In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for

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In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for - Lujuba

In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists are in a sweet relationship in a big city, enjoying the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for the sake of the relationship between relatives and lovers The choices are constantly being made, and when the two come together, how will the protagonist choose?

Whether to choose the city to make progress in his career, or to stay in his hometown for love and live a comfortable life, " I Live Elsewhere Me " gave the choice, but was criticized by netizens!

In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for - Lujuba

"My Life Elsewhere" tells the story of the choice between Leshan and Shanghai. The heroine leads two different lives. She lives a beautiful pastoral life in Leshan, and enjoys a continuously improving career in the city. However, this drama has not been recognized by people. Many viewers think that the characters of this drama are very problematic, and the design of the plot is also very flawed. It has been unanimously agreed by the audience on Douban Bad review.

01 There is a problem with the plot design

"My Life Elsewhere" is an adaptation of a Taiwanese drama. However, during the localization process, the whole story had huge problems due to the adaptation. There is really no choice between family and career. ?

In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for - Lujuba

Especially in it, the heroine just directly chooses between Leshan and Shanghai. If she can live a very good life in Shanghai, then of course she should go to Shanghai. However, in the play, life in Leshan is already good enough, and it cannot be regarded as... Poor, so this comparison has lost some of its strong feeling. Because of this, this parallel time and space setting has content that makes people feel boring.

02 The contrast is not obvious enough

"I Live Elsewhere" uses parallel time and space to compare two lives, but in this drama, the contrast is not obvious enough! In the play, the heroine and the hero live a good life. They met as childhood sweethearts. Although there were some accidents in the family, the heroine did not have a hard time;

In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for - Lujuba

and came to Shanghai. The heroine has a career. Despite the above enterprising spirit, a more powerful leader still appeared. As a result, there was a contrast between my childhood sweetheart and the powerful leader. The heroine's life did not get better, so this drama failed because of the lack of obvious contrast. It has been criticized by many people.

03 The characters are not good.

The characters in "My Life Elsewhere" are a bit poor. In fact, in many TV series nowadays, the characters that the audience likes are those who are ambitious and have a yearning for a better life, but this drama The character setting is very precise. In the Leshan life drama, the heroine is a very bitchy and cowardly character, even the hero's mother is very disgusting.

In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for - Lujuba

But the heroine still hasn’t changed at all. In urban life, the heroine’s setting is a bit strange. When she meets a powerful leader, she does not take the initiative to refuse, but enjoys the beauty brought by the leader. She still has a strong heart for the female leader. I am very envious, but the one who is truly powerful is myself.

04 Many details are also very ordinary

"I Live Elsewhere" also has many other inferior details. For example, the heroine fell in love with the female leader's high heels and envied having such exquisite high heels. However, in the context of the time, Leshan itself has such high heels, so why would you envy them? If it doesn't work, just buy it. Also, in urban life, the contrast between the male and female leaders of the female protagonist is also very strange. The female leader is strong and the male leader is excellent, but the female protagonist is still thinking about it in such a city. Looking after your childhood sweetheart?

In urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists have a sweet relationship in a big city and enjoy the life of a domineering president; in urban love dramas, the male and female protagonists live their own small lives, encountering family problems from time to time, and for - Lujuba

"My Life Elsewhere" adapted a Taiwanese drama, but it did not adapt the connotation of the Taiwanese drama itself. Instead, because of the different settings, the heroines of the two dramas were completely different, and the audience followed. The feelings generated are completely different, and the contrast between Leshan and Shanghai is not obvious enough. Because of this, this drama has a lot of bad reviews.

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