Caption: Graduation concert scene source/photo courtesy of interviewee (the same below) "Where I want to go, there are dreams and bright sunshine. Raise the big oar, no matter the wind and waves, you will be by my side..." accompanied by the melodious music With the beautiful gra

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Caption: Graduation concert scene source/photo courtesy of interviewee (the same below) 'Where I want to go, there are dreams and bright sunshine. Raise the big oar, no matter the wind and waves, you will be by my side...' accompanied by the melodious music With the beautiful gra - Lujuba

Caption: Graduation concert scene source/image provided by the interviewee (the same below)

"Where I want to go, there are dreams and bright sunshine. Raise the big oar, no matter the wind and waves, you will stay with me..." Accompany With the melodious graduation theme song "Breaking the Waves and Chasing the Light", a youthful graduation song ended successfully, which also kicked off the 2024 Shanghai University graduate graduation season. The 2024 Shanghai University Graduate Graduation Song and the 20th Graduate Student Top Ten Singers Competition finals were held recently. More than a thousand teachers and students sang the song of youth "Continuous self-improvement and benefiting the world".

This graduation song has the theme of "Research Road's Sound of Flowers, Singing the Future" and is divided into "Tracing the Origin·Just Being a Classmate", "Traveling·Reminiscing the Green Summer", "Chasing Dreams·Exhibiting Youth on the Research Road" and "Breaking the Waves" The four chapters of "A Voyage to Mountains and Seas" connect the memories of classmates, the friendship between teachers and students, memories of the research journey, and hopes for the future.

"My sister is my confidence on stage. I am very grateful to my mother for giving me this lifelong companionship." At the song concert, Wu Wenyi, a 2023 master's student in the School of Liberal Arts, specially invited her twin sister, a 2023 master's student from Nanjing University of Science and Technology. Wu Wenxin serves as her singing guest. Zhu Xiquan, a 2023 master's student from the School of International Education, invited his sister Zhu Hengyi, a 2024 undergraduate graduate from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, to sing on the same stage. He sang "There Are Lovers in the World" to pursue music and dreams, and to fly youth. "The most beautiful years are dedicated to the most beautiful Shangda University, and the most beautiful memories are left to the most beautiful Shangda University." Wang Jiaoyang, who currently works in the c919 Division of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company Co., Ltd., is a graduate student of the 2021 class of the School of Automation and Automation of Shanghai University. This time he He brought his own original rap "There Was a Place". On the stage, the teachers sang their sincere blessings and ardent expectations for each graduate to go to the mountains and seas. "Being able to look forward to the unknown of studying together with everyone, saying goodbye to the splendor of studying together, and welcoming the departure, I think it is also a lucky way of expression for the teacher to accompany you." Teacher Zhu Jiayi of the School of Journalism and Communication said.

Caption: Graduation concert scene source/photo courtesy of interviewee (the same below) 'Where I want to go, there are dreams and bright sunshine. Raise the big oar, no matter the wind and waves, you will be by my side...' accompanied by the melodious music With the beautiful gra - Lujuba

The Shanghai University Graduate Graduation Song Ceremony is one of the important forms of "ideological and political courses" for graduate students. Through various forms such as alumni singing, relatives and friends singing, tutors singing, and the release of original graduation theme songs, the singing concert can enrich the graduation atmosphere, activate campus culture, make teachers and students interact more closely, and make ideological and political education come alive. It is reported that Shanghai University has launched a series of "Seven Ones" graduation education activities for many years during the graduate graduation season, through a series of graduate party member education, a graduate symposium, a graduation song, a graduation class photo collection, and a series of exclusive interviews with excellent graduates. and deeds publicity activities, a series of graduate employment guidance activities, and a graduate safety education activity to guide graduates to strive to become "both comprehensive and outstanding" talents with a broad vision, a big pattern, and a big mind.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Wang Wei

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