On May 10, the family suspense-themed movie "Girl in the Clouds" held its premiere event at Eying 1958 Cinema. The film is directed by young producer Ding Ding, produced by Tang Danian, and stars Shang Yisha, Wen Qing, He Liao Luyun and others. It will be released on May 17. The

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On May 10, the family suspense-themed movie "Girl in the Clouds" held its premiere event at Eying 1958 Cinemas.

The film is directed by young producer Ding Ding, produced by Tang Danian, and stars Shang Yisha, Wen Qing, He Liao Luyun and others. It will be released on May 17.

On May 10, the family suspense-themed movie 'Girl in the Clouds' held its premiere event at Eying 1958 Cinema. The film is directed by young producer Ding Ding, produced by Tang Danian, and stars Shang Yisha, Wen Qing, He Liao Luyun and others. It will be released on May 17. The  - Lujuba

The movie "Girls in the Clouds" is a female-themed film that tells the story of ballet girl Yu Liu (played by Wen Qing) who runs away from home and meets Saner (played by Shang Yisha), an orphan in the city. The two girls maintained their friendship for four years. Because of an accident, Yu Liu had an accident. San'er self-righteously decided to find the truth for her based on what Yu Liu had said. But what San'er didn't know was that Yu Liu had planted a secret seed. In this "Rashomon"-like memory, the ending puts San'er in trouble. At the

event, Shang Yisha revealed that in order to play the role of San'er in the film, she spent a month gaining 30 pounds. "After filming, I tried my best to lose weight. This process was very painful, but I think it's worth it as long as I can create a good movie."

On May 10, the family suspense-themed movie 'Girl in the Clouds' held its premiere event at Eying 1958 Cinema. The film is directed by young producer Ding Ding, produced by Tang Danian, and stars Shang Yisha, Wen Qing, He Liao Luyun and others. It will be released on May 17. The  - Lujuba

Director Ding Ding said bluntly that in fact, he had mostly filmed romance themes before, "Some time ago I have just finished filming the costume drama "The Year of the Flower" starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe , and I am serving as the producer. The movie "Girls in the Clouds" is actually a realistic-themed work that I have always wanted to do, because it is more relevant to our lives. Close. But I don’t want to ‘educate’ others with this movie. I don’t think the movie is preachy. I hope everyone can have their own feelings after watching it.”

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao intern Wu Sixuan editor Zeng Qi

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