Recently, actor Feng Bing, who plays "Old Mo" in the TV series "Crazy", was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is re

entertainment 7760℃

A few days ago, actor Feng Bing, who played "Old Mo" in the TV series "Crazy", was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is reported that this is Feng Bing experiencing life for a movie telling the story of a delivery boy. Also experiencing food delivery are actors such as Xu Zheng and Jia Bing.

If we say that the greatest charm of acting is to experience all kinds of life and provide another sample for life, then workplace drama is one of the higher threshold categories - it not only tests the actor's sense of belief, but also requires the actor to be able to Really calm down, and with awe and sincerity, enter the ordinary lives of ordinary people in different industries.

Experience life

Let the actions be completed smoothly

If you want to perform well in professional dramas, there are no skills or shortcuts. Actors can only race against time in a down-to-earth manner, devote themselves to the study of a new major, and transform it with "work practice" For natural muscle memory in performance.

When receiving the drama "All About Dr. Tang", actor Qin Lan felt very uneasy - this was her first time playing a surgeon and the director of a cardiac surgery center. "I know that there is a 20-year gap between Qin Lan and Dr. Tang as doctors, so I will keep asking myself, how can I become a director of cardiac surgery in a short time?" Due to the epidemic at that time, Qin Lan was not able to go to the hospital to collect information. She can only learn and reserve more theoretical knowledge, such as watching medical videos, reading text materials, and studying professional medical documentaries. She also made many friends who are cardiac surgeons, giving herself the confidence to play a doctor in terms of work and life.

Recently, actor Feng Bing, who plays 'Old Mo' in the TV series 'Crazy', was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is re - Lujuba

Qin Lan plays the director of the cardiac surgery center in "All About Dr. Tang".

is also a medical theme. Actor Yang Yutong played the role of a "device nurse" that the outside world knows little about in "Surgery Live Room". What kind of job is this? Yang Yutong, who had no idea about this, interned in a hospital almost around the clock for more than a month before starting the machine. He worked with the equipment nurses and was also lucky enough to enter a real operating room to learn and observe. "You can personally feel that this is a very careful job. For each operation, they have to prepare different instruments and move very quickly. Although the operating room is a closed environment with many people, their voices are full of energy when they speak , especially when counting equipment, the count should be clear enough for everyone to hear. I didn't understand why at first, until I later observed that there was a nurse next to me taking the records. It really felt like "military management". ."

Recently, actor Feng Bing, who plays 'Old Mo' in the TV series 'Crazy', was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is re - Lujuba

Yang Yutong plays the role of "instrument nurse" in "Surgery Room".

In order to replicate the professionalism of a device nurse in every gesture, Yang Yutong requires himself to distinguish and remember the names of all medical devices in a short period of time, and to be able to use them skillfully - this means that for people with zero medical background, it means that they have to pay more than Ordinary people work several times harder. She bought a professional instrument from the hospital and practiced at home every day how to quickly pass the surgical thread through the eye of the needle; how to ensure safety and increase speed when passing sharp surgical instruments... "I am the only one who can do these movements smoothly, like Only when I can react correctly and subconsciously can the audience believe that I am really a device nurse. I feel that from the moment I receive this role, I have to think that I have changed my career and am about to start this career.”

Before starring in the fire-fighting drama "He Came from the Fire", actor Huang Jingyu had actually played soldiers in many works such as "Operation Red Sea" and "Ace Force". However, in order to accurately interpret a professional firefighter, he also Learn from scratch the more detailed professional skills of climbing ladders, climbing ropes, tying knots, and cutting wires on light bulbs.

Recently, actor Feng Bing, who plays 'Old Mo' in the TV series 'Crazy', was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is re - Lujuba

Huang Jingyu stars in the fire-fighting drama "He Came from the Fire".

Before Luo Jin starred in "Outside the Court", he had just played a civil lawyer in "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses". However, considering that "Outside the Court" was a lawyer in a criminal case and the character's character was more cold, Luo Jin returned to the role. I picked up legal books and read different versions of "Criminal Law" every night before going to bed during filming. "I will use this to familiarize myself with relevant legal vocabulary and recite it more in my free time, so that I will not be unfamiliar with professional lines during filming." In addition to "gnawing" law books, Luo Jin also "returned" to the law firm again, communicated with lawyer practitioners, and once again observed their most real life conditions. "When lawyers present facts and reason in court, it is actually just a result, but the process is very arduous. All kinds of evidence collection, including consideration of the entry point of a case, require a serious and rigorous attitude, talent, and It’s too broad to grasp.”

Recently, actor Feng Bing, who plays 'Old Mo' in the TV series 'Crazy', was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is re - Lujuba

When Luo Jin appeared in “Outside the Court”, he studied “Criminal Law” hard.

No stand-in is needed for the highlight

It is difficult for practitioners to understand more deeply

Workplace dramas want the audience to believe and create a sense of substitution. In addition to the blessing of professional knowledge, true and sincere interpretations will also add points to workplace dramas. Many actors have said that it is one thing to experience life, but it is another thing to actually practice it yourself. But only by personally completing those difficult and risky professional scenes can they truly understand the hardships and difficulties of the profession, and then better understand and enter the role.

Like "Light Chaser", it shows many real and professional rescue processes, such as the "self-rescue" in the cave, underwater rescue and other professional and risky scenes, many of which were completed by the starring Wu Qian herself. "If these heavy-scene rescue scenes were not completed by the actors, they would not be able to get deeper into the characters. Because we are not highly trained professional rescuers, these scenes were really difficult to shoot, but compared to Regarding the real experiences of the rescue workers, the hardships we experienced were insignificant compared to other difficult scenes. Because I have previous diving experience and have a diving certificate, there will be less difficulty when filming underwater rescue. A lot of timidity."

In "Thank You Doctor", Yang Mi plays a doctor who has just returned from the rescue work without borders. The filming of the Rescue Without Borders part was completed in Yinchuan. Yang Mi recalled that the wind and sand were very strong during the filming, and her face cracked after three days of filming. Because it was too dry, her face felt painful when she applied a facial mask after removing makeup at night. "And because the wind was so strong, I heard that our set was blown away several times. The filming of that scene was really tight on time and the tasks were heavy, and it felt quite stressful. At that time, I thought of the doctors who were actually doing rescue work without borders. , it’s really not easy, because not only is the natural environment a problem, but the medical conditions are also very bad. It is very difficult to persist in saving people under such circumstances.”

Exploring the connection between character

and professional background

For actors. Professional familiarity must ultimately serve character creation, that is, how to combine the character's own personality characteristics with the industry background in which he is engaged. The two complement each other to promote more reasonable character behavior and plot development, and better allow ordinary audiences to become involved and generate emotions. Emotional resonance is what actors need to think about by returning their professional practice to performance.

When Guo Qilin starred in "The Ordinary Road", he abandoned the elite lawyer style in suits and ties that is common in real life or traditional urban dramas. Instead, he went beyond the profession and accurately based on the characters to interpret an ordinary person with an ordinary background. Pan Yan, an "ordinary" trainee lawyer with ordinary academic qualifications. In the play, Pan Yan is an urban youth who is experiencing the pain of growing up. He has read more than 200 resumes but has not responded to them. He was persuaded to quit the job three days after joining the company, and was tactfully "opposed" by his future father-in-law. In Guo Qilin's view, lawyers are not Despite the "high and mighty" image on the screen, many young lawyers also have to frequently travel to their homes and companies to do trivial matters. This is exactly the reproduction of the true side of the growth process of urban young people today."If a handsome guy stops there and everything is settled, do you still need to watch this show? It has to be someone like me. In such an environment, everyone will be curious and can catch it from the beginning. Capture the audience’s attention.”

Recently, actor Feng Bing, who plays 'Old Mo' in the TV series 'Crazy', was encountered by netizens while delivering food. Wearing simple and inconspicuous clothes and a helmet, he rode an electric bike through the streets of Shanghai, just like an ordinary delivery boy. It is re - Lujuba

Guo Qilin plays a rookie lawyer in “The Ordinary Road”.

When Yang Yutong understood the role of Xie Yiren in "Surgical Live Room", he also combined his personality with the characteristics of a medical nurse. Because the role in the script is set to have strong work ability and require advancement, and the equipment nurse is a profession that requires speed, competence, and caution, so Yang Yutong understands that Xie Yiren should be an outgoing, lively girl, and her speech speed should also be special. Fast and responsive. "Furthermore, the equipment nurse faces a lot of work pressure every day, so I dress myself up to be more capable; her personality is like a little sun full of positive energy every day, which highlights her more courageous and agile personality. On the one hand. "

Even the imperfections of the characters, when combined with a reasonable career path, will make the audience understand and resonate. In "My Assistant Is Not Simple", Wang Ziwen plays the role of Jiang Tian, ​​an interior designer who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He has strong business skills but is not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. This kind of personality appears in the interior design industry. In the play, he was "assigned" to his hometown branch because he reported a colleague's violation of regulations; because he disagreed with Party A's Mr. Qian, he made a shocking statement: "The owner can be stupid, but my design Don’t be stupid” and other plots. If you separate it from the workplace background, this is not a likable character design. However, before starting the filming, Wang Ziwen learned various professional interior design knowledge in advance, such as house structure, site survey, panel selection, etc., and deeply understood Being a designer is an interesting and brain-burning profession that requires a steady stream of new ideas, new ideas, and new inspirations, and has a very high threshold. Wang Ziwen believes that although these shortcomings in her character may become a stumbling block for Jiang Tian's career, the premise of all this stems from her great respect for the designer profession; it is this kind of character flaw that makes Jiang Tian The characters are more real, relatable, and believable.

Beijing News reporter Zhang He

editor Tong Na

proofreader Zhai Yongjun

Tags: entertainment