Recently, the documentary film "Farewell to the Yangtze River", which will be officially released on May 24, has officially launched its national road show of "See You Again Across Ten Years". The first stop will set sail from Suzhou on May 18, passing through Wuxi, Shanghai, She

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A few days ago, the documentary film "Goodbye Yangtze River ", which will be officially released on May 24, officially launched a national road show of "See You Again Across Ten Years". The first stop will set sail from Suzhou on May 18, passing through Wuxi, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Kunming and other cities across the country. Japanese director Ryo Takeuchi not only attended the entire appointment, but also had surprise guests appear to support the show. While announcing the roadshow itinerary, "Farewell to the Yangtze River" also revealed character posters of Tibetan girl Cimu, canal captain Jiang Hong and Mosuo woman Zhen Zhen. The changes and growth over the past ten years have penetrated the back of the paper and hit people's hearts, making people look forward to witnessing their life stories together on the big screen as soon as possible.

Recently, the documentary film 'Farewell to the Yangtze River', which will be officially released on May 24, has officially launched its national road show of 'See You Again Across Ten Years'. The first stop will set sail from Suzhou on May 18, passing through Wuxi, Shanghai, She - Lujuba

As a Japanese director who has lived in China for a long time and deeply loves China, Ryo Takeuchi has made many documentaries on China, which have been widely praised around the world. More than ten years ago, he focused his lens on the daily lives of simple people along the Yangtze River, listened to their dreams, and recorded the changes of the times: the story of the Tibetan heroine Tsim made people cry, and the Mosuo girl Zhen Zhen’s persistence made people cry. Moving... More than ten years later, in order to explore the changes brought to them by the acceleration of the times, Takeuchi Ryo once again traveled upstream, spanning 6,300 kilometers, using a unique perspective and delicate brushstrokes to capture the story of Tsim and Zhen under the great changes of the past ten years. The real life of the Yangtze River people represented by Zhen uses the stories of ordinary people to connect the development and rapid development of Chinese society in the past ten years. It presents a warm China with great humanistic sentiments, and also allows the world to witness a more authentic and credible panoramic China.

Recently, the documentary film 'Farewell to the Yangtze River', which will be officially released on May 24, has officially launched its national road show of 'See You Again Across Ten Years'. The first stop will set sail from Suzhou on May 18, passing through Wuxi, Shanghai, She - Lujuba

Especially in the latest character posters of the film, the life trajectories of the three protagonists are vivid: Tsim, a Tibetan girl who has started a new life as the gears of destiny begin to turn, her clear eyes are full of her longing and confidence for the future after her dreams come true. . Captain Jiang Hong, who has witnessed the dramatic changes in the Yangtze River Basin, is more cheerful and optimistic than he was ten years ago. There is also Zhen Zhen, who has gone from being a traditional woman who abides by customs to entering a modern marriage. Her joyful expression shows her thoughts about immersing herself in the near future and running into a wider world with her husband and children. The three posters use close-ups of characters from ten years before and after, comparing them with the ups and downs of the Yangtze River, and struggling to achieve their own wonderful life achievements in the turbulent development of the times.

Recently, the documentary film 'Farewell to the Yangtze River', which will be officially released on May 24, has officially launched its national road show of 'See You Again Across Ten Years'. The first stop will set sail from Suzhou on May 18, passing through Wuxi, Shanghai, She - Lujuba

It is reported that in order to allow the audience to better understand "Farewell to the Yangtze River", director Ryo Takeuchi has carefully arranged to start a "See You Again Across Ten Years" film roadshow on May 18, setting sail from Suzhou and heading south along the waves of the Yangtze River. , passing through Wuxi, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing, Guangzhou and other places, arriving in every city that has left important emotional imprints during the filming process. Not only that, director Ryo Takeuchi also announced that he will be on the streets of every roadshow city to promote the film's release and interact with passers-by. People can not only chat with him face to face about the film story, but also feel personally the Japanese director's sincere feelings for China. At that time, the Tibetan girl Tsim, the protagonist of the film, will also be a surprise guest to support the road show.

The documentary film "Farewell to the Yangtze River" is jointly produced by Jiangsu Film Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Hezhimeng Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang Jinnonglian Cultural Development Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd. Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., released on May 24th, go to the theater together to witness the great changes of the Yangtze River in the past ten years.

Tags: entertainment