Because "520" sounds the same as "I love you", May 20 is regarded as a special day full of love. May 20 this year coincides with the "Xiao Man" in the 24 solar terms, which means perfection, and it naturally becomes the peak time for couples to register for marriage. According to

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Because "520" sounds homophonic to "I love you", May 20th is regarded as a special day full of love. May 20 this year coincides with the "Xiao Man" in the 24 solar terms, which means perfection, and it naturally becomes the peak time for couples to register for marriage. According to statistics from the civil affairs department, on May 20, 1,348 couples in our city received marriage certificates and tied the knot.

Because '520' sounds the same as 'I love you', May 20 is regarded as a special day full of love. May 20 this year coincides with the 'Xiao Man' in the 24 solar terms, which means perfection, and it naturally becomes the peak time for couples to register for marriage. According to - Lujuba

The atmosphere was full and the wonderful moments were left.

"I made an appointment online many days in advance, just to get the certificate on this special day." On the 20th, at the Marriage Registration Office of the Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau on the fifth floor of the International Trade Center, Chongqing Road, citizens Xiao Tan said happily, holding his girlfriend's hand. In order to leave this unforgettable memory, the young couple has been planning for a long time. Family members from both parties also came to the scene to take photos and videos with their mobile phones to witness their happy moments. At the scene, there were many couples who had the same idea as Xiao Tan and wanted to register their marriage on that day. Among them, there were several newlyweds. The men were holding flowers and the women were wearing wedding dresses. They were waiting at the scene with a sense of ceremony.

In order to handle the marriage registration procedures for the newlyweds in a timely manner, the staff of the Chaoyang District Marriage Registration Office made comprehensive preparations and decorated the scene with joy. The staff of the Marriage Registration Office presided over the certificate awarding ceremony for the newlyweds free of charge, bringing full enjoyment to the newlyweds. Happiness. "The number of people who came to register for marriage today was several times the usual number." Wang Liyuan, director of the Marriage Registration Office of Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau, said that not only did the staff come to work half an hour early and give up their break at noon, the registration office also sent special personnel to maintain order and guide the process, which was effective In response to the small business peak of the day, we provided high-quality services to the newlyweds who were applying for marriage registration, which won unanimous praise from everyone.

In order to meet the diverse needs of couples for marriage services, we focus on the construction of wedding custom culture and atmosphere creation, guide young people to consciously abandon bad habits such as extravagance and waste, and establish correct concepts of marriage and family. On the 20th and 21st, Today, the Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau, in conjunction with the Municipal Welfare Lottery Center, the Chaoyang District Health Commission, the Chaoyang District Women's Federation and other departments, held the "520, 521" wedding customs and cultural activities at the Marriage Registration Office of the Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau to send blessings to the newlyweds. . On the 21st, an event will be held here to issue gold (silver) wedding certificates to several elderly couples.

Innovative wedding customs, simple but not simple

Choosing "520" to register for marriage also expresses the couple's yearning and pursuit for a better life.

On the same day, the "Destined Green Garden Meeting and My Love Blooms" new wedding theme event organized by the Green Park Civil Affairs Bureau and other units was romantically opened in Changchun Park. The dreamlike and romantic atmosphere on the scene brought surprise weddings to 12 couples. Register to experience. At the

event, 12 couples received the "big red book" with a sense of ceremony and read their wedding vows together in the presence of relatives, friends and citizens. "I am very happy to participate in the wedding theme event with my lover on this special day of '520', and record this important moment for us." The groom Zhou Zhipeng said happily. At the scene, the newlyweds came to the specially set up confession wall, solemnly signed their names, made promises, and expressed their love for each other. After the certificate awarding ceremony, the newlyweds also participated in activities such as "Love Test 'You'" and "Eternal Bonding 'Love Circle'". Another groom, Mr. Zhao, was deeply impressed by the "Sweet Time Capsule". He said: "My wife and I have encapsulated each other's past stories, perceptions of life, and expectations for future life in a "Sweet Time Capsule". After meeting for many years, we will open it together. I believe that as time goes by, we will definitely Cherish each other more."

On that day, the "Nanguan Jiayuan Outdoor Ceremony and '520' Jiayuan Garden Party" event was organized by the Nanguan District Civil Affairs Bureau and other units in the Changchun Water Culture Ecological Park to take the "Wedding Bus" , registration of marriage in the park, group outdoor certificate issuance, garden party and other forms, advocating a new trend of civilized marriage customs.

At the scene, the newlyweds took a red "wedding bus" with "Hundred Years of Harmony" printed on it to Changchun Water Culture Ecological Park, starting a two-way romantic journey. At the mobile marriage registration point in the park, newlyweds happily received their marriage certificates.Accompanied by the beautiful scenery of the green park and the pink rose petals decorated at the scene, under the witness and blessings of everyone, several couples "showed off" their marriage certificates on the spot, walked on the stage and read out their marriage vows together, "We voluntarily marry. As husband and wife, from today on, we will jointly shoulder the responsibilities and obligations given by marriage..."

During the "520" Jiayuan Garden Tour, the newlyweds held the hands of their lovers tightly, participated in love questions and answers, and threw "blessing sandbags" , Tacit Understanding Challenge and other activities. The newlyweds experienced the romantic atmosphere of the "520" day by taking photos, checking in, and interacting with sweet games. Couples who participated in the event said that the simple but not simple innovative wedding customs added special memories to the marriage registration.

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"Cross-district office" enables people to do less errands for marriage registration

In recent years, "520" and "521" have been the peak periods for marriage registration. In order to meet the masses' needs for convenient and intelligent marriage registration services, our city Optimize the "cross-district handling" service of universal policies. Starting from September 2023, all marriage registration parties in the city who are registered residents of Changchun can choose to register their marriage at any marriage registration office in Changchun City. By optimizing the "universal service within the city" policy, the city's marriage service rate has reached 23%, maximizing convenience and benefiting the people, achieving "more information and less errands for the people", saving time and manpower for the people. Using electronic information "on the palm of your hand", all registration windows in the city are uniformly equipped with high-speed cameras with face recognition, realizing functions such as unified verification of person and certificate, real-time electronic archiving, etc., and promoting the realization of "one-click" appointment for marriage registration. Scientifically regulate the appointment period and number of appointments for marriage registration, and adopt a combination of online appointment + on-site queuing to meet the registration needs of the masses to the greatest extent. Among the 1,348 couples who completed marriage registration on May 20, 338 couples registered their marriages across regions.

Source: Changchun Daily

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