow in the minds of most Taiwanese people. Taking full advantage of the people's psychological shadow of not believing, approaching, and changing is the fundamental way for Taiwanese politicians and their overseas backers to gain power. The political parties engaged in deception on the island have paradoxically survived by relying on the CCP; and the more powerful the mainland is, the more they gain.

Now that through the education of "Anti-Communist Laws" and "Three Unwisdoms of the People", the personality transformation of ordinary Taiwanese people has been completed - characterized by amnesia, imbecility, insensitivity or reflexive hatred of China. So Lai Qingde appointed Ono Li Yuan as the "Minister of Culture", Zheng Yingyao as the "Minister of Education", and Zheng Lijun as his deputy, obviously to consolidate this personality trait. Moreover, it is an upgraded version.

[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video 'Why Angelica' shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a - Lujuba

Taiwan high school Chinese language test questions, the original title is "A Letter to...", and the target audience is limited to Chinese and foreign historical figures. The picture is a composition written by a Taiwanese high school sophomore literature student. The confusion about historical understanding is shocking.

Creating a new AI human for the US team

Zheng Yingyao recently said that the 108 curriculum only needs to be "fine-tuned" to include AI (artificial intelligence). This is It is subordinate to the strategic decision of Lai Qingde's "Action Innovation AI Cabinet". Lai Qingde has long known the United States' need to contain China, especially since he has Xiao Meiqin beside him who is well aware of the United States' needs. The U.S. information industry needs smart workers from Taiwan, and the 108 curriculum has become a concrete response to U.S. education OEMs and human resources agencies. Taiwanese parents have become the terminal capital of the U.S. AI industry chain.

The key to "Taiwan's Ukrainian upgraded version" lies in the new AI human race, so Lai Qingde appointed Huang Yannan, an information communications expert, as the head of the digital development department, and also appointed Guo Zhihui, chairman of Chongyue Technology, as the head of the economic department. Huang Yannan wants to build two AI ecological parks in the north and south, build digital resilience to cope with network outages, and promote the development of the digital economy with digital high-speed networks; Kuo Zhihui believes that TSMC will have no competitors in ten years, and pointed out that education is a key link in the semiconductor industry.

At this moment, the 2024 Taipei International Computer Show (computex) is on the scene. Huida, AMD, Supermicro, Qualcomm, Intel, ARM, MediaTek, NXP and other major manufacturers are gathering. Taiwanese media calls this a global AI martial arts conference. Due to the technological strength of the semiconductor chip supply chain, Taiwan has become the first choice for cooperation among countries in establishing AI computing capabilities.For a time, "the most dangerous place on earth" became "the world's pillar of the AI ​​industry" in Huang Renxun's words because of the United States' strategy to contain China's high-tech development.

This shows Lai Qingde’s idea of ​​“Taiwan Independence Confessions”, and we can also speculate on the purpose of Lai’s government’s AI curriculum.

is based on the personality educated by the "Three Improper People's Wisdom" and "Anti-Communist Laws", and then personalizes it: including human beliefs or emotions, all existences are portable cross-border, cross-field, and interdisciplinary information materials. ; The so-called disputes over "Taiwan's history leaving China" or "China's history entering Asia" are only issues of data processing, not issues of principle or value of whether it can be transferred. Therefore, resorting to national justice and "placing hope on the people of Taiwan" is probably just untimely wishful thinking.

For issues such as ethics, context, history, morality, art, literature, human relationships, etc., the value or right and wrong cannot be judged by data alone. The answer of AI New Humanity is based on "diversity" - using diverse and massive information. Hedging judgments of right and wrong, or rebuilding value.

In other words, under the pressure of Captain America’s repeated instructions, the Lai government can create new machine-made AI humans to “constitute” the problem of Taiwanese youth’s reluctance to go to the battlefield, even if it cannot build enough robots to replace it. , the latter only understands instructions on how to combine 0 and 1. The efficacy of innovative technology is always tested to its maximum extent in military applications.

However, in order to counter the enemy's strategic needs, Beijing has been calling for peaceful reunification for almost half a century, but the final step of national rejuvenation only awaits technological breakthroughs. After all, the "world's pillar of the AI ​​industry" is close to home, and this is a pattern that AI cannot change.

The right path in the world is a vicissitude of life

Lai Qingde deliberately escalated the Taiwan issue into a technological duel, relying on US hegemony to contain China's technology, and a group of new low-energy humans who cannot think and feel without AI.

This is in response to the historical issue that "the Taiwan issue originated from a weak and chaotic nation and will surely end with the rejuvenation of the nation." At that time, the manifestation of national weakness and chaos was technological backwardness, and the means to end the situation of weakness and chaos must be technological breakthroughs.

From a macro perspective of data orientation and intelligent calculation, mainland China will dominate global economic development with co-governance of market and technology, leverage advantages, etc. However, Taiwan has to form cliques or even commit itself to achieve scale in order to achieve scale. Synergistic and symbiotic mechanisms. This period of vicissitudes of life is exactly the historical credit that Taiwanese people need to revise.

In addition to the main line of the AI ​​​​industry, the government also has the supporting education goal of "bilingual country" on the horizon, and there are also compulsory courses in local languages. Regardless of the vassalization of self-colonization or the imbecility of self-limitation, is it self-redemption or suicide of language ability? Those who are already believers have constant faith.

In addition, Green Camp does not pay attention to Taiping Island, nor does it pay attention to Kinmen and Matsu. After all, the area between the South China Sea and China's Fujian Province makes the "non-affiliation theory of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait" seem a bit imbecile. Whether we should "withdraw the defense" or not, we have to wait and see what the Lai government's AI will say.

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[Text/Observer.com columnist Wang Rui] Recently, the hot search topic #Taiwan High School Students Ask What is the History of China# has appeared on mainland social media platforms. In the video 'Why Angelica' shot by a food blogger, there are When a Taiwanese student was asked a - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment