"Harbin 1944" came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads...

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'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

"Harbin 1944" came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was lying face to face and reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, I felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, 1944 happened. The story of Harbin in 2016 also came to an end.

In the play, the Intelligence Section led by Guan Xue serves the Japanese. However, in the context of 1944, the Japanese were already at the end of their strength. Everyone was thinking of a way out, not only the people in the Secret Service Section, but also the Japanese. Thinking of a way out, especially Asano Daigo. Although he doesn't play much in the play, he reveals the ugly shady story of the 731 Germ Unit.

'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

Although Asano Daigo is a character who does not appear much in the TV series, he plays a key role in the entire TV series. However, even such an important figure cannot escape the fate of being assassinated. He was shot randomly. He shot himself in the elevator, ending his sinful life.

01 Daigo Asano and the 731

731 bacterial unit are the most unforgivable crimes committed by Japan in China. Whether it is real history or TV dramas, the various operations of Unit 731 have destroyed countless Chinese lives.

In the play, the Secret Service always receives news of missing people. No one knows where the missing people went or what they did. Even in the end, the son of a senior official in Harbin was arrested by 731 After leaving, the senior official and his wife had no choice but to run to the Secret Service Department, hoping that they would find out the whereabouts of their son.

'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

But the reality is cruel. The sons of high-ranking officials in the past are now under high walls. Song Zhuowu, Tian Xiaojiang, and the doctor who appeared at the beginning of the TV series are all imprisoned here and suffering inhuman abuse.

Here, Tian Xiaojiang wanted to climb out from the high wall. At that time, the patrolling Japanese soldiers happened to pass by. The sharp-eyed Song Zhuowu immediately noticed something was wrong and hugged Tian Xiaojiang down in time.

'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

The son of a high-ranking official was not so lucky. He successfully climbed to the top of the high wall, but was not stopped by the Japanese soldiers. He thought everything was developing in the direction he hoped for. However, when he touched the high-voltage network, After being directly electrocuted to death, the Japanese soldiers said that shooting him would be a waste of resources for the empire. The poor young man ended his life like this.

02 Asano Daigo and the Secret Service Section

died in the elevator. It was indeed Asano Daigo's deserved punishment, but it was not the first time he suffered an assassination. At the beginning of the TV series, Song Zhuowu dressed up as a Japanese officer, entered the hotel as if no one was around, and almost killed Asano Daigo, but he failed.

'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

Asano Daigo is an existence that cannot be offended by the Secret Service. Working undercover under his nose, the Song Zhuowen brothers took their bravery and carefulness to the extreme. At a cocktail party, the civil and military brothers wore the same clothes. Clothes should fit inside and outside, so it’s wonderful.

's brother Song Zhuowu was responsible for secretly photographing Asano Daigo's confidential documents upstairs, while Song Zhuowen was responsible for dancing with Guan Xue downstairs. In fact, the photos taken by Song Zhuowu are inextricably related to Unit 731. Unfortunately, no one knew the existence of this place at the time.

'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

Just when the task was almost completed, Asano Daigo and Guan Xue appeared in the office, disrupting Song Zhuowu's plan. Song Zhuowen had no choice but to pull the switch, which finally caused panic on the scene. After

, Song Zhuowu even staged a double sex show with Song Zhuowen in Guan Xue's car. Song Zhuowu not only held up Guan Xue and Song Zhuowen with a gun, but also blew up Guan Xue's car in the end, so that Guan Xue did not suspect anything more, but completely trusted Song Zhuowen.

'Harbin 1944' came to an end. When Guan Xuesu was reminiscing with Song Zhuowen in Fushun Prison, she felt that everything had settled. With the opening of the door to the new world, what happened in 1944 The story of Harbin also came to an end. In the play, Guan Xue leads... - Lujuba

In order to calm the matter, Asano Daigo announced that it was just a power outage. Caused by this, he was relieved when he saw that the important documents were not lost. In fact, at that stage, the Japanese began to plan the 731 Bacteriology Unit. However, this matter was always handled in such a tight manner that even the people in the Secret Service Division have no idea.

However, a crime is a crime, and it has nowhere to hide. Today, the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese in Harbin have not been wiped out, and the TV series is just the tip of the iceberg. More cruel and ugly crimes cannot be used in the TV series. expressed. Fortunately, although justice may be late, it is never absent.

Tags: entertainment