On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the "Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival" held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G

entertainment 5113℃

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the 'Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival' held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G - Lujuba

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the "Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Culture" held at the Hyeamsa Relics Site in Yangju City, Gyeonggi Province Festival and Three Big Stoves Tea Ceremony”.

Although the 51-year-old Jin Jianxi had resumed public activities on the 16th of this month and attended an official luncheon to welcome the Cambodian Prime Minister and his wife, it had been a long time since he appeared in public. According to Korean media, she has not seen the public for about 169 days.

Jin Jianxi stood behind the two girls holding flowers. From a distance, their faces were quite similar. It was difficult to tell that Jin Jianxi was over fifty. Jin Jianxi finally met the public, and her "baby face" is still fair and plump. It is estimated that the president's wife chose to take a vacation when she was pushed to the forefront, and lived a comfortable life without interruption. She may also take this opportunity to make that "silicone face" more perfect.

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the 'Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival' held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G - Lujuba

The event that Jin Jianxi and Yin Xiyue participated in that day was to welcome the relics returned to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. These relics were unearthed more than 600 years ago. They were transported to the United States during the Japanese colonial period.

"This is a great blessing for the Buddhist community and our people. This is a difficult problem that cannot be solved for a long time, but as the relationship between South Korea and the United States becomes closer, we have become more united," Yin Xiyue said in a speech that day Said, showing his good impression of the United States without any concealment.

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the 'Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival' held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G - Lujuba

It is reported that when Kim Jianxi visited the United States with her husband in April last year, she made a special trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to admire the Buddhist cultural relics belonging to South Korea and held a meeting with the curator to discuss the return issues.

event organizers said at the scene that the first lady played an important role in the return of cultural relics. In this regard, Jin Jianxi said very modestly: "I am very proud that the relics have been returned. I hope that Buddhism can be revived through this matter. I think this is the result of the vows of tens of millions of Buddhists, not my personal efforts."

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the 'Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival' held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G - Lujuba

reported According to reports, about 4,000 people participated in the event that day. In addition to Yin Xiyue and Jin Jianxi, other government officials also attended.

Looking at it from a slightly closer shot, Jin Jianxi's cheeks are indeed very full, just like a face, which does not match her too thin body.

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the 'Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival' held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G - Lujuba

This is the scene when Jin Jianxi met with the wife of the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Wen Lani Hun Sen, 3 days ago. She still maintained the same style as before, minimizing direct skin contact with her breath as much as possible, and even her neck was covered with a high collar. living.

On May 18, local time, Kim Gun-hee, the first lady of South Korea, appeared in public. Together with her presidential husband, Yoon Seok-yue, she participated in the 'Hyeamsa Relic Memorial Cultural Festival' held at the Hyeamsa Relics Memorial Cultural Festival in Yangju City, G - Lujuba

It is quite interesting to say that the first lady of South Korea always becomes the person at the forefront.

On the same day that Kim Kun-hee appeared in public, former President Moon Jae-in had to defend his wife Kim Jung-sook's solo visit to the Taj Mahal in India six years ago, which triggered controversy.

Moon Jae-in concluded by saying that at that time, Indian Prime Minister Modi invited him to attend the park opening event this year, and the Indian government also issued a formal invitation, but it was difficult for him to keep the appointment, so he asked his wife to go instead of her. "The reason why I tell this story in detail is because even now, some people are maliciously distorting it to make it look like my wife traveled with government money."

Moon Jae-in's explanation is not optional. None, because just last December, Seoul City Councilor Lee Jong-bae of the People's Power Party claimed when he filed a lawsuit with the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office that "Kim Jung-sook misappropriated 400 million won and used it as a tourism reserve fund."

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