Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed "Storm Chaser" and "Dark Fire" at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc

entertainment 7856℃

Author | Beibei

Audiences who have followed "Storm Chaser" and " Pale Fire " at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas.

Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings. Along with the sound of docks, the audience is pulled into old Shanghai in the 1930s. This is the first shot at the beginning of "Storm Chaser", which has the flavor of a secret war drama. However, Zhang Shuwei mentioned many times that ""Storm Chaser" cannot be simply defined as a spy war drama. This drama is cut from a financial perspective. It has never been seen in spy war dramas in the past. "

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

Not only "Storm Chaser", but also "Dark Fire" co-produced by Zhang Shuwei and director Yao Xiaofeng. A less typical suspense drama template, showing more of an exploration of human nature. The audience saw a "different" Tong Yao in the play. Her character Nanya has gone through many hardships, but still stands proudly in the isolated town and among the rumors of "killing people invisible".

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

After the finale of "Wind Chaser" and "Dark Fire", Entertainment Unicorn interviewed Zhang Shuwei, the chief producer of these two dramas. In his more than 7 years as a professional producer and supervisor, , Zhang Shuwei participated in the planning and production of the drama series "Storm Chaser" and "Dark Fire", etc., which have achieved good response in terms of word-of-mouth and commercial performance. As a young female producer, her achievements and advancement are not unrelated to her clear judgment on female expression in different eras.

"Shen Jinzhen" who sacrificed heroically or "Nanya" who redeemed herself, the awakening of women in different eras?

In "The Storm Chaser", the sacrifice of Shen Jinzhen's character has become a source of frustration for many viewers.

The song "Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road" was still echoing. The explosives installed by the Kuomintang agent Lin Qiaosong were ignited. With a loud bang, the joyful stage turned into a hell on earth in an instant. Amidst the billowing smoke, screams, collapses, and shouts could be heard constantly. Shen Jinzhen died tragically under the collapsed stage in order to save the children in the ruins. Seeing that his former comrades had lost their young lives so early, the male protagonist Wei Ruolai was extremely sad. After learning the news of his sister's sacrifice, banker Shen Tunan questioned his faith. He completely gave up on this corrupt, incompetent, and despicable Kuomintang government.

In "The Storm Chaser", Li Qin plays Shen Jinzhen. She is not just a character, she is more like the embodiment of female power in that era. Zhang Shuwei talked about the character, "Shen Jinzhen is actually a career-oriented woman. She has been strictly trained by the underground party and lurks in Shanghai. But her character, I think, is very close to modern young people. She focuses on my own career. She admires and recognizes the male protagonist Wei Ruolai, and believes that such an outstanding financial talent, an upright and reliable friend of the opposite sex, is a very important partner on the road to the revolutionary cause, and love is no longer her first priority when it comes to faith. "

There is a famous scene in "The Storm Chaser" where Shen Jinzhen and his brother Shen Tunan had a fierce quarrel. When Shen Jinzhen pressed the muzzle of the gun to her forehead, the muzzle of the gun sank deeply into her skin. She screamed: "Come on, shoot me! Kill me! Hit me! Shoot me!" That kind of thing The look in his eyes that looked back at death made people shudder. Shen Jinzhen's roar resounded throughout the room, and the despair that came from his bones seemed to have powerful penetrating power to infect the audience outside the screen. Zhang Shuwei talked about this scene: " I watched this scene live, and Li Qin's acting skills are very easy to empathize with. The role of Shen Jinzhen is the "leader". She is the one who leads the male protagonist Wei Ruolai to the right path. The most important person on the road of faith."

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

Looking closely at "The Storm Chaser" and "Dark Fire", they have something in common in their character creation. "Shen Jinzhen is similar to Nanya in "Gloomy Fire". Shen Jinzhen has never had any doubts on the road of faith struggle. She is a staunch Communist Party member.Nanya is very assertive. Even if she lives in a difficult situation, she is at least in a decent state every day. She loves life and her daughter. "Zhang Shuwei analyzed.

Nanya in "Dark Fire" is contradictory. She has excellent academic performance since she was a child. Although she encountered an unfair fate in the process of growing up, she remains uncompromising and yearns for a better life. Life. Many netizens are inspired by this woman who bravely fights against fate in deep adversity. This is what Zhang Shuwei wants to express, "Nanya will always be a lonely person, but even so, she still faces life optimistically. Wanting to go out, even though she suffered a lot, she still gave people a very sunny feeling. Shen Jinzhen and Nanya, I think they have the same persistence in expressing women. are just two characters. They live in different eras and situations, so they must have completely different lives. "

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

It is not difficult to find that in the two dramas run by Zhang Shuwei, the female images have successfully broken through the audience's stereotypes of traditional female roles. It is reported that in the original script outline of "The Storm Chaser", Shen Jinzhen and Wei Ruolai originally They are lovers. During the love process, the appearance of "fiancée" Niu Chunmiao made the three of them appear in a "love triangle" state, and this kind of routine content is not what Zhang Shuwei wants to do.

Zhang Shuwei believes that every woman. The characters all need to show their unique values. Shen Jinzhen’s tenacity in facing difficulties and persistence in faith allow the audience to see the enthusiasm of women in the new era; Su Cishu, played by Gao Lu, is both knowledgeable and sensible, and has the ability to think independently in troubled times. The complexity of her role makes her a very attractive woman; Niu Chunmiao has a carefree and down-to-earth personality but is full of life wisdom. On the road to pursuing her ideals, she is as tenacious and fearless as a rose in the wind; Although Song Meijuan is a singer wandering in troubled times, her courageous pursuit of love regardless of her own safety is touching; Nanya, played by Tong Yao, is an artistic young woman whose appearance and temperament are incompatible with the small town. In the face of baseless and wanton accusations from neighbors, Choose to gain new life through constant self-rescue.

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the reason why "Dark Fire" and "Storm Chaser" control the female characters so well is closely related to the keen insight of the chief director Yao Xiaofeng. The team with Zhang Shuwei as the core has a majority of female members, which is also an important part of its success. The team understands women's emotions and needs from a female perspective. It not only pays attention to the external image of the characters, but also deeply captures the subtle changes in female characters. , the audience naturally felt the charm of the characters more deeply. Zhang Shuwei said that although his team is young, it is very experienced. "The young female team may be relatively fresh blood for the industry, and now young producers are. Many of the values ​​and ideals of this generation can provide more new ideas to the industry, and everyone is serious about doing projects. "

How does the narrative art of "Her Power" focus on the plight of women in a microscopic way?

"This is our young female producer Zhang Shuwei" - In the past few years of working in the industry, Zhang Shuwei often hears others introducing her. When I work for myself, I add the words "young" and "female" in front of my job title. "I am a producer who works with the team all year round. As long as you join the team, you will find that this profession is very physically demanding for women. Therefore, there may be fewer female producers than men in the general industry. "

may be a female producer. Zhang Shuwei likes to focus on the female situation in a microscopic way by depicting women's emotional world, personal struggles and small details in daily life in film and television narratives. During the creative process, Zhang Shuwei said frankly that "is very important to I have some preferences when it comes to female characters. I prefer that female characters be three-dimensional, rich, and real, rather than just a beautiful symbol. "

It is not difficult to find that in "Dark Fire", from the character setting, plot setting, costume modeling to scene layout, it focuses on the helplessness and struggle of women in a society of acquaintances. Nanya, as a woman trapped in a small town, is not a stay-at-home woman, but makes use of her interests and hobbies to live a serious life in a clothing store. Nanya gives the audience the impression of being refreshing and free. Although she is surrounded by rumors in Qingshui Town, she has a rich spiritual world. Zhang Shuwei revealed that the creative team will use silk materials and drapey fabrics to highlight the female beauty of Nanya. The use of unconventional patterns in tailoring reflects the character's unique temperament that transcends Qingshui Town. In traditional film and television dramas, female roles are often limited to narrow scopes such as family and marriage, and there is a lack of attention to women's career and social aspects. The micro perspective pays more attention to the growth and transformation of women in film and television narratives, and allows women to show their status and role expectations in society by setting up typical events and character relationships.

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

In today's era, the audience's aesthetics and values ​​​​are changing with the increasing diversification of cultural communication methods and channels. However, the awakening of women’s consciousness, shifting from social issues to a certain field of cultural creation and being displayed, cannot be achieved overnight. Excellent producers and teams are also slowly adjusting and tempering. Zhang Shuwei believes that in the near future, In the future, more and more charming characters will appear in film and television dramas.. "The beauty of women is like colorful poetry, showing the unique charm of all kinds of women, which is a very important job for me as a producer."

At present, "Dark Fire" and "Storm Chaser" have concluded, Shen Jinzhen The courage in Nanya and the tenacity in Nanya allow the audience to clearly see social concepts, values ​​and the power of women. I believe that with the continuous development of society, more female producers will emerge in the film and television industry, and the group portraits of women in film and television dramas will continue to show the cultural connotation of the times and present us with a richer and more diverse picture of life. Next, Zhang Shuwei will serve as the chief producer, partnering with director Yao Xiaofeng. The urban youth entrepreneurial drama " Going North ", produced and produced by Enlightenment Films and starring Bailu and Ouha, will also meet the audience this year. .

Author | Beibei Audiences who have followed 'Storm Chaser' and 'Dark Fire' at the same time will easily find that these two works are not traditional secret war dramas and suspense dramas. Along the Huangpu River, there are many European-style buildings, and with the sound of doc - Lujuba

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