After the high-profile drama series "Qing Yu Nian Season 2" premiered on May 16, its popularity has continued to rise, breaking many platform popularity records. 126 minutes after the broadcast, the popularity exceeded 32,000. On the first day of broadcasting, the popularity valu

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's high-profile drama series " Qing Yu Nian Season 2 " has continued to grow in popularity since its launch on May 16, breaking many platform popularity records. 126 minutes after the broadcast, the popularity exceeded 32,000. On the first day of broadcasting, the popularity value on Tencent Video exceeded 32,906, setting a record for the platform to enter the hit club on the first day of broadcasting. At the same time, the drama performed well in the CCTV-8 ratings. On the first day of broadcast, the real-time ratings of Kuyun peaked at 2.2%, ranking first in the TV ratings of all channels during the same period.

After the high-profile drama series 'Qing Yu Nian Season 2' premiered on May 16, its popularity has continued to rise, breaking many platform popularity records. 126 minutes after the broadcast, the popularity exceeded 32,000. On the first day of broadcasting, the popularity valu - Lujuba

html On May 18, Xinhua News Agency released an exclusive interview with the main creative team of "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", producer of "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", CEO and President of China Literature Group Hou Xiaonan, writer Mao Ni, screenwriter Wang Juan, director Sun Hao , actor Zhang Ruoyun was interviewed together.

"Celebrating More Than Years" is a novel first published on Qidian Chinese website in 2007. It is the famous work of Mao Ni, a platinum writer of China Literature Group. In 2019, the first season of the TV series " Celebrating More Than Years " was broadcast, with a total viewing volume of over 16 billion, creating a myth of ancient male channel ratings and breaking the curse of male channel IP adaptation. The number of people who rated it on Douban exceeded 1.05 million, and the Douban score was 7.9. The broadcast of

"Qing Yu Nian Season 2" is an important attempt to make Qing Yu Nian IP season broadcast. Hou Xiaonan said that the novel "Celebrating More Than Years" has nearly 4 million words. It is difficult to tell the story in one season of the series. Season broadcasting is the best way to continue the popularity of the IP.

It has been five years since the end of the first season. In the past five years, the social and cultural environment and the audience's aesthetic preferences have changed. These changes are challenges that seasonal dramas need to face.

In this regard, several main creators also gave their own understanding. Hou Xiaonan said that the creative team of "Qing Yu Nian Season 2" basically uses the original team, hoping to achieve the original flavor in every detail. Wang Juan said that the second season will continue the comedy style of the first season, but dig deeper into the characters' hearts and achieve a better balance between drama and comedy. Sun Hao pointed out that the first season was mainly linear narrative, while the narrative of the second season was more of a gossip "yin and yang fish" narrative. Zhang Ruoyun believes that five years happened to the actors, and the characters actually just lay on the ground and slept, and the story continued. Therefore, when presenting the character, the link should be more silky.

After the high-profile drama series 'Qing Yu Nian Season 2' premiered on May 16, its popularity has continued to rise, breaking many platform popularity records. 126 minutes after the broadcast, the popularity exceeded 32,000. On the first day of broadcasting, the popularity valu - Lujuba

At a previous screening meeting, Suo Yabin, a professor at Communication University of China, pointed out that "Qing Yu Nian Season 2" can see many familiar faces from the first season, indicating that "Qing Yu Nian" is like an American drama to the actors. "Game of Thrones", everyone is proud to be in this crew. "Even if a crew can only gather 1/3 of the cast of " Celebrating More Than Years 2", it is already considered very powerful."

Yin Hongze, vice chairman of the Chinese Filmmakers Association and professor at Tsinghua University, said that adapted from a literary work, "Qing Yu Nian 2" presents a pattern, with clear motives behind all characters. Starting from the motives, you can see See the ever-changing human heart and see more possibilities for stories.

Faced with the success of the Qing Yu Nian series, Mao Ni laughed and said, "Qing Yu Nian's life is better." He believes that the success of Qing Yu Nian IP will bring a lot of confidence to the industry, but a work has to go through a lot of processes from the initial text to the subsequent IP development. He suggested that authors focus on the story itself and "write a good story carefully. Once you meet a good development team, it will naturally produce good results."

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