After OpenAI and Google successively released new AI tools to reignite the AI ​​war, Li Jiaqi also mentioned AI many times at the Super 6.18 media conference on May 16. Meishi partner Wei Yinghui announced at the meeting that starting from this 618, digital human live broadcast w

entertainment 5241℃

After openai and Google successively released new ai tools to rekindle the ai war, Li Jiaqi also mentioned ai many times at the Super 6·18 media conference on May 16. Wei Yinghui, a partner of

, announced at the meeting that starting from this 618, digital human live broadcast will be tested in the "All Girls" live broadcast room.

He said that digital human live broadcast is our first step towards the AIGC field. "Digital people can supplement the vacancies of real anchors and can achieve 24-hour non-stop broadcasting, so that the live broadcast room can serve users at any time just like shelf e-commerce. Users click into the live broadcast room during the period when the digital people are live broadcasting, and can follow the digital The host will explain the basic selling points, price mechanism, coupon collection and other information of the product through oral broadcast, so that you can choose the product independently and conveniently. "

In addition, Wei Yinghui said that he hopes to build an AI intelligent customer service to provide consulting services throughout the live broadcast. "When users need it, they can contact us. At any time during the pre-sales and sales stages, we will assist the anchors to solve users' questions about products and give users the best shopping options."

After OpenAI and Google successively released new AI tools to reignite the AI ​​war, Li Jiaqi also mentioned AI many times at the Super 6.18 media conference on May 16. Meishi partner Wei Yinghui announced at the meeting that starting from this 618, digital human live broadcast w - Lujuba

According to Wei Yinghui According to the description, AIGC is still just "playing support" in the live broadcast room of Meishi. But in many live broadcast rooms, digital people have begun to snatch the jobs of real anchors. Driven by the technology of aigc,

does not require a real anchor, a live broadcast venue, or a live broadcast room. It can generate live content by inputting live broadcast skills, and it is even possible to conduct real-time barrage interactions like a real anchor.

iiMedia Consulting data shows that China’s virtual human driven industry market size and core market size will be 186.61 billion yuan and 12.08 billion yuan respectively in 2022, and are expected to reach 640.27 billion yuan and 48.06 billion yuan respectively in 2025. There is a large commercial space in the virtual anchor industry, including the sale of derivatives, brand endorsements, rewards for works, live streaming, etc. In the future, 36.7% of the respondents will increase their willingness to consume virtual anchors.

But on the other hand, digital human live broadcasts lack the realism, affinity and social attributes of real live anchors, which makes it a reality that audiences lack intimacy and trust in digital human anchors.

Previously, according to Sino-Singapore Finance, there was an e-commerce live broadcast room where a well-known actress with AI face-swapping was selling goods in the live broadcast room. In addition, according to The Paper, a company sells "digital human agent" services worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, claiming that "as long as you pay to become an agent, you can distribute digital human technology to lower-level buyers layer by layer without any qualifications." After review, you can also set your own price, and novices with zero knowledge can participate, and they can make millions a year with their eyes closed. "But not only did the buyers not make any money, they were also banned from the live broadcast room many times, and the agency fees could not be recovered. . The large-scale and popular application of

aigc can indeed significantly reduce the threshold and cost of constructing, reaching and deepening consumption scenarios, and promote the deep integration of live broadcast e-commerce with diverse real economy consumption scenarios such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, shopping and entertainment. But on the other hand, this kind of application also requires the improvement of various technical, regulatory and other supporting measures, and the current conditions are not sufficient.

Perhaps in the near future, the deep integration of aigc and live broadcast rooms will reshape the live broadcast delivery pattern. As Li Jiaqi mentioned in today's speech, if one day through AI technology or higher-tech methods, Li Jiaqi can become tens of millions of Li Jiaqi at the same time, and can serve every user and every customer at the same time. Girls, give them access to consumer products that are more suitable for them. Then when this day comes, the entire live broadcast e-commerce should have a new form and new gameplay.

Tags: entertainment