Recently, Hunan Satellite TV's "Singer 2024" has caused widespread discussion and attention due to the live broadcast format. After the first competition, two singers from abroad ranked first and second, and Na Ying ranked third. Netizens frantically chanted "Save Yingzi". On May

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Recently, Hunan Satellite TV's "Singer 2024" has caused widespread discussion and attention due to the live broadcast format. After the first competition, two singers from abroad ranked first and second, and Na Ying ranked third. Netizens frantically chanted "Save Yingzi".

Recently, Hunan Satellite TV's 'Singer 2024' has caused widespread discussion and attention due to the live broadcast format. After the first competition, two singers from abroad ranked first and second, and Na Ying ranked third. Netizens frantically chanted 'Save Yingzi'. On May - Lujuba

html On May 12, Han Hong sent a message to invite singers to compete. Since then, Liu Meilin, Zeng Yiming and many other singers have also requested to compete. Topics such as #汉红看道WRong# and #娄伊潇自nominated singer# have also reached the top of the hot search list.

html On May 13, Zhang Jie posted his 2017 performance in "Singer" with the caption: "As a singer, singing live is the most basic requirement! For those who question prejudice, time has given the answer." Suspicious response Netizens called for it to be featured on "Singer".

Hunan Satellite TV singer responded by saying that "Singer 2024" has a rigorous schedule system and fair and open competition rules. Subsequent invitations will be made according to the schedule of each singer. On May 13, Mango Super Media’s stock price closed at 25.25 yuan at noon, a surge of 12.22%, with a total market value of 47.2 billion. As of press time, it rose 10.62% in the afternoon.

Recently, Hunan Satellite TV's 'Singer 2024' has caused widespread discussion and attention due to the live broadcast format. After the first competition, two singers from abroad ranked first and second, and Na Ying ranked third. Netizens frantically chanted 'Save Yingzi'. On May - Lujuba

In 2023, the company achieved total operating income of 14.628 billion yuan (yoy+4.66%); net profit attributable to the parent company was 3.556 billion yuan, (yoy+90.73%); deducting non-net profit was 1.695 billion yuan, (yoy+5.70%). In 24q1, operating income was 3.324 billion yuan (yoy+7.21%); operating profit was 547 million yuan (yoy+3.69%); net profit attributable to the parent company was 472 million yuan (yoy-13.85%). The company's total profit in 24q1 maintained a year-on-year growth, but affected by changes in corporate income tax policies, the company's after-tax profits declined year-on-year.

Huachuang Securities analysis, Mango Super Media Q2 has rich content schedule. In terms of advertising, according to previous investment promotion information, Q2 is expected to launch 11 variety shows, including the key variety show "Chengfeng 2024" (launched on 4/19). The investment promotion is expected to be basically the same as last year. Flat), "Singer 2024" (returning after 4 years), it is recommended to actively pay attention to the progress of investment promotion; in terms of members: the 24-year drama reserve is relatively abundant + channel cooperation continues, the membership business is expected to maintain steady growth throughout the year, and you can look forward to the drama Breakthroughs lead to more increments. In addition, at the end of 2023, it reached a strategic cooperation with Douyin, using short drama co-creation as a starting point, and is expected to contribute new growth.

Debon Securities mentioned that the Mango TV International app covers 195 countries and regions around the world and has been downloaded more than 140 million times, making it an important window for culture to go overseas. Mango TV International App’s global “doubling plan” will use Southeast Asia as a bridgehead, leap to the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the United States, and gradually enter the mainstream European and American communities. In April 2024, Hunan Radio and Television visited Singapore and Malaysia, carried out 13 official activities, held discussions and exchanges with heads of 12 media organizations, operators, companies and government departments including the Singapore Tourism Board, signed 4 cooperation agreements, and visited China The embassy in Singapore and Malaysia will expand all-round cooperation between Hunan Radio and Television and Singapore and Malaysia in the fields of cultural tourism promotion, media content, channels, and copyright, and contribute to deepening the friendly exchanges between China and Singapore and China and Malaysia.

Looking ahead, Debon Securities believes that Mango TV’s business is expected to maintain growth. On the one hand, the rich film list in 2024 and the combination of high-quality content and membership activities are expected to further increase the number of effective members; on the other hand, the advertising business has recovered well, and the year-on-year growth rate in 23q4 has turned positive, and is expected to recover further in the future. Pay attention to the progress of overseas business and further contribute to membership and advertising business growth. State-owned enterprises + aigc are expected to further enhance the valuation center.

Tags: entertainment