The movie "Chaoyun Muyu" directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story "The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress". Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea

entertainment 1817℃

The movie " Chaoyun Muyu " directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from the true story "The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress". Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea of ​​adapting it into a movie, and the story of Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu came to his mind. Name, I think the hero and heroine must be them.

The movie 'Chaoyun Muyu' directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story 'The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress'. Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea - Lujuba

"Chaoyunmuyu" is a film that profoundly depicts human nature and the impermanence of fate. It tells the story of a marriage of interest between Lao Qin (played by Fan Wei), a released prisoner, and Chang Juan (played by Zhou Dongyu), who has also just been released from prison. Lao Qin is eager to start his life again, get married and have children, while Chang Juan approaches Lao Qin with the purpose of repaying his debts. Their marriage was full of complexity and purpose from the beginning, but as their understanding deepened, they discovered that each other had deep secrets and pain.

The movie 'Chaoyun Muyu' directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story 'The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress'. Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea - Lujuba

"Chaoyunmuyu" not only shows the struggle and redemption of the two protagonists, but also reflects the real life status of marginalized people in society through them. Fan Wei plays Lao Qin, a rural uncle who longs for a new life after being released from prison. Fan Wei believes that Lao Qin is a complex character who not only has the traditional concept of filial piety, but also has experienced the transformation of the prison order. After being released from prison, he faces the challenge of readjusting to society. Fan Wei's in-depth understanding of the role and superb interpretation earned him the Best Actor Award at the 14th Beijing International Film Festival.

The movie 'Chaoyun Muyu' directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story 'The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress'. Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea - Lujuba

Chang Juan, played by Zhou Dongyu, is a girl with complex experiences and full of despair and negativity. In order to better present the character, Zhou Dongyu went to the hospital two months in advance to understand the real life of a vegetative person and repeatedly practiced eye movements. In her opinion, Chang Juan is a "ruthless" character, but at the same time she also feels grateful and guilty towards Lao Qin. Fan Wei was born in 1962 and Zhou Dongyu was born in 1992. In reality, they are 30 years apart. And their age difference in the film is 32 years. With such a big age difference, does it feel cliché to play a couple?

The movie 'Chaoyun Muyu' directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story 'The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress'. Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea - Lujuba

The performances of Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu are the biggest highlight of the film. The age difference between them does not hinder the two actors from creating a convincing image of a screen couple. On the contrary, this difference brings richer emotional levels and discussion space to the film. The emotional communication between them is very natural and sincere, and their wonderful performances make this cross-age love story full of persuasion and appeal. "Morning Cloud and Mud Rain" has won wide acclaim from the audience for its sincere and touching story and delicate emotional expression.

The movie 'Chaoyun Muyu' directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story 'The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress'. Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea - Lujuba

Non-famous entertainment critic Wu Qinggong pointed out: In addition to Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu, the film also has many powerful actors making guest appearances, such as Song Jia, Fan Tantan, Yang Haoyu, Mao Hai, etc. Zhang Guoli once said at the premiere: "Morning Cloud and Muyu" is actually not about love, but about human nature. Zhang Guoli also said: The scarcity of the film lies in its true and profound story foundation and its three-dimensional shaping of the characters. He hopes that the audience will be touched after watching the movie, even if it only inspires a little kindness in their hearts.

The movie 'Chaoyun Muyu' directed by Zhang Guoli and starring Fan Wei and Zhou Dongyu is currently in theaters. The film is adapted from a true story 'The Murderous Girl in a Wedding Dress'. Zhang Guoli liked the story very much as soon as he saw it. At that time, he had the idea - Lujuba

Zhang Guoli uses a calm perspective and objective lens language to show the complexity and impermanence of life of these two marginalized figures in society. Through the creation of characters and the development of the story, the film presents a profound core that transcends superficial conflicts, leaving the audience with rich room for interpretation. "Chaoyunmuyu" is an art-oriented movie, and the box office is destined not to be too high, but you will make money when you see it.

Tags: entertainment