Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao "Singer 2024" (hereinafter referred to as "Singer") frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. ....

entertainment 4616℃

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Titie

Editor | Yellow Cat

"Singer 2024" (hereinafter referred to as " Singer ") frequently makes big moves. After the second update of

, the program team once again officially announced the big news -

Adam Lambert is really here.

He is known as the ceiling of global active pop singing skills and is a well-deserved world-class singing superstar. It seems that Yingzi's goal should be to maintain four and compete for three.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

According to reports on the Internet, the follow-up program team will also invite many top singers such as , Wang Leehom, , Mika Nakajima, and A Mei.

The more I look at the back, the more I understand why "Singer" is called "The Adventures of Yingzi".

Among the current domestic players, except for , Na Ying, and , no one can play. Especially after the first round elimination list was released, the audience shouted: Those who should go did not go, and those who should not go did.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Na Ying made a mistake? The unveiling of the singer is stunning

After the first episode of "Singer" was broadcast, there was no dispute about the top three. The two foreign contestants were too strong. Even Na Ying was too nervous and his performance was unstable, crushing the domestic contestants in the same field. There is no telling.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

However, the competition for the penultimate position is too fierce, and the performances of other singers have their own shortcomings.

can be said to have waited until the second episode. The audience was waiting for the domestic contestants to avenge their shame, but the more they watched, the more powerless they became.

Na Ying is no longer nervous, but the drummer of the band is nervous.

The drummer failed to keep up with the beat, causing the entire stage to almost overturn.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Some people also said that the drummer had a hearing problem and could not hear the sound and could not keep up with the rhythm. Fortunately, Na Ying turned the tide and saved the stage that was about to collapse with his excellent singing skills and superb on-the-spot reflexes.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Even if there are flaws, it makes people see Na Ying's true strength.

Fortunately, the contestants who revealed the list helped to cheer up the Chinese music scene.

The Hanggai Band came up to challenge Shantimo, who ranked first in the previous period. Although Shantimo broke her voice and failed to sing the whistle well, she adjusted her state in time, and the subsequent singing was flawless and the overall completion was very high.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

However, when the Hanggai band opens up its voice, it is like ten thousand horses galloping on the grassland. The combination of musical instruments with national characteristics and singing gives a feeling of spiritual purification.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

How powerful is the Hanggai band? When Shantimo was interviewed, she made a prayer gesture.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Sure enough, what is hidden in the blood cannot be changed. A hundred years later, Yehenala still needs the protection of the Mongolian cavalry.

Huang Xuan, another contestant who unveiled the list, also performed impressively.

R&B, jazz, Broadway and other music styles are integrated into one song, with a highly infectious stage and easy range switching to show off your singing skills.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Someone who has won the Golden Melody Award many times is truly extraordinary. Singers like

have stayed without any controversy. Whether other singers stay or leave, there is still a lot of controversy.

The strength is too poor, and it is difficult to achieve success with second-hand roses.

This season of "Singer" adheres to the principle that music has no borders and no distinction is made between high and low, and many singers have been invited to participate in this program.

Internet singer, idol singer, producer singer and band.

However, the abilities of these singers are uneven.

Let’s talk about Hailai Amu first.

Hailai Amu's performance in these two games was very stable, but the difference was really bad.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone knew that he was not a professional singer.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

deliberately displays the timbre when singing, and the tearing sound produced seems like a mouthful of phlegm stuck in the throat. Other than that, there is almost no use of any skills.

There is no sound change in the whole song. It relies on timbre to highlight the dynamics. When it comes to high notes, it wants the voice too much and cannot control the tone well, resulting in a rough texture.

To put it simply, it is the level of an ordinary uncle in KTV. It is fine after listening to it once, but it will feel a little boring after listening to it twice. This is why everyone says that Hailai Amu's singing is very earthy.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

There is still a big gap between online singers who have not received professional training and professional singers.

let’s talk about Rainie Yang .

In fact, Rainie Yang has the same problem as Hailai Amu, which is to shape the voice and change the timbre to form a unique story.

Needless to say, Rainie Yang’s voice is very nice when she sings, but apart from the timbre, there is nothing to praise.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

In the last performance, it can be said that Rainie Yang's performance was relatively mediocre, with insufficient breath, unstable bass area, and good intonation. Overall, it was not good but it did not reach the point of overturning.

As a result, when it came to this performance, Rainie Yang started to run away from the first sentence, and her mentality immediately collapsed. She had neither flexibility nor attention to detail when singing.

's breath support is not good, the air is lost when the mouth is opened, and there is no sense of strength, especially the sound of "la", which exposes all its shortcomings.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Watching Rainie Yang’s performance, there is always a feeling of being broken.

finally said Wang Sulong .

Compared with the first game, although Wang Sulong's intonation problem still exists, it is much better.

However, in this scene, he exposed a new problem, that is, the rhythm is unstable, and the "poetry recitation" may have caused the mood to collapse.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

The song "Flesh and Blood" sounds simple, but it gradually increases the concentration of emotional expression through repeated melody and lyrics.

However, Wang Sulong's singing skills in handling detailed emotions are not up to par, and he cannot express the shocking feeling of the song.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Don’t blame the song selection if your singing skills are not good.

I think these singers should all appear on the elimination list in the first issue.

However, only Rainie Yang was eliminated, and the other group of eliminated singers were Second-hand Roses.

Secondhand Rose's music is very niche, just like some people can't understand Huang Xuan's style of music, but I have to admit that this band is really capable.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

The traditional singing style of Northeast Erzhuan is combined with rock music to create a new music style.

It is not difficult to see from Second Hand Rose's "Ode to Sister-in-Law" that their music is not as funny and nonsensical as most people think, but uses a relatively humorous way to express heavy connotations.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba

Moreover, the instrumental coordination between the members of Second Hand Rose is perfect, and the lead singer Diplodocus performed very steadily in both performances.

can say they are weird, but cannot say they are dishonest.

The stage of "Singer" is very inclusive, allowing different music styles to communicate and collide, rather than tolerating those with poor abilities.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'Singer 2024' (hereinafter referred to as 'Singer') frequently makes big moves. After the second update, the program team once again officially announced the big news - Adam Lambert is really here. .... - Lujuba


The program "Singer" is really about to disgrace the Chinese music scene.

's live broadcast with full open mic allows the true strength of each singer to be displayed without reservation, and it is clear at a glance who is the real strength.

And those who have the title of "singer" but poor singing skills will face a lot of criticism even if they are lucky enough to stay this time.

According to the current trend, the singers who fill the position are getting stronger and stronger, which is a big challenge for everyone. I wonder how the online singers will face it?

As a result, "Singer" is becoming more and more interesting. I hope that in the future stages, every singer can deliver a stage that satisfies the audience.

Do you think the elimination list of "Singer" is reasonable?

Tags: entertainment