Another phenomenal internet celebrity has appeared. Recently, a young man named Guo Youcai insisted on doing a live broadcast at Heze South Station and sang a cover of "Promise", which suddenly became popular on the Internet recently. It's been a long time....

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Another phenomenal internet celebrity has appeared.


a young man named Guo Youcai,

insisted on doing live broadcasts at Heze South Station,

sang a cover of "Promise",

suddenly became popular on the Internet recently.

Heze South Station has no longer stopped for passenger trains for a long time, so it is very popular. Many tourists come here to listen to the music and check in.

Another phenomenal internet celebrity has appeared. Recently, a young man named Guo Youcai insisted on doing a live broadcast at Heze South Station and sang a cover of 'Promise', which suddenly became popular on the Internet recently. It's been a long time.... - Lujuba

This "Heze Shuge"'s live broadcast style is very unique, which reminds people of Wang Baoqiang's dress in the movie "Mr. Tree".

Another phenomenal internet celebrity has appeared. Recently, a young man named Guo Youcai insisted on doing a live broadcast at Heze South Station and sang a cover of 'Promise', which suddenly became popular on the Internet recently. It's been a long time.... - Lujuba

Guo Youcai was dressed in clothes from the 1990s, standing in front of the abandoned Heze South Station, singing an old song full of emotion, which seemed to bring the audience back to that innocent era.

Another phenomenal internet celebrity has appeared. Recently, a young man named Guo Youcai insisted on doing a live broadcast at Heze South Station and sang a cover of 'Promise', which suddenly became popular on the Internet recently. It's been a long time.... - Lujuba

Although Guo Youcai is an amateur singer,

he is very involved in the live broadcast.

His old style jacket and slightly aged voice perfectly match the lonely Heze South Station.

It is reported that he uploaded a video of the cover song "Promise" on his personal account

on May 9,

accompanied by a homemade mv,

which aroused the resonance of many netizens.

html On May 10, the reporter saw that Guo Youcai’s

personal account still had 190,000 fans.

On May 13, it had risen to 2.3 million.

The video "Promise" had only 20,000 likes on the 10th.

Now It has already been liked by 947,000 people, and it has become popular at an alarming rate.

Another phenomenal internet celebrity has appeared. Recently, a young man named Guo Youcai insisted on doing a live broadcast at Heze South Station and sang a cover of 'Promise', which suddenly became popular on the Internet recently. It's been a long time.... - Lujuba

Some netizens said, "The pain he sang was so painful that

even ibuprofen couldn't stop it" and "the stamina was too great."

A young man who sings live during the day and sets up a stall selling barbecue at night,

is proud to receive such an evaluation.

His family encountered misfortune and he entered society early.

A hard life and the courage to pursue dreams.

The reporter learned that Guo Youcai, the tree brother of Heze, was originally named Guo Zhuang. , was born in a small village in Heze in 1999. Although his family background is ordinary, like ordinary rural children, he is accompanied by his parents every day. However, bad news came unexpectedly. In 2009, with the tragic death of his mother, when he was only 10 years old, his life trajectory began to change drastically.

Due to family reasons, Guo Youcai's father had no choice but to form a new family. Guo Youcai, who was very uncomfortable with it, moved to his third aunt's house. Changes in life have made Guo Youcai's character gradually become introverted. Three years later, he chose to drop out of school and enter the society. For a child, he cannot find a suitable job at this age and can only work as an apprentice in a tram repair shop. Although there is no salary, the boss is very kind, and at least he can eat hot meals every day through his own efforts. Two years later, Guo Youcai became a front desk clerk at a bathing center. Although the salary was not high, he finally had his own income.

It was during the Spring Festival of that year that he was on duty at the company, watching the gorgeous fireworks in the distance alone, and decided to work hard for himself and make changes, and then came up with an idea that would affect his future life path. .

Although his family has no material foundation, he still has his own dream in his heart. "Teach yourself singing and gain a different life for yourself." With this idea in mind, Guo Youcai spent 6 yuan to buy a set of learning tutorials online. During the learning process, in order to cooperate with singing, he "deducted" 300 yuan from his tight living expenses to buy a guitar. Dreams start from now on.

Failed to start a business twice, but his dream has never been extinguished

While pursuing his dream, Guo Youcai still needs to work hard for a living.

After hard work and frugality, Guo Youcai opened a restaurant with his own savings. "The restaurant he opened for the first time was very unique. The decoration inside had many posters of classic songs. He was talented and down-to-earth, and the food was delicious. It attracted many people to dine there. Just when he was daydreaming about the future , when we were about to start a serious business, due to external reasons, the store closed down not long after it opened." A friend of Guo Youcai who helped maintain order told reporters at the live broadcast.

When his first business venture failed, Guo Youcai met a girl named Su Chang, who silently stayed by his side to encourage and support him.It was during this period that Guo Youcai entered the short video industry for the first time. His third aunt, Su Chang, and his relatives and friends have been silently supporting him and made many funny videos. Although they did not become popular, they also accumulated got some fans.

After that, the two started their second business together - opening a barbecue stall. Use high-quality service, good taste and redoubled efforts to maintain customer base. Su Chang also accompanies him every day when shopping and selling goods. "I remember that in the twelfth lunar month of winter, we were so cold that we had runny noses, but with love around us, everything was no longer an obstacle." Guo Youcai once said. It was this companionship that made Guo Youcai strengthen his belief and vowed to work harder and live a different life for his family to see and become the pride of Su Chang. However, "bad luck" struck Guo Youcai again. Just when the barbecue stall was on the right track, he lost his job again due to various reasons.

Just as Guo Youcai was going through hardships in life again, Su Chang's mother saw the love between the two and Guo Youcai's progress. Even though Guo Youcai had nothing at the time, she still held an engagement ceremony for the two and told him, "Get married first." , and then established a career."

In the meantime, Guo Youcai also entered live singing. Although he was not popular enough, he still persisted every day. Until September 2022, a popular anchor came across Guo Youcai's video through live broadcast slicing. He took a fancy to Guo Youcai's talent, chose to have a live broadcast with him, and let Guo Youcai's songs be displayed in front of his fans. At that time, the number of real-time online users in Guo Youcai's live broadcast room reached tens of thousands for the first time.

However, after encountering the controversy of selling goods, Guo Youcai temporarily left the live broadcast stage. Then he created the "Heze Step" in a short video, a slightly funny pace, which once again made Guo Youcai popular, but this was not his dream.

After learning from the painful experience, Guo Youcai chose to start his own business for the third time, still focusing on barbecue. At the same time, he re-registered his account and started singing live for the second time. In 2024, Guo Youcai quickly became popular on the Internet with his songs "Love the country more than the beauty" and "No big deal, forgive me again". Especially the popularity of "Promise" caused his attention on the Douyin platform to soar. One month The number of internal fans increased to 900,000. The song deeply touched the heartstrings of the audience, and the comments section was full of people sharing their emotional resonance with the song.

Although Guo Youcai is currently popular, he has not forgotten his original intention. While insisting on live broadcasting at 10 a.m. every day, he still works hard to run a barbecue stall at night and uses part of the income for charity.

html On May 11, Mr. Xu, a fan from Changchun, Jilin, told reporters that he drove from Changchun, Jilin to Heze to support Guo Youcai on the spot. "I drove more than 20 hours and more than 1,600 kilometers." Mr. Xu said that he heard Guo Youcai's cover of "Promise" on the short video platform and found it very pleasant and "high-spirited".

Internet popularity is only temporary

Let’s get down to business

According to a media interview with Guo Youcai’s girlfriend Su Chang, their barbecue business is now full every day, and everything in the freezer is sold out, so life has become very complicated. Busy. And because our business is so good, some people can't wait in line, and then they go to other places to eat, so it also drives a little business to other merchants. Sometimes outside, there will be many passers-by taking pictures of us with their mobile phones.

reporter interviewed Su Chang and learned, "When I met him, he liked to collect old gadgets from the 1970s and 1980s. He was older in thinking. He actually thought about those old gadgets from the 1970s and 1980s. In life, before the fire, he had collected three old bicycles, very old ones, and he would also collect some old objects from some of our local villages, and he had been keeping them before the fire. Such people."

Regarding his plans after becoming popular, Su Chang replied, "Then we will do business well, because the popularity of the Internet is only temporary. For now, we should just stick to it, otherwise our business will not be easy. We will do this barbecue stall. He has been doing it for many years, but he still wants to continue doing it. If he has the chance, he would also like to try some original songs.”

Due to the sudden increase in live broadcast traffic at Heze South Station, network congestion was once caused. In order to solve this problem, Heze Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom immediately dispatched signal trucks to the South Station to alleviate the network congestion problem, and added a network on site. Base station. At the same time, initiated by the Heze Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, volunteers from the Municipal Youth Volunteer Association deliver Heze peony to out-of-town tourists and network anchors from 8 am to evening every day, and provide them with free mobile phone charging, drinking water, Road guidance and other services.

Many people said that when Guo Youcai sang "The Promise" in the live broadcast, they couldn't help but get goosebumps. The feeling hit people's hearts. After watching it many times, they had different feelings every time. They did not give in to fate and worked hard. The feeling of struggle makes people's hearts unable to calm down for a long time. Why is "Guo Youcai" from Heze South Station so popular?

In terms of singing skills alone, some celebrities in the entertainment industry may be much higher than Guo Youcai, but netizens are definitely not checking in. What really touches the fandom-style star-chasers is the unchangeable sentiment in his songs that has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Guo Youcai is not only talented, but also has a story. He is a rural boy who lost his mother when he was young and grew up in his aunt's house. He is obsessed with music. But he didn’t have the qualifications to receive professional music education, so he bought tutorials to learn music on his own, and took selfies and sang while practicing. This story is very touching, and it shows that the perseverance of a “grassroots” singer is indeed more important than beautiful lyrics. Moving.

What is also moving is the Heze South Station behind Guo Youcai. The Heze South Station was built in the late 1970s. The first train that entered Heze in 1980 once made the people of the old district excited. The railway station was once the starting point for many Heze people to pursue their dreams. Countless Heze people boarded green leather cars from here to go to school and work...

Today, Heze has entered the "high-speed rail era", and the Xiongshang High-speed Railway is under construction It will intersect with the already completed Shandong High-speed Railway in Heze. In the future, Heze will become an important hub in the national high-speed railway network. As the trains of the times accelerate, the aging Heze South Station will be relieved of the burden of passenger transportation. However, it is still an immortal "landmark" in the hearts of many Heze people. Its simple appearance also reminds many netizens of the past years. In this station square, you can more clearly feel the vigorous growth of this city.

Guo Youcai in Heze. The song "Promise" of the South Railway Station sings the resonance of the times. As long as the sun rises and perseveres, the "grassroots" can also shine.

The nine meanders of the Yellow River have accumulated thousands of miles of fertile fields, and the land of peonies. The city is blooming with fragrance. Heze is becoming more and more popular on the Internet. This city with its own Internet celebrity temperament may once again use another method after experiencing a wave of "Shandong Heze Caoxian 666". Out of the circle. No matter what, the simple Heze people are trying their best to shout and sing for a better life. How can such a city and such people not be touching?

Source: Jingshi Live

Tags: entertainment