"Qing Yu Nian 2" starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was

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Zhang Ruoyun , Chen Daoming , Wu Gang, Guo Qilin , Song Yi " Qing Yu Nian 2 " has been premiered for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting, Fan Xian After feigning death, he successfully plotted against the second prince, and then "resurrected" and returned to the capital. However, he encountered the eldest prince's team, and the two sides almost came to blows. The eldest prince was Fan Xian's eldest brother. Fortunately, the prince appeared at the critical moment to help Fan Xian. After resolving this trouble, both parties entered Kyoto together.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

Then Emperor Qing's order came, and Fan Xian was summoned. Of course, the other four princes also went to the palace. This was also the first time that Fan Xian's five brothers got together to have dinner with their old father, Emperor Qing. What Xian didn't expect was that he reported that the second prince and Li Yunrui colluded with Northern Qi for smuggling. Not only did Emperor Qing ignore him, but the second prince turned against him. The second prince actually asked Emperor Qing to grant marriage to Fan Ruoruo and Li Hongcheng, and Fan Xian also instantly I understand what the second prince's plan is. It turns out that he is able to use Li Hongcheng to completely tie the Baoyue Tower matter to the Fan family.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

Li Hongcheng’s lover was Yuan Meng. If it had been before, it could have been said that the second prince had something to do with Baoyue Tower. After all, Li Hongcheng was loyal to the second prince. But now it is different. After all, Li Hongcheng is Fan Xian’s brother-in-law. He is Fan Sizhe's brother-in-law, and Fan Sizhe is one of the owners of Baoyue Tower. Yuan Meng is Li Hongcheng's lover, so the Fan family cannot be clean. Being plotted by the second prince and unable to produce the evidence requested by Emperor Qing, Fan Xian was completely confused.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

Fan Xian, who originally wanted to investigate the evidence, learned another very bad news from the prince, that is, the town where the prince went to investigate the smuggling of the second prince and Li Yunrui was destroyed. In fact, the truth was not the case at all. , the second prince just wiped out all the evidence against him, but it was the prince who really set the whole town on fire. The reason why the prince did this was to force Fan Xian to stand on his side and deal with the second prince together. In this way, he Only in this way can the crown prince's position be stable.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

The identity of the faceless woman is exposed

In the new plot, the queen is finally online. After the family banquet between the five Fan Xian brothers and Emperor Qing, the prince was summoned by the queen. The prince completely let himself go in front of the queen, who is his mother, and The way he held it was completely different, and he also told him that he burned down the entire town and made Fan Xian stand on his side. But what everyone didn't expect was that the queen took out a bunch of paintings. , causing the prince's face to change drastically. In the first season, the prince often drew a woman, but the woman's face was not drawn. The natural purpose of the prince's doing this was to prevent others from knowing his thoughts. Naturally, what he liked was painting. But who is the person in the painting?

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

Under the queen's pressure, the prince could only burn all the paintings of the faceless woman, but there is no doubt that the identity of this woman is not simple, otherwise the queen would not be furious. Even once her identity is revealed, then It will directly affect the prince's position as heir apparent. Regarding the identity of this faceless girl, it is actually very simple. It is none other than the eldest princess Li Yunrui. Yes, she is Fan Xian's mother-in-law, the mother of Lin Waner, the eldest princess of Nanqing, and the prince's aunt.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

The prince did not dare to draw his face because he was afraid that someone would find out. Once he was discovered, his position as prince would be over. In other words, the prince had been using and scheming against Fan Xian. He was not sincere in helping Fan Xian. The second prince and Li Yunrui, at least, did not have that kind of determination towards Li Yunrui. But there were clues to what he did. Fan Xian later discovered that the person the prince liked was Li Yunrui, and even discovered that Li Yunrui had climbed into the prince's bed a long time ago, so he told Emperor Qing this shocking secret. Of course he Not saying it himself, but trying to let Emperor Qing find out.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

Emperor Qing washed the East Palace with blood

When Emperor Qing found out about this, he was furious. He not only imprisoned the eldest princess Li Yunrui, but also destroyed the entire East Palace. Fortunately, the prince set a fire himself and then escaped. If not Because the prince is smart enough, he is afraid that he will really die. After knowing the identity of the faceless girl, Fan Xian knew the reason why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace. After this incident, Emperor Qing had the idea of ​​abolishing the throne.

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

'Qing Yu Nian 2' starring Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Guo Qilin, Song Yi and others has been premiering for some time. The new plot of this drama can be said to be really exciting. After Fan Xian faked his death, he successfully plotted against the second prince. He was  - Lujuba

In short, the most disdainful aspect of the prince is that he likes Li Yunrui and had a relationship with him for a long time. In the end, he died. In fact, it was also because of this incident, otherwise Emperor Qing would not have been able to depose him. , let alone kill him.

Tags: entertainment